Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
Vol. 39 No. 8
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Your trusted source for pro-life news
September-October 2009
Health care legislation
threatens unborn children,
vulnerable persons!
Pro-life citizens must take action now
to protect innocent human life
We all support improving health care in the United
States. But health care reform proposals currently making
their way through Congress would significantly expand
abortion and result in the rationing of care for the most
vulnerable members of our society.
The pro-life movement has not faced such a nationwide threat in many years. Lives are at stake, and you
can make a difference!
Abortion funding
Despite public statements by Pres. Barack Obama that “no
federal dollars will be used to fund abortion,” all of the
major bills under consideration would put the federal
government into the business of subsidizing elective
abortion on a massive scale. This would be a drastic
break from longstanding federal policy.
In the House of Representatives, three committees have
approved a bill, “America’s Affordable Health Choices
Act” (H.R. 3200), that would create a federal government
insurance plan (the “public option”) explicitly authorized
to fund all abortions using federal government dollars.
In addition, the bill creates a premium subsidy program
that would use federal funds to subsidize the purchase of
private insurance plans that cover elective abortion.
“Despite what Obama said, the House bill would allow
abortions to be covered by a federal plan and by federally subsidized private plans,” reported the independent
In the Senate, the Health, Education, Labor, and
Pensions (HELP) Committee approved the “Affordable
Health Choices Act” (S. 1679) on July 15, on a 13-10
party-line vote.
“The bill approved by the Senate HELP Committee
would result in the greatest expansion of abortion since
Roe v. Wade,” says Douglas Johnson, National Right to
Life legislative director. “It would result in federally
mandated coverage of abortion by nearly all health plans,
federally mandated recruitment of abortionists by local
health networks, and nullification of many state abortion
laws. It would also result in federal funding of abortion
on a massive scale.”
Legislation must exclude abortion
On Sept. 16, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the
Senate Finance Committee, introduced a second Senate
bill called the “America’s Healthy Future Act.” The bill
contains an array of pro-abortion mandates and subsidies.
A combination bill could reach the floor of the Senate for
What’s inside:
Fall Tour exposes ‘reform’ proposals..............................2
Act now to oppose deadly legislation.............................2
Abortion funded, expanded by health care bills...........3
Health care rationing targets elderly, disabled..............3
Obama not truthful about abortion funding...................4
Assessing the ‘quality-of-life’ ethic..................................5
Planned Parenthood misleads on abortion coverage....5
Expanding abortion key goal of Obama.........................6
How to contact your lawmakers......................................6
Consciences activated at Fall Tour meetings..................7
a full vote by late October.
If health care legislation is enacted that does not explicitly exclude abortion, we will see a large increase in
the number of unborn babies killed by abortion.
Rationing, euthanasia
In addition to the expansion of abortion, all major bills
under consideration—as currently written—would likely
lead to the rationing of care. The proposals fail to ensure
a sustainable method of financing; having over-promised
and under-funded, the government would be faced with
the choice of adding other means of revenue or, far more
likely, imposing rationing in some form.
The Baucus legislation contains a dangerous provision
that creates a financial incentive for Medicare doctors to
deny treatments to seniors. Americans must be protected
from rationing or denial of treatment based on age, disability or “quality of life.”
This special edition of MCCL News equips you to
make an impact in the health care debate. Contact your
representatives in Congress, talk to your friends, family
and neighbors, and write letters to the editor about the
dangers of the pending legislation. Remember that human
lives depend on the outcome!
This Special Edition equips you to make an impact in the health care debate!
MCCL News September-October 2009
concerned about
health care
Minnesotans are worried for their lives
and the lives of others. I know because
the MCCL staff and I have spoken with
more than 1,000 people of all ages across
the state in the past few weeks during the
MCCL Fall Tour.
Lives threatened
MCCL’s 2009 Fall Tour presentation informs
attendees about life-threatening dangers in
the so-called health care reform proposals.
We have heard from many, many citizens
concerned that their health care will be
jeopardized under Pres. Obama’s plan.
“They expect seniors to step aside and
let younger people use the health care
“I don’t want the government deciding
whether I can have medical treatments.”
“We can’t allow our health care to be
“How can they do this to us?”
