Adjusting for multiple testing—when and how?

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54 (2001) 343–349
Adjusting for multiple testing—when and how?
Ralf Bendera,*, Stefan Langeb
Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, School of Public Health, University of Bielefeld, P.O. Box 100131, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Ruhr-University of Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
Received 9 September 1999; received in revised form 31 July 2000; accepted 2 August 2000
Multiplicity of data, hypotheses, and analyses is a common problem in biomedical and epidemiological research. Multiple testing theory
provides a framework for defining and controlling appropriate error rates in order to protect against wrong conclusions. However, the corresponding multiple test procedures are underutilized in biomedical and epidemiological research. In this article, the existing multiple test
procedures are summarized for the most important multiplicity situations. It is emphasized that adjustments for multiple testing are required in confirmatory studies whenever results from multiple tests have to be combined in one final conclusion and decision. In case of
multiple significance tests a note on the error rate that will be controlled for is desirable. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Multiple hypotheses testing; P value; Error rates; Bonferroni method; Adjustment for multiple testing; UKPDS
1. Introduction
2. Significance tests, multiplicity, and error rates
Many trials in biomedical research generate a multiplicity of data, hypotheses, and analyses, leading to the performance of multiple statistical tests. At least in the setting of
confirmatory clinical trials the need for multiple test adjustments is generally accepted [1,2] and incorporated in corresponding biostatistical guidelines [3]. However, there seems
to be a lack of knowledge about statistical procedures for
multiple testing. Recently, some authors tried to establish
that the statistical approach of adjusting for multiple testing
is unnecessary or even inadequate [4–7]. However, the main
arguments against multiplicity adjustments are based upon
fundamental errors in understanding of simultaneous statistical inference [8,9]. For instance, multiple test adjustments
have been equated with the Bonferroni procedure [7], which
is the simplest, but frequently also an inefficient method to
adjust for multiple testing.
The purpose of this article is to describe the main concept of multiple testing, several kinds of significance levels,
and the various situations in which multiple test problems in
biomedical research may occur. A nontechnical overview is
given to summarize in which cases and how adjustments for
multiple hypotheses tests should be made.
If one significance test at level ␣ is performed, the probability of the type 1 error (i.e., rejecting the individual null
hypothesis although it is in fact true) is the comparisonwise
error rate (CER) ␣, also called individual level or individual
error rate. Hence, the probability of not rejecting the true
null hypothesis is 1 ⫺ ␣. If k independent tests are performed,
the probability of not rejecting all k null hypotheses when in
fact all are true is (1 ⫺ ␣)k. Hence, the probability of rejecting at least one of the k independent null hypotheses when
in fact all are true is the experimentwise error rate (EER)
under the complete null hypothesis EER ⫽ 1 ⫺ (1 ⫺ ␣)k,
also called global level, or familywise error rate (considering the family of k tests as one experiment). If the number k
of tests increases, the EER also increases. For ␣ ⫽ 0.05 and
k ⫽ 100 tests EER amounts to 0.994. Hence, in testing 100
independent true null hypotheses one can almost be sure to
get at least one false significant result. The expected number
of false significant tests in this case is 100 ⫻ 0.05 ⫽ 5. Note
that these calculations only hold if the k tests are independent.
If the k tests are correlated no simple formula for the EER exists, because EER depends on the correlation structure of the
Frequently, the global null hypothesis, that all individual
null hypotheses are true simultaneously, is of limited interest to the researcher. Therefore, procedures for simultaneous statistical inference have been developed that control
the maximum experimentwise error rate (MEER) under any
complete or partial null hypothesis, also called multiple
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ⫹49 521 106-3803; fax: ⫹49 521 1066465.
E-mail address: (R. Bender)
0895-4356/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S0895-4356(00)00 3 1 4 - 0
R. Bender, S. Lange / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54 (2001) 343–349
level, or familywise error rate in a strong sense. The MEER
is the probability of rejecting falsely at least one true individual null hypothesis, irrespective of which and how many
of the other individual null hypotheses are true. A multiple
test procedure that controls the MEER also controls the
EER but not vice versa [10]. Thus, the control of the MEER
is the best protection against wrong conclusions and leads to
the strongest statistical inference.
The application of multiple test procedures enables one
to conclude which tests are significant and which are not,
but with control of the appropriate error rate. For example,
when three hypotheses A, B, C are tested and the unadjusted
P values are PA ⫽ 0.01, PB ⫽ 0.04, and PC ⫽ 0.10, the Bonferroni correction would lead to the adjusted P values PA ⫽
0.03, PB ⫽ 0.12, and PC ⫽ 0.30. From this result we can
conclude that test A is significant and tests B and C are not
significant by controlling the MEER of 0.05.
