The Odyssey anser key.doc


The Odyssey


Part One:


What was the name of the kingdom where Odysseus reigned as king ? Ithaca


Who came to see Odysseus on his son’s birthday and why did they come ?

Agamenon Odysseus was needed to fight in the battle against Troy


Who did Odysseus rely on for protection ? Athena


How did the Trojan War end ? The city of Troy was destroyed


Why did Poseidon get angry with Odysseus ? What was his punishment ?

He didn’t thank

Poseidon for saving him from the sea monster/ his punishment was he could never return home


Who did the soldiers meet on the 1 st

island ? How was he related to Poseidon ? Polyphemus

(Cyclops)/son of Poseidon


How did the soldiers escape this island ? They blinded the Cyclops and ran away.


Who inhabited the 2 nd

island ? How was he related to Poseidon ?

Aeolus/ his cousin


What did he give to Odysseus ? a bag of wind


Why did he agree to help Odysseus ? Poseidon was a bully

Part Two:


What happened that prevents the ship from reaching Ithaca ?

members of Odysseus’ crew released the wind they thought it was a treasure Odysseus was not sharing with them


Where did they land ? What happens to Odysseus’ men ?

Aeaea/ Circe changes them into animals


Who does Odysseus meet while climbing up the mountain ? What is he offered ? Hermes/ offers Odysseus advice


Explain why Anticlia goes to the sea. To kill herself out of grief


How much time has passed since Odysseus arrived on Circe’s island ? 5 years


Where must Odysseus now go ? the underworld


At home in Ithaca, the nobles of the island are arriving at Odysseus’ palace. Why ? to declare

Odysseus dead and to marry his wife


Who does Odysseus see in the underworld ? What are his instructions ? god of the Hades

(underworld)/ to kill Scylla


What promise did Penelope make to Odysseus when he went off to fight at Troy ? if he did not return by the time their son became a man (grown his first beard) she would remarry


What does Penelope propose to the suitors ? she would choose a suitor once she has finished weaving a death shroud for Odysseus

Part Three:


What did the men find in the Straights of Scylla ? a 6 headed monster


What does Penelope tell Telemachus to do in order to get rid of the suitors ? go search for his father


Do the men of Ithaca support Telemachus ? Explain. No they do not see him as a man


What does Telemachus decide to do ? board a ship and search for his father


Where does Athena tell him to go ? Sparta


What message does Hermes bring to Calypso ? set Odysseus free


Why do the suitors burn the shroud ? to confirm Odysseus is dead


What does King Menelaos tell Telemachus ? his father is alive


What does Poseidon want Odysseus to understand ? he may return home


Where does Odysseus wake-up ? what do these people offer him ? a small fishing village/ they offer him a boat so he can sail back to Ithaca

Part Four:


Where does Odysseus find himself a the beginning of Part Four ? back in Ithaca


How does he convince Telemachus of his true identity ? talks about Penelope


What is Odysseus afraid of ? Penelope has moved on


How does Athena help him ? She makes him old


Why doesn’t Telemachus kill Antinous in the ring when has the chance ? it is not the right time


What challenge does Penelope offer the suitors ? string Odysseus’ bow and shoot it through

12 loops


What is the outcome ? Odysseus completes the task and reveals himself he is no longer old

Odysseus and his son kill the suitors


What is your opinion of this film ?

The Odyssey People and Places


Aeolus – a mortal whom Zeus a has appointed keeper of the winds.

Agamemnon – King of Mycenae and leader of the expedition to Troy

Antinous – the leader of the suitors. He is cruel, greedy and always tries to justify his evil bevavior.

Anticleia – mother of Odysseus

Athena – daughter of Zeus, goddess of wisdom who favors Odysseus

Calypso – the sea nymph who keeps Odysseus captive for nine years, offers him immortality.

Circe – the enchantress who transforms the crew of Odysseus into swine and other animals. She takes

Odysseus as a lover and helps him with advice and supplies on his voyage home.

Hermes – son of Zeus, ambassador of the gods, also known as the messenger god.

Odysseus – King of Ithaca, husband of Penelope, father of Telamachus. He is the first of the Greek epic

heroes to known for his brain as well as his muscle.

Penelope – Wife of Odysseus. She is serious and industrious, a perfect wife and mother

Polyphemus – a one-eyed Cyclops who held Odysseus and his men captive in his cave.

Poseidon – younger brother of Zeus, god of the sea and earthquakes, father of Polyphemus, holds a

grudge against Odysseus.

Scylla – a sea monster with six heads whom Odysseus and his crew must pass during their voyage.

Sirens – two beautiful maidens who dwell in a flowery meadow on an island. They tempt passing

mariners to their deaths by their song.

Telamachus – son of Odysseus and Penelope.


Aeaea – the island home of the enchantress Circe

Aeolia – an island home of Aeolus, king of the winds.

Capri – home of the Sirens

Hades – the land of the dead

Ithaca – island kingdom of Odysseus

Troy – Kingdom that was destroyed by the Greeks in the Trojan War.
