subject: idle reduction tax credit of 2004 hr #4209

To: State Senator ___________________________________
Representing State of ________________________________
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to express my views on the proposed legislation written that is being currently
discussed in government. Idle Reduction tax credit H.R. 4209 pertains to specific truck
equipment such as and idle reduction technologies.
As a member of the trucking community, I am very interested in the use of idle-elimination
technologies to promote the efficient use of precious fuel, to improve air quality, driver comfort
and the reduced importation of foreign oil. The need for Federal restraint on fossil fuel
consumption is as serious as the conservation of air and water. A great many of us truck owners
and drivers want to own these products, but can’t afford it. Idling of the truck engine is currently
an expensive, unsatisfactory method of surviving severe cold or heat weather conditions during
off duty hours in the sleeper bunk. New solutions have emerged, but certain barriers exist such as
weight restrictions and government taxation.
For years, owners of trucks who wish to participate in the emerging fuel saving technologies find
it punishing to realize that government imposes a federal excise tax on the purchase of idle
reduction devices such as Generators, APU’s, Diesel Fired Heaters, or Electrification Products
when they buy a new truck. This inhibiting factor keeps droves of potential customers away from
making the investment.
The tax exemption must be applied to encourage truck owners to invest in our national objective
of clean air and fuel conservation. This measure is not only a smart thing for government to doit’s a moral one. The transportation industry is comprised of MILLIONS of hard working men
and women investing huge sums of money to finance capital costs of new trucks competing in a
low paying, highly competitive industry. Revenues from excise taxes, sales taxes, road taxes,
fuel taxes, license fees and other permit costs ensure that we truck operators have a daunting task
as business owners to survive. It is highly unfair that one industry (such as ours) shoulder the
burden of environmental change without some kind of government assistance.
Truck equipment is very expensive, requiring financing of payments over 3, 4 or even 5- year
increments to manage cash flows effectively. Many of us owner operators find that raising lump
sum capital for an additional idle reduction devices with some costing in the $6,000-$8,000
range (plus 13% FET) is very difficult. Obviously the amortized cost of acquiring an idle
reduction product at the time a new truck is purchased is critical to the ability of owners to have
one. FET taxes on idle elimination equipment sends a crushing blow to the initiative of people
wanting to do the right thing. Our government needs to reward those who share the national
vision of environmental consciousness so we ask for your support in recommending that tax
credits pertaining to idle devices be included in this transportation bill. This is a very important
incentive to move things forward for our industry and our country.
In addition, we would welcome a 400 lb weight allowance for auxiliary climate devices on heavyduty trucks. This measure would encourage a much larger level of participation from those who
want the technology of idle reduction, but cannot due to weight restrictions. (Currently 80,000 lb
loads are the limit, without special permits). We, the industry at large feel that the addition of a
much-needed auxiliary climate device provides significant benefits but unfortunately still has
negative repercussions from state laws.
We need your help and that of your fellow legislators to ensure our industry can play a role in
fuel conservation and air quality standards. We urge you to support the tax credit of idle
reduction technology on all trucks. These devices are NOT propulsion engine technologies; they
are fuel saving devices critical to the comfort of long haul drivers. We are patriotic men and
women who keep our nations economy rolling need the support of government to make our lives
endurable. Please support us with these measures, say YES to Bill #H.R.4209.
Thank you.