From abortion to euthanasia
The pro-life movement has warned that
the legalization of abortion would lead to
the legalization of euthanasia. I believe we
are very close to that point.
The bills addressing health care “reform” all require the rationing of health
care. Written into all of the “reform” bills is
the expectation that people who need more
than their share of health care and whose
“quality of life” is below a certain threshold,
ought to forgo treatments in deference to
younger and/or healthier people.
Some legislation is even more aggressive
in denying care. It employs “comparative
effectiveness” research that would be used
to deny so-called “ineffective” treatments
prescribed by physicians for patients who
need and want them.
Medicare cutbacks proposed
This information and much more was
shared with Fall Tour attendees, who reacted with anger, fear and disbelief. Some
people already understood this threat.
But many more did not, and were deeply
disturbed to learn that Medicare—the only
source of medical care for many senior
citizens—could be severely restricted
under Obama’s plan.
How we treat our older citizens, our
unborn babies and other vulnerable persons determines whether ours is a just or
unjust society. We cannot withhold care
and protection from the weak and needy
and expect our nation to survive.
Be informed
I am pleased that MCCL has shared this
vital information with people all across
Minnesota through our Fall Tour PowerPoint presentation. More meetings will be
held through the end of October; I urge
you to attend one and become educated
about health care “reform” proposals
and much more. You will also learn about
ways you can become more involved in
protecting life.
Another essential resource is the MCCL
Web site. At www.mccl.org you will find a
wealth of information about the dangers
of current health care proposals. The National Right to Life Web site at www.nrlc.
org is another excellent source.
Get yourself educated, and then take
action to protect life. Don’t let these lifethreatening elements of health care endanger your life, or the lives of any other
we are very close to seeing euthanasia legalized.
Health care reform plans coming from the
White House and Congress are putting
lives in danger. And this time it’s not just
the unborn, elderly and disabled who are at
risk−it is everyone.
trolled health care is cost containment.
Congressional leadership actually
hired the pro-euthanasia group Compassion & Choices (a misnomer if there
ever was one) to write the health care language on denial of care to elderly, disabled
and very ill citizens.
Abortion coverage for all
And where does this language appear?
President Obama has claimed that proposed health care “reform” would not cover In the cost-containment section of the bill,
abortion. However, he has declared not in the medical care section.
Our president believes that withabortion to be “essential care” and all
holding food, water
of the health care bills
and medical treatrequire coverage of
“essential care.” Man- NuMBeR OF ABORTIONS. ments is the right thing
to do for some people.
dates would see your fedObama says his vote to help protect Terri
eral tax dollars used to pay for abortions.
History has shown us that whenever Schiavo from being starved to death by her
abortions are funded by governments, the husband in 2005 was his “biggest mistake”
number of abortions increases dramatically. as a U.S. senator.
Obama’s health care “reform” would greatly
expand abortion in this country.
Time for action
But abortion is not health care! We can- The advocates of abortion and rationed
not allow the federal government to health care have played their cards. We
redefine the killing of unborn babies know their agenda. It is time for the proas “health care” and then force you and life movement to stand up and speak
me to pay for it. It is time to speak up to out as never before!
save lives!
Committee votes on these deadly bills
are occurring as I write. The full Senate and
House are expected to vote on health care
denial of care leads to death
Here is another historical fact: Whenever “reform” very soon.
medical care is delayed or denied, patients die. This is called passive or invol- Call, e-mail immediately!
untary euthanasia, and it is a reality in coun- I strongly urge you to turn to page 6, read the
tries that ration care.
information on contacting your lawmakers,
A six-year study of Britain’s socialized and do so immediately. Make phone calls
medicine system, the National Health and send e-mail messages frequently.
Service (NHS), shows that an average of Your elected officials need to know that
5,000 senior citizens die each year be- their constituents expect them to oppose
cause they are denied intensive care treat- any health care reform legislation that does
ment after surgery.
not explicitly prohibit the rationing of health
care and the expansion of abortion.
Lives are literally at stake. There is no time
Life measured in dollars
The bottom line of any government-con- to waste. Act now to save lives!
