Reformation & Renaissance Study Guide Complete

World History Study Guide Completed
Renaissance and Reformation
1. How was the Reformation a good example of Renaissance ideals?
It was a time of change and people began to question authority.
2. What was the importance of the Printing Press to the Reformation?
Used to spread Reformation ideas.
3. Definition of Reformation:
People believed the church had become too powerful & they wanted to go back to more
simpler times.
4. Definition of Indulgence:
Pardon for a sin.
5. What are the churches abuses of indulgences?
Church sold them as a means to make money.
6. Where were the following reformers from? What were their main problems with the
Catholic Church? What was the outcome of their particular situation?
Martin Luther- Germany-Wanted to stop the sale of indulgence as well as have people
translate the bible for themselves-was excommunicated & began Lutheran Church.
John Calvin- Switzerland-God already knew if person would be saved or condemned –
pre-destination – broke from church & started Calvinism.
Henry VIII- England-Wanted male heir & divorce-not granted so left church & started
Anglican Church.
7. Luther began the Reformation
8. The new churches that were formed as a result of the Reformation were called
9. Predestination means: it was decided in advance whether or not the person would be
condemned or saved.
10. Calvin started the Reformed Church.
11. Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church in order to get a divorce.
12. Martin Luther was burned at the stake for disagreeing with the Church.
13. A good definition of the Renaissance is: rebirth or reawakening.
14. The Renaissance began in this location: Northern Italy . Why? They had a wealthy
middle class who were patrons of the arts.
15. The time period of the Renaissance was 1400s.
16. Humanism focused on human nature and the Classics.
17. DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa.
18. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel.
19. Raphael painted the School of Athens.
20. Michelangelo
sculpted the Pieta.
21. DaVinci painted the Last Supper.
22. Printing Press helped Renaissance ideas spread quickly.
23. Van Eych was from the Northern Renaissance and was the first to use Oil paints.
24. ________Henry VIII_____ created the Anglican Church.
25. ______________Cervantes_____________ wrote Don Quixote.
26. ________________Bottacelli_____________ painted Birth of Venus.
27. _________Machiavelli___________________ wrote The Prince.
28. ____________Michelangelo_________________ sculpted the David.
29. Three painting techniques developed during the Renaissance were: _perspective___,
___impressionism__, and _showing of emotions____.
30. An important concept that developed during the Renaissance, influenced by the
Northern Italian merchants was: individualism__.
31. A patron was a ____person who supported the arts.___.
32. The most common type of art in Northern Europe during the Renaissance was_
33. Martin Luther wrote ______95_theses_________________ in order to protest the
Catholic Church.