ch 1-3 questions.doc

Introductory Questions – Chapters 1-3
1. Explain each of the following terms / identify the significance:
M --------- (what’s the significance of the dashes?):
Bokanovsky’s Process / bokanovskified egg:
Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (DHC):
Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Rooms:
Flowers / Books (why books and botany?):
T-Model Ford:
Centrifugal Bumble-puppy:
2. Explain the significance of the following line taken from chapter 1:
“Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability!”
3. The novel opens with a visit to the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning
Centre. What does the motto, “Community, Identity, Stability” mean for all
people in this society?
4. Chapters 1 and 2 discuss the history of the World State. How and why is the
past, particularly parenting, demeaned?
5. a) What is the purpose of the games that are played in this society? In
particular, refer to the Director’s statement at the beginning of chapter 3
(pgs 25-26), and statements like “Ending is better than mending. The more
stitches, the less riches” as well as Fanny’s statement later in the same
chapter when she says, “One’s got to play the game. After all, everyone
belongs to everyone else.”
b) To what extent has this society reduced life to a series of clichés and/or sex to
a game?
6. What is the significance of choosing Henry Ford as “God?”