MCCL News September-October 2009
Abortion would be funded,
expanded by health care bills
Each of the three major health care
reform bills now before Congress
would fund and expand abortion
on demand. Pro-life citizens must
urge their Congressional representatives to oppose any health care
legislation unless it is amended
to explicitly exclude abortion (see
page 6).
The “America’s Affordable
Health Choices Act” (H.R. 3200) in
the House of Representatives and the
“Affordable Health Choices Act” (S.
1679) in the Senate both create two
big new federal programs that would
cover abortion for any reason: (1) a
national health insurance program
that would be run entirely by the federal government, called the “public
plan” or “public option,” and (2) a
new program to provide subsidies to
help tens of millions of Americans
buy health insurance.
as only a few Democrats joined the
minority Republican members in
support of the amendments.
On one of those three committees,
the House Energy and Commerce
Committee, the pro-abortion side
narrowly won adoption of a phony
“compromise” amendment written
by staff to Chairman Henry Waxman,
D-Calif., and offered by Rep. Lois
Capps, D-Calif. (Both Waxman and
Capps have solidly pro-abortion
career records.) The Capps-Waxman
Amendment explicitly authorizes
coverage of all elective abortions
under the new “public plan” that
the bill would create, and also would
allow federal subsidies to flow to
private insurance plans that cover
elective abortions.
The pro-abortion members of
the committee voted down a proUnborn baby at 7 weeks gestation
life amendment offered by Reps.
Bart Stupak, D-Mich., and Joe Pitts, R-Pa., to prohibit
federal subsidies from going to plans that cover elective
pro-abortion House bill
The House bill has been approved by three different abortions. Congressman Stupak has vowed that he will
committees. All three committees voted down pro-life demand a vote on the pro-life amendment on the House
amendments to prevent the bill from mandating coverage floor, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other top
of abortions and to prevent federal subsidies for abortions, House Democratic leaders have resisted.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
Vol. 39 No. 8
4249 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55409 612.825.6831
MCCL was incorporated in June, 1968 under the Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation Act for the
purpose of engaging in educational, charitable, scientific and literary activities and projects.
These include, but are not limited to the following:
1. To improve and further personal and social responsibility for human life.
2. To foster and increase protection of the right to life of mother and child.
3. To inform the public on abortion and related subjects.
4. To foster high standards of medical care in the state of Minnesota.
5. To promote and encourage assistance in the care and rearing of children with birth
6. To promote enlightened care and assistance to mother and child in crisis pregnancies.
7. To cause to be published and to distribute treatises, articles, addresses, reports and
other publications on any or all subjects related to those above.
From MCCL Articles of Incorporation
Nothing in this Newspaper, except paid advertising, should be construed as supporting or
opposing any candidate for public office.
Published ten times a year Subscription price $30
ISSN 1084-7367
Scott Fischbach, Publisher
Bill Poehler, Editor
Both senate bills fund abortion
The “Affordable Health Choices Act” in the Senate was
approved by the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
(HELP) Committee on July 15, on a 13-10 party-line vote.
The committee voted down all pro-life amendments.
On Sept. 16, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman
of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced a second
Senate bill called the “America’s Healthy Future Act.”
The bill contains provisions that would send massive
federal subsidies directly to both private insurance plans
and government-chartered cooperatives that pay for
elective abortion. In addition, the Baucus bill requires
that a specific charge must be included in the premiums
paid by those who enroll in such subsidized plans, of at
least “$1 per enrollee, per month,” which amounts to a
surcharge specifically for elective abortions.
On Sept. 30, the Finance Committee defeated two
pro-life amendments to the Baucus bill, offered by Sen.
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. It is now up to Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., to combine the two bills into
a single bill, which the full Senate will take up, perhaps
late in October.
Health care
targets elderly,
The health care legislation pending in Congress would
likely lead to the rationing of care for elderly, disabled and
other vulnerable persons. “The current sources of funds
being considered to pay for health care restructuring are so inadequate in the long term that rationing
will be compelled,” explains Burke Balch, director of National Right to Life’s Powell Center for Medical Ethics.
Indeed, a substantial part of
the cost under the proposals
would be paid for by “robbing
Peter to pay Paul”−reducing
Medicare funding for older
people in order to cover the
uninsured. Unless there is
sustainable, adequate financing, over-promising while
under-funding health insurance for the uninsured would
almost surely lead to rationing
when, down the road, government has to face the shortfall.
