One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ch 8-11
1) What does McMurphy do that surprises the Chief, and everyone else the next
He is the first one up, and he is singing in the shower. The Chief has been the first one up for
years, so Mac being up is surprising, let alone the singing.
2) What does McMurphy want from the orderly? Why can’t he have it? How does he
make fun of the orderly/policy? What does McMurphy ultimately do?
Toothpaste. The schedule only allows for brushing teeth at 6:45. He mocks them by asking if
toothpaste was dangerous. “You couldn’t brain some guy with the tube, could you?” “And,
lordy, can you imagine? Teeth bein’ brushed at 6:30 – 6:20 – who can tell?” Eventually
Mac brushed his teeth with powdered soap, rather than give in and wait.
3) Who does McMurphy remind the Chief of? Why?
His father. The Chief hasn’t seen anyone confident, clever, and outspoken like McMurphy in
years. Not since his childhood, watching his father deal with the government.
4) How does McMurphy almost win his bet with the patients?
He is walking around in a towel, because his prison clothes are gone. He was not issued
hospital greens (or he ditched them). The nurse, who is furious, orders Washington to get
McMurphy his clothes. When Washington gets back, McMurphy is holding his toothbrush
in one had, and the towel in the other. In order to grab the clothes he drops his towel. He
had his boxers on the whole time, and the nurse loses it, but just for a minute. She doesn’t
snap at McMurphy, she takes her frustration out on Washington, who hates McMurphy for
5) What is the problem with the poker game? When McMurphy talks to the Nurse
about the problem, what is her response?
The music is too loud. She says that the other patients, who can’t play cards, need the music;
it’s their only source of joy. She tells Mac to stop thinking only of himself.
6) How does McMurphy turn this around on her at the group meeting?
He suggests that they turn the music up so the old guys can hear it better, and then they
other guys can go to another room to read or play cards.
6) At the meeting, who spoke up in support of McMurphy’s idea of a ward carnival?
Dr. Spivey. During Mac’s admission interview he has brought this up to the Dr. so it’s all
been set up by McMurphy.
7) How did McMurphy get to use the tub room for card and games?
Dr. Spivey points out that the Chronics won’t need much supervision, so that staff could be
split to cover the day room and the tub room.
8) Why does McMurphy want to talk about his crazy dreams at the group meeting?
To keep the focus on him, and not on any of the other patients. He can take the criticism etc.
far better than the other guys can handle the scrutiny of the meeting.
9) According to the Chief, what does it take to beat the Big Nurse?
You have to beat her every time. You can win several little battles, but when she wins she
will win big. All she needs is one chance to put the power of the hospital into it, and she
wins. Watching Mac dominate the meeting is entertaining, but the look on the nurse’s face
reminds him that she will make Mac pay for this eventually.
10) How does the Monopoly game demonstrate McMurphy’s compassionate side?
He lets them cheat and win. He does do some things for the benefit of the patients (like
taking the pressure off of them at the meeting).
11) How does the “democratic ward” policy fail McMurphy?
He wants the patients to vote to change the schedule so they can watch the world series. He
wants them work during their normal TV time, so they can watch TV during work time
(when the game is on). The patients tell him they want to watch the game, but when it’s
time to vote, only Cheswick does so. The others are too scared of the nurse.
12) Why don’t the other patients support McMurphy’s vote?
They know the nurse does not want to change the schedule. If they vote to do it, then she will
get even for something later. They don’t think it’s worth it.
13) What was McMurphy’s failed plan to break out of the hospital?
Break the window, and the security screen, by throwing the control panel through them. The
control panel is huge, and looks far too heavy. The other patients don’t think he can do it, and
mock him. He makes a bet that he can do it, but he can’t. He doesn’t even come close. He
throws down the money in disgust and storms out of the room.
14) After he failed, what was his message to the others?
“But I tried though . . . I sure as hell did that much, now, didn’t I?”