Review Guide – 3024

Review Guide – 3024
Exam 2
Be sure you have read all the chapters (6-9 and the relevant articles in the Consequences reader, and video or
guest lecturer materials). As always, you are responsible for all reading and lecture material that is assigned.
The review guide is only a guide. Information not included on this sheet but that which was covered in class or
in the text is fair game.
Know key terms in each Chapter
Chapter 6
Important items to focus your attention on:
1) History and evolution of policing in America (Societal development, English influence, American
Traditions and how all these interact)
a. English influence
b. 3 American traditions (south, NE, west)
c. Kellings 3 eras
2) Know the developmental models of police behavior discussed in class (Klockars, Lundman, Causal model
with elite interests and the police formula for causation discussed in class)
3) How police function in terms of different points in the CJ system (Arrest, Intake, Arraignment…)
4) Basic responsibilities and duties of law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels
5) Understand the recent types of technology and what they have offered to law enforcement. How do they
tie into the modern community policing philosophy and the strategic approaches of problem oriented
policing and intelligence led policing.
6) COP, POP, Compstat, Intelligence led policing
a. What are they
b. How do they work together
c. How are they different
Chapter 7
7) What do police do (functions) and their styles (social support, watchman, legalistic….)
8) Types of discretion and power that lends them in the CJ system
9) Role in balancing civility versus liberty
10) Importance of police/public connections
11) Formal vs. Informal social control mechanisms
12) Community Oriented Policing, Problem Oriented Policing, COMPSTAT
a. What are they?
b. How are they different, how are they similar, how are they intertwined?
13) Differentiate b/w local, state, federal Law Enforcement
a. #’s and functions
14) How many agencies are there in the U.S.
15) Be familiar with basic stats and understanding of minority and female relations in policing
16) Police and corruption, use of force, community relations
a. Factors that effect or entice police to engage in the aforementioned
17) What causes police behavior
18) Police Discretion (invocation versus non-invocation)
19) What is the difference b/w ends based df and means based df of policing
20) Broken windows theory and how it applies to policing
21) Know important scholars and contributions (i.e. Bittner, Reiss, Kelling, Muir)
22) Know criteria of causation
23) Police research on what police do (i.e. cummings, Reiss, PSS, Haller, Wilson)
24) Minneapolis Domestic Violence Study
25) Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment
26) Crime Mapping and its impact on Police Practice
Chapter 8
1) Police and education-trends
2) Minorities and policing-trends
3) Women and policing-trends
4) Police Culture (what makes up police culture and how it effects police practices)
5) Police personality
6) Police Styles (crime fighter, social agent, etc…)
7) Police Corruption\
a. Definition
b. Types
c. Causes
d. Control
8) Use of force
a. Most likely to report
b. Deadly force
c. How many killed each year?
d. Non deadly force (how common vs. deadly force)
e. Types of non deadly force
Chapter 9
1) Exclusionary Rule
a. Significant cases
b. Cases that weaken the exclusionary rule
c. Due process v. Crime Control (impact when the pendulum swings either way
2) Stop and Frisk
a. Strengths
b. Weaknesses
c. Due process v. Crime Control (impact when the pendulum swings either way
3) Searches and Warrants (Reasonableness contingent upon?)
a. Due process v. Crime Control (impact when the pendulum swings either way
4) Miranda
a. Impact
b. Due process v. Crime Control (impact when the pendulum swings either way
5) Confessions (what is required for it to be admissible)
a. Entrapment (what is it and when does it occur)
b. Due process v. Crime Control (impact when the pendulum swings either way
As always, be sure to carefully read the book. Good luck