The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath
Author: Matthew Tidwell
About 4 weeks
Preparation Class sets copied of provided handouts
Collections of images from provided website
Class sets of provided handouts
Class sets of provided study questions
Class sets of The Grapes of Wrath
Thumbnail pictures from provided website
Averkey—hooks computer to a television screen
This lesson is designed for students to explore the effect of the Great Depression and will cover
several weeks while the students read John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. More importantly,
a connection will be made between the novel and the condition of migrant workers during this
time. The students will perform several tasks while reading, including extrapolation and jigsaw
activities, research and vocabulary development. The lesson is divided into three different
categories: into, through, and beyond. The activities that should be completed are listed under
each category as well as appropriate handouts and/or worksheets. Finally, a lesson outline is
included to allow the teacher a chance to see how the designer envisioned this lesson being
The students will share their reactions to core issues from The Grapes of Wrath.
The students will read, explain, and analyze The Grapes of Wrath.
The students will research their family history and create a migration journal.
The students will develop their vocabulary.
Strand 1
Concept 4: Vocabulary
PO 1: Draw inferences about the meaning of new vocabulary, based on knowledge of linguistic
roots and affixes
Concept 5: Fluency
PO 1: Read from a variety of genres with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody.
Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies
PO 1: Predict text content using prior knowledge and text features.
PO 2: Generate clarifying questions in order to comprehend text.
PO 3: Use graphic organizers in order to clarify the meaning of the text
PO 4: Connect information and events in text to experience and to related text and sources.
PO 5: Apply knowledge of organizational structures of text to aid comprehension.
Strand 2
Concept 1: Elements of Literature
PO 1: Evaluate the author’s use of literary elements.
PO 3: Analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or
comment on life, providing textual evidence for the identified theme.
Concept 2: Historical and Cultural Aspects of Literature
PO 1: Describe the historical and cultural aspects found in cross-curricular works of literature.
PO 2: Relate literary works to the traditions, themes, and issues of their eras.
PO 3: Analyze culturally or historically significant literary works of American literature that reflect
our major literary periods and traditions.
Teacher Background
The teacher will want to gather information on John Steinbeck, the Great Depression, and the
dust bowl. This information will be given before the students begin reading the book. Additionally,
the teacher will visit the provided websites and collect images on Hoovervilles. These images will
be shared with the students during a specific point in the book. The teacher will want to gather
some information about the nature of Hoovervilles to be given during the slide show.
Related and Resource Websites
Introductory Activities:
1. Reaction Issues
A. This activity allows students to explore some of the core issues that arise in The
Grapes of Wrath. This can be done as an individual or a group activity. The
students will respond to the questions and then share their comments during a
class discussion
2. Notes Sheet
A. This handout allows students to take notes on not only the author and the Great
Depression, but to trace important moments for each character. The students will
work individually and with the teacher on these notes. Additionally, because of
the size of the novel and the amount of information given about each character,
the notes sheets become a wonderful study aide. However, the teacher may
want to use the notes in what ever way meets the students’ needs.
Ongoing Activities:
1. Reading
A. The students will read in class and on their own. Generally, reading is done in 2
to 3 chapter increments. This is completely up to the teacher as to how fast or
slow they wish to read the novel. Obviously, this is determined on the level of the
students in the class.
2. Class Discussion
A. The teacher will lead class discussions after each reading assignment. The
nature of these discussions will want to focus on plot, themes, characterization,
and symbolism.
3. Review Questions
A. These questions are taken from a unit lesson created by the Perfection Learning
Company. These questions can also be used for class discussion.
4. Vocabulary
A. The students will improve their vocabulary skills by completing vocabulary work.
The words are organized into multi-chapter sections. It is recommended that the
students complete the vocabulary work before they read a particular section. The
words are taken from a unit lesson created by the Perfection Learning Company.
5. Extrapolation
A. The students will analyze specific passages from the book. This activity can be
down individually or as a group activity.
6. Hooverville Slide Show
A. The teacher will visit the provided websites, collect thumbnail images and
present a slide show.
7. Migration Journal
A. The students will trace their family history, focusing on the movements the family
made and why. This project will have the students interview family members,
write a narrative of their family, and present their journal to the class.