The current bills contain mechanisms that could
enable rationing based on age or disability.
‘Comparative effectiveness’
The “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” (H.R.
3200) in the House allows comparative effectiveness research (CER) to be used in making coverage decisions,
determining reimbursement rates, and in establishing incentive programs in ways that deny or limit health care
based on age, present or predicted disability, or expected
length of life.
There is also no protection against quality-adjusted life-years (or any other name given to a standard
that discounts the value of a period of life based on
the patient’s present or predicted disability or quality of life) being employed as a mechanism to establish
or recommend what health care is not cost-effective or not
Under one provision of the “Affordable Health Choices
Act” (S. 1679) in the Senate, the Secretary of Health and
Human Services is given authority to impose on doctors
and other health care providers any and all regulations she
considers meet the vague objective of “improv[ing] health
care quality.” These could easily include regulations prohibiting “ineffective” health care.
An amendment was defeated that would have
prevented the use of CeR methodologies as a basis
RATIONING continued on page 4
MCCL News September-October 2009
Abortion not part of health care
‘reform’? don’t believe it
obama, pelosi and others have not been truthful about abortion funding
MCCL offers you the opportunity to honor loved ones by
making contributions in another person’s name to advance
the cause of life. Your gift to MCCL’s Tribute and Memorial
Program will enable this organization to continue and/or expand vital endeavors on behalf of defenseless people. These
include pro-life presentations in public and private schools,
community awareness programs, and other proactive efforts
to educate the public concerning crucial life issues.
MCCL uses these funds to uphold and advance the rights
of unborn children and other defenseless persons. MCCL
will continue to work until all vulnerable people are assured
of their rightful protection as valuable human beings.
Acknowledgment cards sent
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to confirm receipt of the gift. Donors who wish to have
their remembrances published in MCCL News need only
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“One more misunderstanding I want to clear up− under our
plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.”
−Pres. Barack Obama, address to Congress, Sept. 9, 2009
would ever flow through an HHS appropriations bill. As the
Associated Press noted, “The health overhaul would create
a stream of federal funding [for abortion] not covered by the
[current funding] restrictions.”
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen Sebelius and others
have assured Americans that government funding of abortion
is not included in the health care reform proposals currently
before Congress. But the reality is quite to the contrary and
has been thoroughly documented by numerous sources.
Public funds used for abortion
FactCheck.org confirms
After Pres. Obama’s prime-time address to Congress on
Sept. 9, the independent FactCheck.org reported: “The
president said ‘no federal dollars will be used to
fund abortions.’ But the House bill would permit a
‘public option’ to cover all abortions, and would also
permit federal subsidies to be used to purchase private insurance that covers all abortions.”
The Associated Press explained on Aug. 5, “Health care
legislation before Congress would allow a new governmentsponsored insurance plan to cover abortions, a decision that
would affect millions of women and recast federal policy on
the divisive issue.”
And Time magazine reported on Aug. 24, “The health-care
reform proposed by House Democrats, if enacted, would in
fact mark a significant change in the Federal Government’s role in the financing of abortions. … [T]he new
system differs markedly from the old federal policy of
not involving the government in abortion services.”
Nevertheless, two myths about abortion in health care
have persisted.
Hyde does not apply
The first myth is that the Hyde Amendment, the annually renewed provision that prohibits federal Medicaid funding of
abortion (with narrow exceptions), would prevent federal
funding of abortion via health care reform legislation.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made this
claim to the media on Oct. 7, and Obama said at an Aug. 20
health care forum, “There are no plans under health reform
to revoke the existing prohibition on using federal taxpayer
dollars for abortions. Nobody is talking about changing that
existing provision, the Hyde Amendment.”
But the Hyde Amendment applies only to the annual appropriations bill that funds the department
of Health and Human Services (HHS). In the proposed
health care legislation, none of the funds that would be
expended by the “public plan,” and none of the funds that
would subsidize the purchase of private insurance plans,
The second myth, perpetuated by dozens of Congressional
representatives and many in the media, is that the legislation
provides that “federal funds” may not be spent on elective
abortion, but only “private funds.”
