MLK Essay Contest.doc

MLK Essay Contest
Essays will be written based on the following quote:
“The quality, not the longevity, of ones life is what is important”.
~Martin Luther King Jr.
Quality- is an inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property.
Grades K-1
 Draw 2 illustrations based on this question: What two things in life are most
important to you?
 Under each illustration, explain what it is that is important to you and why.
 Please include Name, grade & home room #
Grades 2-3
 Write a 1/2-1 page length response based on the following questions:
o What does a “quality” life mean to you?
o What two things in your life is most important to you & why?
 Must be hand written or typed.
o If hand written, it must be legible!
o Typed, double spaced, size 12 font
o Please include Name, grade & home room #
Grades 4-6
 Write a 1 page length response based on the following questions:
o What does a “quality” life mean to you?
o What two things in your life is most important to you & why?
o Who might be impacted by the “quality” of your life?
 Must be hand written or typed.
o If hand written, it must be legible!
o Typed, double spaced, size 12 font
o Please include Name, grade & home room #
Essays will be graded on creativity, organization, spelling, and
Every student who participates will receive a Certificate of Achievement. There will
be one 1st place winner per grade level whom will receive a grand prize! (Grand
prize will be announced on a later date).
Start Date: January 18th
* Teachers
Due Date: February 8th
please collect & turn into my box (J. Markle)