8. Reading Quizzes
A. Quizzes will be administered throughout the reading to check for comprehension.
B. The teacher will want to create their own quizzes to match the topics that arose
during class discussions.
Beyond Activities:
1. Final Test
A. The students will show their mastery of the material during a final test.
Recommended Outline for The Grapes of Wrath Lesson:
 The teacher can take this outline and modify as necessary. Obviously, the teacher may
have other activities that they need to do, so completely following this outline may be
Day 1
1. Reaction issues
 The teacher will conduct a class discussion after the students complete this
2. Assign vocabulary for chapters 1-6. For each of the words, the students should find the
definition, the part of speech, the origin of the word, and use the word in a sentence.
 Finish for homework
Day 2
2. Review vocabulary
3. Notes on John Steinbeck, the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl
 The students will use the notes sheet for taking notes. This is also a great
organizer for all the notes the students will take.
4. Pass out books
5. Read chapter 1 and discuss as a class
6. Assign chapter 2 for homework
Day 3
1. Review reading from homework
2. Read chapter 3 and discuss as a class
3. Assign chapter 4 and 5 for homework
Day 4
1. Review reading from homework
2. Take notes on the notes sheet as a class
3. Assign review questions for chapters 1 through 5
 Finish for homework
Handout 3
Day 5
1. Review homework with class
2. Administer quiz on chapters 1 through 5
3. Read chapter 6 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 6
1. Review and discuss reading homework
2. Assign vocabulary for chapters 7-12. For each of the words, the students should find the
definition, the part of speech, the origin of the word, and use the word in a sentence
 Finish for homework
3. Assign chapters 7 and 8 for homework
Day 7
1. Review reading from homework
2. Review vocab
3. Extrapolation for “Tom Joad”
 This activity can be completed individually or jig sawed with group work.
4. Assign chapters 9 and 10 for homework.
Day 8
1. Review reading from homework
2. Administer quiz on chapters 6 through 10
3. Read chapters 11 and 12 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 9
1. Review reading from homework
2. Take notes on the notes sheet as a class
4. Assign vocabulary for chapters 13-18. For each of the words, the students should find the
definition, the part of speech, the origin of the word, and use the word in a sentence
 Finish for homework
5. Assign chapter 13 for homework
Day 10
1. Review reading from homework
2. Review vocabulary
3. Read chapters 14 and 15 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 11
1. Review reading from homework
2. Administer quiz on chapters 11 through 15
3. Assign Migration Journal
4. Assign chapters 16 through 18 for homework
Day 12
1. Review reading from homework
2. Extrapolation for “Jim Casey”
 This activity can be completed individually or jig sawed with group work.
3. Assign vocabulary for chapters 19-24. For each of the words, the students should find the
definition, the part of speech, the origin of the word, and use the word in a sentence
 Finish for homework
Day 13
Review vocabulary
Read chapter 19 and discuss as a class
Hooverville slide show
Assign a response journal for the students to write based on their reactions to the slide
Day 14
1. Turn in slide show responses
2. Take notes on the notes sheet as a class
3. Migration Journal check
 Check with students to make sure they are making progress, answer questions
as necessary.
4. Read chapters 20 through 22 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 15
1. Review reading from homework
2. Administer quiz on chapters 16 through 22
3. Read chapters 23 and 24 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 16
1. Review reading from homework
2. Assign vocabulary for chapters 25-30. For each of the words, the students should find the
definition, the part of speech, the origin of the word, and use the word in a sentence
 Finish for homework
Day 17
1. Review reading from homework
2. Read chapters 27 and 28 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 18
1. Review reading from homework
2. Read chapters 29 and 30 and discuss as a class
 Finish for homework
Day 19
1. Review reading from homework
2. Turn in and present Migration Journal
 The format for the presentation is left up to the teacher
Day 20
1. Administer final test
 This test should be teacher created so that it covers information covered during
class discussions.
The teacher may want to show the film version of The Grapes of Wrath to wrap up this lesson.
Embedded Assessment
Assessment for this lesson will be seen in the migration journal, responses to books, discussion,
quizzes etc.
Reading assignments
Migration Journal
Review Questions