This claim is absurd on its face. National Right to Life
(NRLC) has issued a detailed memorandum demonstrating
that all of the funds spent on elective abortions would be
“federal funds” and “public funds” as those terms are defined in law and as they are used throughout the government.
under the House bill’s (H.R. 3200) Capps Amendment,
abortion providers would send their bills to the federal department of Health and Human Services and
receive payment checks drawn on a federal Treasury
account. This would be direct federal government funding
of elective abortion.
Numerous pro-life amendments have been offered in
House and Senate committees to explicitly exclude abortion
from the legislation, but all have failed. If abortion funding is
not already present, then why oppose these amendments?
President Obama and his supporters in Congress continue
to mislead the nation.
The NRLC memorandum and extensive other documentation regarding the health care reform bills are
available at www.nrlc.org.
RATIONING from page 3
for denial of benefits to patients against their will
based on their age, expected length of life, or present or
predicted disability or quality of life.
disincentive for care
The “America’s Healthy Future Act,” introduced by Sen.
Max Baucus, D-Mont., contains a Medicare provision that,
beginning in 2015, would severely financially penalize physicians who are in the top 10 percent of medical resource
use. This feature operates independently of any considerations of quality, efficiency or waste−if a doctor authorizes
enough treatment for patients, however necessary and appropriate it may be, he or she would be penalized.
This would force a “race to the bottom” with relentless
pressure on doctors to limit health care for their older patients. On top of the significant Medicare cuts in the bill,
this would gravely endanger the lives of America’s senior
MCCL News September-October 2009
assessing the ‘quality-of-life’ ethic
Why the elderly, disabled should not be discriminated against
When health care is rationed, it usually is done according to a
“quality-of-life” ethic that now dominates the field of bioethics
and much of American culture. People who are disabled,
elderly, sick or mentally incapacitated−whose quality
of life is considered poor−are denied care in favor of
younger or healthier patients.
“The death of a teenager is a greater tragedy than the death
of an 85-year-old, and this should be reflected in our priorities,”
writes Princeton ethicist Peter Singer in a recent argument for rationing health care. “[S]aving one teenager is equivalent to saving
14 85-year-olds.” The use of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) in
health care decisions puts such thinking into practice.
defining ‘quality of life’
The quality-of-life view measures the worth of a human being by features of his or her life. These may include the ability to function in
ordinary tasks, participate in community, have friendships and familial
relationships, appreciate beauty, exercise rational faculties and experience happiness. On this perspective, there is such a thing
as a “life not worth living” or a life without meaning.
The same kind of thinking is used to disregard the lives
of unborn children. Bioethicists who support abortion argue
that a human being must acquire certain qualities in order to
become a rights-bearing “person” deserving of respect−and
unborn humans, who are at a very early stage of their development, fail to meet those criteria.
Contrary to pro-life view
So at both the beginning and end of life, humans beings are valued according to characteristics that some
humans have and others do not. This contrasts with the
pro-life view, or what is sometimes called the sanctity-of-life or
equality-of-life ethic, which holds that human beings are valuable
in themselves−not for their acquired properties or abilities−and
are therefore equal in fundamental dignity and rights.
The quality-of-life view does not withstand scrutiny.
Here’s why.
First, proposed quality-of-life criteria seem largely subjective.
Who is to say when life is not worthwhile? Many of those
with a “poor” quality of life may (and do) lead admirable
and very meaningful lives.
Second, all quality-of-life criteria come in degrees−abilities,
happiness, cognitive functions, etc. If one’s personhood (i.e.,
worth, dignity, right to life) depends on quality-of-life criteria,
then personhood also is a matter of degree. That is, some people are more valuable than others, and some have “more” of a
right to life than others.
Human equality rejected
Say that my friend is a happy, healthy, normal college student,
but I’m just a bit happier or perhaps even a bit more self-aware
and appreciative of life. It would follow, on the quality-of-life
ethic, that my friend has a life less worth living than mine.
And each quality-of-life “setback,” whether financial, health-related
or otherwise, would put him one step closer to rational suicide.
This is radically contrary to our intuitive notion of human equality
and the dignity of human life, irrespective of circumstances.
