Assessment #1 Notes for Beowulf: Introduction, Chapters 1-4

Assessment #2 Notes for Beowulf: Introduction, Chapters 1-4
I. Introduction:
1. What are the elements of an epic poem?
Quest(test the hero)
Epic hero cycle(an epic poem cycle is to see if there is a hero or
Resurrection(is a he or a she that nobody knows or was dead in
state mind which after finds out is a hero)
Invocation(pray to the muse)
Preposition(introduction of a epic theme)
Enumeration(counting a fight e.g. armies/heros
In media res(starts from the middle of the event)
Deux of machine(Interruption/miracle of a god)
Anticipation(it is a prediction)
Ephiteton ornans (the hero always has different qualities attributes
of a hero)
2. Give examples of epic works that you know of in comparison, including
3. How do we know that there is truth behind Beowulf the Poem? That
indeed Beowulf the man might have truly existed?
4. What is the genealogy of Beowulf and the Danes
5. Map Work: location of events
6. Vocabulary: your choice of words and how many you have determined
that you want to learn.
7. What are the themes of Beowulf?
II. Chapter One> Add page numbers, giving evidence to support
your ideas.
1. Characteristics of Beowulf:
2. Moral values of Beowulf. What did his character prove about what he
believed in?
3. Why did Beowulf want to risk his life to rid another tribe from terror?
4. How did Beowulf hear about the terror of Hrothgar’s Hall?
5. What are Grendel’s reasons for killing so many thanes? For haunting
Hrothgar’s Hall as he does?
III. Chapter Two> Add page numbers, giving evidence to support
your ideas.
1. Description of Hrothgar’s Hall, and why it was named as such.
2. Beowulf’s thanes: why were they so loyal to him?
3. Similes: Horse/Boat; Men in Armor/Snake. Why are they compared to
one another? How?
IV. Chapter Three> Add Page numbers where you can, giving
evidence to support your ideas.
1. Argument between the Jester, and Beowulf. What was the significance
of it? What did it reveal about Beowulf’s character? What did it reveal
about the Jester’s Character? What is the Jester’s name, and what is
his significance to the Danish King?
2. Give yet another description of Beowulf. Are you convinced that he can
fight Grendel and win because of said description? Why or why not?
V. Chapter Four> Add page numbers, giving evidence to support
your ideas.
1. Grendel’s nightly habits and description of him. What other names are
used to describe Grendel? What do they all have in common? What
2. The fight between Beowulf and Grendel: what happened that was
thought never to have happen? At what sacrifice?
3. What were Grendel’s thoughts throughout his fight with Grendle? What
kind of affect did these thoughts have on Grendel? How did they help
4. What did Grendel’s arm symbolize to the Danes?