Business lesson

Reading Lesson Plan
Dan Hinds
 Students will Recognize, identify, and deconstruct the fallacies uded in
 Students will develop and present and understanding of the fallacies used iin
advertise and an argument to support their finding through a multimedia
Instruction and Activities:
Present students with a few of the advertisements that have been gathered from the local
community and begin developing a list of the different advertisements they typically
encounter in their lives.
Ask the students to work in small groups to add other types of advertising to examples
may include television commercials, billboards, sporting events and arenas, magazines,
movies, and clothing.
In their small groups have the students brainstorm places where there ore no
advertisements. After about five minutes, have students share the results with the class
and record them on a chart paper. They should find that advertising is impossible to
escape and ad-free zones rarely exist.
Ask the students what the work fallacy means.(an error in reasoning or a flawed
argument. It is an argument that one who will not conform to the rules of logic, but
appears sound.
Focus on a few of the ads in the school or on the list that the students have developed,
and have students try to identify the type of fallacy in each account.
To further develop an understanding of fallacy and its purpose, engage in a discussion on
this topic. This discussion can be accomplished in numerous ways.
Have students respond to the following question in a journal.
What does the casual acceptance of surrounding ourselves with fallacies say about us?
Check the journal entries the following class period.