Third, quality-of-life criteria tend to exclude some human beings whom we all agree are valuable persons with
worthwhile lives. Newborn babies may not yet be self-aware,
and reversibly comatose patients are not even conscious. Neither
can have a good “quality of life” as it is usually defined, but almost
students: Write a winning pro-life essay!
National essay contest will challenge you to articulate pro-life position
teenaGers: Have you ever wanted to present a solid argument for your pro-life beliefs? Have you ever been
challenged by someone on the other side of the abortion issue to defend what you think?
Here is your opportunity to do just that, and to compete with other teens across the nation.
eXPress yourself
The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) has announced the 2010 National Right to Life Pro-Life Essay Contests. The contests provide a national forum for young people to express their pro-life beliefs and to learn
how to effectively defend pro-life positions.
Students write an original 300- to 500-word pro-life essay. This year’s essays should address the following
statement: “When They Say, You Say …” or Answering the Pro-Abortion Arguments.
Essays will be judged on originality, content and accuracy.
PriZes, PublisHinG ProMised
The Junior Essay Contest is for grades 7-9; the Senior Essay Contest for grades 10-12. Winning essays will be
published in the NRL News and 2010 NRL Convention Handbook.
There will be prizes! The first-place winners will receive $200, second-place winners $150 and third-place
winners $100.
deadline: Jan. 16
Full details and registration forms are available at the Special events section of www.nrlc.org; deadline is January 16, 2010. For further information, contact Michelle Fischbach at michellefischbach@yahoo.com.
no one argues that they are not persons deserving care.
Patients deserve respect
It is true that newborn babies and reversibly comatose patients
will soon be able to function in the proper way and have a good
quality of life; their current state is only temporary. But in order
to say that they are persons, despite their present inability to
function as such, we must ground their personhood in something other than those functions. Namely, they are persons because they are human beings, who by nature have the inherent
capacity to develop certain abilities, whether those abilities are
immediately exercisable or not.
And this means that all disabled or elderly
patients−not just the reversibly comatose−are deserving of full moral respect and protection by virtue
of their membership in the human family. Those with
an allegedly poor “quality of life” should not be discriminated
against in the provision of care and treatment.
planned parenthood misleads
on abortion coverage
Abortion provider supports abortion funding in
health care, denies its existence
Obtaining broad federal subsidies for abortion as part
of “health care reform” is currently the top priority of
many pro-abortion organizations, including the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). These organizations are pushing for abortion mandates both in public
statements and in less visible lobbying efforts.
In April, the president of PPFA said that her organization
intends to use the health care legislation as a “platform”
to guarantee “access” to abortion for “all women.”
Americans oppose abortion expansion
Yet polls confirm that the majority of Americans are opposed to abortion coverage in health care reform. Americans do not consider abortion—the destruction of unborn
human beings—to be health care, and they do not want
to be forced to pay for elective abortions.
Perhaps as a result, Planned Parenthood has followed
the lead of pro-abortion Pres. Barack Obama, who supports the current pro-abortion health care legislation
while falsely denying it would fund abortions.
deceptive argument
Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South
Dakota President Sarah Stoesz assured readers of the St.
Paul Pioneer Press, “No federal money would be used to
pay for abortion care.” Stoesz defends the current health
care reform plan, which she claims excludes abortion
coverage, and then attacks the pro-life movement for
supporting that very exclusion.
Planned Parenthood knows current legislation before
Congress would expand abortion—that is precisely what
the group wants.
MCCL News September-October 2009
Every pro-life
Minnesotan must tell
Congress now:
“Vote against any health care bill
that does not explicitly exclude
abortion and the
rationing of health care!”
Current health care “reform” bills in Congress would create the greatest
expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.
Health care rationing and the denial of treatment would happen
under all of these “reform” bills.
Call the offices of Sen. Amy Klobuchar (1-888-224-9043),
Sen. Al Franken (202-224-5641)
and your U.S. House member (House switchboard: 202-225-3121).
Give your zip code and you will be connected to the correct offices.
Give the staff member your name and address
and ask them to relay a message:
Go to www.mccl.org. Located on our homepage is a link to all the information you need to e-mail your member of Congress and Senators.
It is crucial that you contact your member of Congress and
Senators Klobuchar and Franken immediately!
Pro-lifers can make a difference.
Take action now!
