Macbeth and Banquo meet up at the court of Macbeth's castle. When Banquo
mentions that he had a dream about the Weird Sisters, Macbeth wants to
discuss his desire to become king of Scotland. Banquo also wants the prediction
made about himself to be fulfilled, but he is not willing to do anything
dishonorable to make it happen. He says he is loyal to the King.
1. Banquo leaves, and Macbeth is left with his thoughts. Explain Macbeth's
soliloquy and his feelings as he goes to commit the murder. He is beginning to
hallucinate about a dagger, because he is feeling guilty about killing Duncan.
2. What does the ringing of the bell mean? To the servant that Macbeth’s drink
is ready/To Macbeth it means that Lady Macbeth has taken care of the guards
1. After Macbeth murders King Duncan he agonizes over something. What is it?
A) Hearing a noise
B) Who lies in the 2nd chamber
C)Hearing Donalbain and Malcolm praying
2. What mistake does Lady Macbeth scold Macbeth for? (She later fixes
it.) Keeping the daggers that killed King Duncan
1. Explain how comic relief is provided by the porter's speech. He does knock
knock jokes. It occurs after the tense scene where Lady Macbeth has taken
care of the daggers.
2. What has Macbeth done when he says: "0, yet I do repent me of my fury? He
has killed the servants who supposedly killed Duncan.
3. Who are Malcolm and Donalbain? King Duncan’s sons
4. What do they decide to do after King Duncan is murdered? Malcolm will go to
England and Donalbain to Ireland Why? They feel they are in danger so they
5. Explain the dramatic irony when Macduff says: "0 gentle lady! "'Tis not for
you to hear what I can speak...She is the one who took care of the bloody
daggers and she had already seen worse. Also she has is no gentle lady since
she is the one pushing Macbeth.
6. What does Banquo decide to do, and why do you think he does not accuse
Macbeth of the murder? He wants to further investigate Duncan’s death. He is
not sure whether or not the servants did it.
Ross and an old man are riding along discussing the terrible murder. Along
comes Macduff. He suspects Macbeth because he has killed the only ones who
could lead them to the murderer.
1. What does this scene foreshadow? More murder and deception
2. The orderly scheme of nature is strangely affected by the murder.
Shakespeare skillfully lets nature correspond to man's acts. How is this
revealed by the conversation in this scene? Darkness during the day. An owl
killed a falcon. Duncan’s horses went crazy and ate each other.
3. Who is named successor to King Duncan? Macbeth Why? Malcolm and
Donalbain have run away
4. Where is the coronation to be held? Scone