Chapters 5&6 Study Guide

Chapters 5&6 Study Guide
1. Describe the Doctrine of Discovery in terms what it did for land ownership in
2. Name the 4 policies that were in every treaty signed between the Indians and
the U.S. Government.
3. Describe the Europeans views on land ownership.
4. Describe the Indians views on land ownership.
5. Why did early land transactions between the colonists and Indians lead to
hatred and distrust?
6. Describe President Jefferson’s beliefs about the solution to the Indian
7. Describe two elements to John C. Calhoun’s solution to the Indian problem.
8. Name two people who would have agreed the most about the “Indian
problem” and describe why they would agreed.
Chapters 5&6 Study Guide
9. What were the terms in the Treaty of Doak’s Last Stand?
10. What was wrong with the promises the U.S. government made in the Treaty
of Doak’s Last Stand?
11. Describe the first removal.
12. Describe the second removal.
13. What disease struck the second removal?
14. Compare the human pain and suffering in the second removal as compared
to the first and describe why?
15. What name was the removal journey given?