Please copy and distribute freely
Expanding abortion central goal
of Obama health care initiative
Obama promised to fund abortion through health care reform
By Andrea Rau
“[Abortion] is at the center, the heart of the [health care] plan that I propose.”
— Barack Obama, July 17, 2007
As a United States senator campaigning for the presidency, Barack Obama knew
that health care would be a significant issue for him and his administration. More
than two years ago, Obama was already planning and discussing an aggressive
overhaul of America’s health care delivery system.
Obama: abortion coverage ‘vital’
At the Planned Parenthood Action Fund annual conference on July 17, 2007,
Obama jumped at the opportunity to discuss how “reproductive care” would be
treated under his so-called health care “reform.” He stated, “In my mind, reproductive care is essential care, basic care, so
it is at the center, the heart of the plan that
I propose.”
He went on to
state that the inObama has
surance industry
would have to
and stridently
“abide by the same
rules in terms of
been an
providing comadvocate for
prehensive care,
the abortion
including reproductive care …
that’s going to be
absolutely vital.”
A Chicago Tribune writer attempted to
follow up with Obama after he made these
statements, and Obama’s spokesman told
him that the reproductive health care discussed by Obama includes abortions (“Democrats Pledge Support for Wide Access
to Abortion,” Mike Dorning, Chicago Tribune, July 18, 2007).
Unfortunately, none of this should be a surprise. Obama’s desire to increase
access to abortion isn’t just central to his health care initiatives. In each of his
elected positions, Obama has consistently and stridently been an advocate for
the abortion industry.
Staunch abortion advocate
Obama opposed mainstream pro-life initiatives (a ban on partial-birth abortion,
parental involvement laws) and supported taxpayer funding of abortion. At every
turn he has been a mouthpiece and water-carrier for the abortion lobby.
President Obama’s drive to expand access to abortion does not end at our nation’s
borders. Obama’s appointee for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has pledged to
work to expand access to abortion around the globe.
Addressing a committee of the House of Representatives, Clinton reinforced
the administration’s ardent pro-abortion position: “We [the current U.S. administration] happen to think that family planning is an important part of women’s
health, and reproductive health includes access to abortion that I believe should
be safe, legal and rare.”
The position of Obama and his administration is clear: Abortion access is central
to everything they do—including so-called health care reform.
MCCL News September-October 2009
i’ll help Mccl save lives!
Please send me the requested information below so that I can help
support MCCL’s pro-life work!
choose how to support
Mccl’s pro-life work
AS A COMMITTed PRO-LIFe CITIZeN, you may be surprised to find how easy it is to
contribute to MCCL’s educational and legislative efforts and make a difference in the lives
of vulnerable persons!
Name: __________________________________________________________________
rose society The Rose Society is a very special group of dedicated pro-life friends who
give to MCCL on a monthly basis.
Address: ________________________________________________________________
direct dePosit Your monthly Rose Society donation can be directly deposited with
MCCL through an electronic funds transfer, if you so choose. Please consider joining the
Rose Society as a $10, $15, $20 or $30 a month member.
City, State: _____________________________________________ Zip:_____________
e-mail: __________________________________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________________________________
Please send me information on the following (check one or more):
 Rose Society
 Direct Deposit
 Matching Gifts
 Vehicle Donations
Clip and mail to:
4249 Nicollet Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55409
MatcHinG Gifts If your company has a matching gift program, your employer may match
your donations to MCCL, enabling you to double your giving. Request a form from your
human resources department and submit it to MCCL with your check, payable to the MCCL
Education Fund.
Winter traVelers If you spend your winter months away from Minnesota’s cold
weather, don’t forget about MCCL! To make sure your contributions are not interrupted,
please sign up for MCCL’s direct deposit program (see information above).
VeHicle donations Our new program enables you to donate your vehicle to MCCL.
you simply provide the vehicle and necessary information, and you can deduct your
car, motorcycle, RV or boat donation as charitable giving for income tax purposes.
eASy, eFFeCTIVe GIVING Make your choice and help save precious lives by returning the
coupon at left. For your convenience, we have enclosed a donation envelope in this issue.
Thank you!
