Hotel Rwanda Reflective Writing Assignment.doc

Hotel Rwanda Reflective Writing Assignment
Write a 1- 1/2 page, typed and double spaced reflection responding to one of
the following questions. This will count as a major writing grade and will be
assessed on the following:
 Quality and thoughtfulness of the response
 Accurate and appropriate references to scenes and information provided
from the movie for support
 Use of proper grammar and diction (you may use first person, but avoid
informal and slang language)
1. In the midst of the brutal civil war depicted in Hotel Rwanda, Paul’s friend
and co-worker Dube asks ,"Why are people so cruel?" How would you answer
2. How is it possible that most people didn't know what was happening in
Rwanda? What can we do today to be made more aware of potentially tragic
situations around the world?
Due Wednesday, March 10th 2010
Papers will lose 20 points if turned in on March 11th and will not be
accepted at all after that date.
If you cannot attend school on the due date, you are expected to either get
your paper to the school or email it to or by 8:30 am March 10th or it will be
considered late.
Hotel Rwanda Reflection Rubric
________/30 Content
Point is clear and related to the prompt; supported by specific examples and
or scenes from the film.
________/30 Style
Introduction, conclusion and transitions are interesting and engage reader.
Writing style is mature, sophisticated and uses a variety of sentence structure.
________/20 Grammar
Proper and appropriate grammar/mechanics are used. This includes
spelling, punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and sentence structure.
________/20 Organization
Well organized; ideas follows logically from each other. Paper has a clear
thesis, clear conclusion and clear introduction.
________/100 TOTAL
-10 points for no edited rough draft
-10 points for failure to do
-20 points for being a day late