Volcano Research Paper

Name: __________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Volcano Research Homework!
Your Mission:
You are to research a famous volcano from around the world. Your volcano
research must answer the questions listed below. Please answer the
questions below using complete sentences. And, please cite your source of
Volcano Researched: ___________________________________________________________
1) In what country is your volcano located? What cities are near the volcano?
2) Is your volcano a composite or shield volcano?
3) How was your volcano formed?
4) Is your volcano dormant (asleep) or active?
5) What was the date of the last volcanic eruption?
6) What occurred in this last eruption? Was the eruption gentle or explosive? Were any people
7) What is society’s relationship with the volcano? How do people interact with the volcano?
8) What does society do to minimize the hazards of the volcano?
Source of Information: _____________________________________________________________
Next Page for Possible
Volcanoes to Research
Name: __________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Possible Volcano List
United States of America
-Mount Spurr, Alaska
-Mount Saint Helens, Washington
-Mount Hood, Oregon
-Mount Kilauea, Hawaii
-Mount Shasta, California
-Mauna Loa, Hawaii
-Amoissa/Abida Volcano, Ethiopia
-Toon Volcano, Chad
-Lake Nyos, Cameroon
-Mount Kenya, Kenya
-Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
-Mount Vesuvius, Italy
-Mount Etna, Italy
-Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
-Hekla, Iceland
-El Chichon, Mexico
-Volcan de las 3 Virgenes
-Mount Colima
Central/South America
-Illimani, Bolivia
-Villarrica, Chile
-Galeras, Colombia
-Cotopaxi, Ecuador
-Tungurahua, Ecuador
-Sabancaya, Peru
-Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
-Poas Volcano, Costa Rica
-Boqueron, El Salvador
-Izalco, El Salvador
-Acatenango, Guatemala
-Fuego, Guatemala
-Santa Maria, Guatemala
-Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
-Conception Volcano, Nicaragua
-Wudalianchi, China
- Mount Usu, Japan
-Bandai, Japan
- Koryaksky, Russia
- Anak Krakatau, Indonesia
-Baitoushan, China
-Mount Fuji, Japan
- Avachinsky, Russia
-Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
- Mayon, Philippines