Consciences activated at Fall Tour meetings
Troubling information spurs pro-life citizens to action
The annual MCCL Fall Tour always
provides attendees with an enjoyable evening of education about
current issues, MCCL programs
and opportunities to become more
involved in efforts to protect and
save lives. This year’s program
includes all of that, but there is an
added element that is both sobering
and activating citizens.
Health care “reform” proposals
Two Harbors attendees watch fetal development
and their threats to human life are
video portion of Fall Tour program.
a considerable emphasis of the program. People are surprised to learn
that President Obama wants to impose health care rationing and abortion funding
through his plan to “reform” the health care system.
Achievements highlighted
Pro-lifers are also troubled by the list of all the pro-life policies Obama has reversed,
the abortion advocates filling his Cabinet, and his worldwide pro-abortion agenda being carried out by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
MCCL’s PowerPoint presentation also includes the many achievements of the
pro-life movement here in Minnesota and beyond. Positive Alternatives is bringing
down the number of abortions in the state as more and more women choose life for
their unborn babies. And MCCL Global Outreach (MCCL GO) is educating women
and policy makers in the developing world about fetal development and the need to
provide pregnant women with good medical care, not abortion.
Gratitude expressed
Attendees are grateful to have MCCL come to their communities with the latest information and materials on life issues. Many people have made commitments to become
MCCL members, join their local MCCL chapter and become involved in pro-life events
such as MCCL’s Student Day at the Capitol and pro-life county fair booths.
If you would like a fresh infusion of energy as a pro-life activist, or want to learn
more about the successes and challenges facing the pro-life movement, plan to attend
one of the remaining Fall Tour meetings. You will enjoy meeting other pro-life citizens
and learn how you can make a difference in efforts to protect life!
Remaining Fall Tour meetings:
Church of St. Peter, 6730 Nicollet Ave. OCT. 20
Christian Reformed Church, 1708 Eighth St. SW OCT. 22
St. Joseph Catholic Church bsmt., 41 First St. E OCT. 28
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55409
septemberoctober 2009
Contact u.S. Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken and your u.S. representative, urging them
to oppose any health care legislation that does not explicitly prohibit health care rationing and funding of
abortion. (See page 6.)
Plan to attend an MCCL Fall Tour meeting in your area and be re-energized as a pro-life activist!
And invite your friends! (See page 7.)
Support MCCL’s efforts by becoming a regular donor. There are many ways to contribute! (See page 7.)
encourage a young person to participate in the National Pro-Life Essay Contest. The submission deadline is Jan. 16, 2010. (See page 5.)
Visit MCCL’s online Print Shop for a wide variety of educational materials. Order or download brochures and fliers from the Resources section of www.mccl.org.
Honor a loved one with a Tribute or Memorial and help support MCCL’s educational programs. (See
page 4.)
do we have your e-mail address? Send it to MCCL@mccl.org so we can keep you informed of crucial
legislation, MCCL events and other important information.
donate your used vehicle or boat to MCCL’s “Cars with Heart” program and support our lifesaving
efforts. Contact MCCL at MCCL@mccl.org or 612-825-6831 for more information.
State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
House Information 651-296-2146
State Capitol
St. Paul, MN 55155
Senate Information 651-296-0504
SENATOR AL FRANKEN ........................................................................ 202-224-5641
.......................................................................................... http://franken.senate.gov
SENATOR AMY KLOBUCHAR .................................612-727-5220 or 1-888-224-9043
REP. TIM WALZ ....................................................1-877-846-9259 or 202-225-2472
................................................................................................ http://walz.house.gov
REP. JOHN KLINE .................................................952-808-1213 or 1-888-808-6644
REP. ERIK PAULSEN................................................ 952-405-8510 or 202-225-2871
REP. BETTY MCCOLLUM .......................................... 651-224-9191 or 202-225-6631
........................................................................................ http://mccollum.house.gov
REP. KEITH ELLISON ............................................... 612-522-1212 or 202-225-4755
............................................................................................. http://ellison.house.gov
REP. MICHELE BACHMANN ..................................... 651-731-5400 or 202-225-2331
REP. COLLIN PETERSON ......................................... 218-847-5056 or 202-225-2165
................................................................................. http://collinpeterson.house.gov
REP. JIM OBERSTAR ................................................ 218-727-7474 or 202-225-6211