College Sociology Due Date

College Sociology
Mrs. Surian
Due Date
Paper #1
Sociological Theories . . . a Critical Analysis
After having read C. Wright Mills’ The Promise, write a three-page TYPED paper
that discusses the following:
Part I. The Sociological Imagination
 Explain and discuss C. Wright Mills’ notion of the Sociological Imagination, and
state why possessing such an imagination is essential in order to better understand society.
Cite at least 2 quotes from “The Promise,” and discuss what Mills means by them.
Do you agree or disagree with what he is saying about the social world from these quotes.
**Be sure to cite the page number of the quotes. Eg. (Mills 3)
 Describe what Mills refers to as the Promise? Discuss and analyze what is being promised?
 Discuss an example of how one uses his/her sociological imagination for a normal, everyday
Part II. Social Theories-Symbolic Interaction
Examine the theory of Symbolic Interaction. Describe Mead’s theory and
give a current day example of symbolic interaction that occurs in your
life. You may NOT use the examples discussed in class. (cup, soda etc.)
State and discuss your findings from the research you conducted on Symbolic
Interaction in a country other than the U.S. State how this “symbol” makes
complete sense in that country, but in America it would not.
Explain why.
*Remember, ALWAYS include additional references as a separate
Bibliography at the end of your paper. The works cited should be in MLA
format as an annotated bibliography.
***Paper length: 3 pages, not including your Bibliography, 12 point, aerial font.
Proper Annotated Citation of Ferguson Text:
Mills, C. Wright. "The Promise." 1959. Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in
Sociology. 5th Ed ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008. 1-7. Print.
Ferguson cites the first chapter of the Mills reading in her edited book. I used this reading to . .
Proper Citation of Websites:
Last Name, First Name (of Author). “Name of Section Used.”
Overall Title of Site. Date of Access. URL address.