Chapter 9 Study Guide (Answers) - Anchor Bay: Honors 8th Grade


Chapter 9 Test Review

Define the following key terms from pages 244-261 protective tariff

Federalist unconstitutional

Kentucky and Virginia Resolution

What is a bond? speculators precedent

Democratic Republican immigrant

Bank of the United States foreign policy

A certificate which promises to repay the money loaned plus interest on a certain date.

What is the job of the Cabinet?

The job of the Cabinet is to give advice and direct their departments.

When did Washington D.C. become the nation’s capital?


What states owed money from the American Revolution?

The states that owed money from the American Revolution where the northern states.

How many terms did Washington serve? When did his last term end?

George Washington served two terms. The last term ending in 1796.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French Army officer who signed an agreement to stop seizing U.S. ships.

What is a faction?

A Faction are opposing groups within political parties.

Why did the Whiskey Rebellion being?

The Whiskey Rebellion began because liquor was taxed for being made or sold to generate revenue to pay for debts.

Describe the XYZ Affair.

Three secret French agents asked for $10 million for France and $250,000 for Talleyrand.

Adams did not reveal their names.

Americans were outraged at the bribe.

Who said that states should use their right to nullify a law?

Thomas Jefferson said that states should use their right to nullify a law.

What was one precedent that George Washington set for future governments of the United States?

Only run for two terms

Washington suggested that we not get involved in foreign affairs.

What was the name given to the heads of the executive departments that served under Washington?

The name given to the heads of the Executive Departments is called the Cabinet.

What was the overall purpose of the Judiciary Act?

The overall purpose of the Judiciary Act was to organize the Federal Court System.

Why did Hamilton think it was a good idea to pay off the national debt?

Hamilton thought it was a good idea to pay off the national debt because he recognized nobody would loan them money if they did not pay.

What was one idea that Hamilton had to raise money for the new government?

One idea that Hamilton had to raise money for the new government was to issue bonds.

What compromise did Hamilton come up with to get the Southerners to support him on the national debt issue?

The compromise Hamilton came up with to get Southerners to support him was to move the nation’s capital to Washington D.C.

Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation was designed to help the United States avoid war with which countries?

Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation helped the United States avoid war with Europe (France and


What advice did Washington give in his Farewell Address about European affairs?

The advice Washington gave in his Farewell Address about European affairs was to avoid becoming involved in European affairs.

What was the difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution?

The difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution was thousands of people loyal to the king were killed.

How did newspapers influence the rise of political parties?

Newspapers influenced the rise of political parties by,

Support views of certain parties

Kept people informed

Why did Jefferson become Vice-President under John Adams?

Jefferson became Vice-President under John Adams because he received the second highest number of electoral votes.

How did Jefferson and Hamilton differ in their views of the power of the federal government? (Pick all that apply)

Jefferson and Hamilton differ in their views of the power of the federal government by Jefferson believing in strong state government, and Hamilton believing in a strong federal government.

How did the Republicans say that the Sedition Act violated the Constitution?

Republicans say that the Sedition Act violated the Constitution by saying it interfered with freedom of speech.

Whose ideas does the following statement most closely compare: “Supporting France would be a bad idea.

England is our natural ally.”

The statement above most closely compares to Alexander Hamilton ’s ideas.

How did American’s respond to Talleyrand and the XYZ affair?

American ’s responded to the Talleyrand and the XYZ affair by outraging at the French.

Why did Federalist support the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Federalist supported the Alien and Sedition Acts because it made immigrants wait longer to become citizens so they could not vote Republican.

What was the difference between a Federalist and a High Federalist?

The difference between a Federalist and a High Federalist was High Federalists believed in a strong military.

What is a Presidential Inauguration?

A Presidential Inauguration is a ceremony where the president takes the oath of office.

Name the FIVE Executive departments that the first Congress created.

The five Executive departments that the Congress created is, sec. of state, sec. of Treasury, sec. of war, Attorney General, and Postmaster General.

Who were America’s first three Presidents?

America’s first three Presidents were G. Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
