Pyramid of Hate - Show Racism the Red Card

Activity name: Sweeping the
Racism away /Pyramid of Hate
Workshop: Show Racism the Red Card, Islamophobia, advanced A Safe Place, Adult
Main Aims: To examine how hate escalates and the difficulty of stopping the
progression once it begins. To illustrate the relationship between the different forms
(less and more severe) of racism. To encourage participants to see how changing their
behaviour can make a huge contribution to the fight against racism.
Delivery: Hand out one sheet of blank paper to each participant, tell them to tear it in
half. On one piece ask them to write down a racist incident that they have experienced
or heard about first hand, perhaps at school or at a football game, it could be something
like incorrect use of terminology. On the other piece ask them to write down another
racist incident that they have heard about, perhaps on the news, in the papers or in a
history lesson. For example the Holocaust, Slave Trade, Anthony Walker’s murder.
Illustrate that there is a scale across the classroom, one side represents the least serious
and the opposite side represents the most severe, encourage all participants to come up
and place their two examples where they think they fit on the scale. Students can move
examples up or down the scale if they disagree with their current position.
Talk through the different examples of racism and question if there is any relationship
between them. Physically move away all of the less serious incidents and ask
participants if the more serious incidents (Deaths, physical assaults, genocide etc) would
ever be possible without the rest? The only way we can stop and prevent further
deaths, hate crime, genocide is by stopping the prejudice, name calling, racist jokes and
apathy, Show the Pyramid of Hate, and discuss.
What factors cause hate to escalate?
How can an individual stop the escalation? How can communities stop the
escalation? (New laws, school policies, education)
Could any of the sections of the pyramid happen in isolation?
What is the relationship between the top and the bottom / two ends of the
What is the cost to the individual who doesn’t act to challenge hate? What is the
cost to the targets of hate? What is the result for society?
Extension / Alternative: Write up the following words: Genocide, Discrimination,
Scapegoating, Hate Crime, Prejudice, and Stereotype, ensure that students understand
the meaning of the words.
Genocide: Systematic destruction or the attempted extermination of a group of people.
Discrimination: Denial of Justice and fair treatment
Scapegoating: Unfairly blaming an individual or group for circumstances that have
varied causes.
Stereotype: An oversimplified generalisation about an entire group of people without
regard for individual differences.
Hate Crime: A criminal act directed at an individual or property because of the victim’s
real or perceived ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or disability.
Prejudice: A negative attitude towards a person or a group formed without examining
individual characteristics.
Give the students the following statements and ask them to match them to the words,
ask them to consider if more then one of the definitions could apply to any of the
1. The gay community are always blamed for HIV/AIDS.
2. During World War 2 Nazi’s murdered 6 million Jews.
3. Employers often don’t hire people whose first language is not English.
4. Anthony Walker was murdered in a park in Merseyside because he was Black.
5. All teenagers wearing hoodies are trouble makers.
6. People often think Gypsy, Roma and Travellers live in caravans because they
can’t afford to buy houses.
Show students the ‘Pyramid of Hate’ and discuss where each of the statements fits in.
Some of the content may be controversial
The extension activity is quite advanced and may not be suitable for less able
Pupils require basic literacy skills
Disengaged pupils will need some support in thinking of their examples.