3. When are adjustments for multiple tests necessary?
A simple answer to this question is: If the investigator
only wants to control the CER, an adjustment for multiple
tests is unnecessary; if the investigator wants to control the
EER or MEER, an adjustment for multiple tests is strictly
required. Unfortunately, there is no simple and unique answer to when it is appropriate to control which error rate.
Different persons may have different but nevertheless reasonable opinions [11,12]. In addition to the problem of deciding which error rate should be under control, it has to be
defined first which tests of a study belong to one experiment. For example, consider a study in which three different
new treatments (T1, T2, T3) are compared with a standard
treatment or control (C). All six possible pairwise comparisons (T1 vs. C, T1 vs. T2, T1 vs. T3, T2 vs. C, T2 vs T3, T3
vs. C) can be regarded as one experiment or family of comparisons. However, by defining the comparisons of the new
treatments with the control (T1 vs. C, T2 vs. C, T3 vs. C) as
the main goal of the trial and the comparisons of the new
treatments among each other (T1 vs. T2, T1 vs. T3, T2 vs.
T3) as secondary analysis, this study consists of two experiments of connected comparisons. In this case it may be appropriate to perform separate multiplicity adjustments in
each experiment. In general, we think it is logical that the
MEER should be under control when the results of a welldefined family of multiple tests should be summarized in
one conclusion for the whole experiment. For example, if
each new treatment is significantly different from the standard treatment, the conclusion that all three treatments differ from the standard treatment should be based upon an adequate control of the MEER. Otherwise the type 1 error of
the final conclusion is not under control, which means that
the aim of significance testing is not achieved.
Such a rigorous proceeding is strictly required in confirmatory studies. A study is considered as confirmatory if the goal
of the trial is the definitive proof of a predefined key hypothesis for final decision making. For such studies a good pre-
defined statistical analysis plan is required. A clear prespecification of the multiple hypotheses and their priorities is
quite important. If it is possible to specify one clear primary
hypothesis there is not multiplicity problem. If, however, the
key hypothesis is proved by means of multiple significance
tests, the use of multiple test procedures is mandatory.
On the other hand, in exploratory studies, in which data
are collected with an objective but not with a prespecified
key hypothesis, multiple test adjustments are not strictly required. Other investigators hold an opposite position that
multiplicity corrections should be performed in exploratory
studies [7]. We agree that the multiplicity problem in exploratory studies is huge. However, the use of multiple test
procedures does not solve the problem of making valid statistical inference for hypotheses that were generated by the
data. Exploratory studies frequently require a flexible approach for design and analysis. The choice and the number
of tested hypotheses may be data dependent, which means
that multiple significance tests can be used only for descriptive purposes but not for decision making, regardless of
whether multiplicity corrections are performed or not. As
the number of tests in such studies is frequently large and
usually a clear structure in the multiple tests is missing, an
appropriate multiple test adjustment is difficult or even impossible. Hence, we prefer that data of exploratory studies
be analyzed without multiplicity adjustment. “Significant”
results based upon exploratory analyses should clearly be
labeled as exploratory results. To confirm these results the
corresponding hypotheses have to be tested in further confirmatory studies.
Between the two extreme cases of strictly confirmatory
and strictly exploratory studies there is a wide range of investigations representing a mixture of both types. The decision whether an analysis should be made with or without
multiplicity adjustments is dependent on “the questions
posed by the investigator and his purpose in undertaking the
study” [13]. Whatever the decision is, it should clearly be
stated why and how the chosen analyses are performed, and
which error rate is controlled for.
In the following, we consider the case of a confirmatory
study with a clear prespecified key question consisting of
several hypotheses analyzed by multiple significance tests.
These tests represent one experiment consisting of a family
of connected significance tests. For a valid final conclusion
an appropriate multiplicity adjustment should be made. We
present a short nontechnical overview of statistical procedures for multiple test adjustment. More technical and comprehensive overviews can be found elsewhere [10,14–16].
4. General procedures for multiple test adjustments
4.1. General procedures based upon P values
The simplest multiple test procedure is the well-known
Bonferroni method [17]. Of k significance tests, those accepted as statistically significant have P values smaller than
R. Bender, S. Lange / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54 (2001) 343–349
␣/k, where ␣ is the MEER. Adjusted P values are calculated
by k ⫻ Pi, where Pi for i ⫽ 1, . . . , k are the individual unadjusted P values. In the same manner Bonferroni adjusted
confidence intervals can be constructed by dividing the
multiple confidence level with the number of confidence intervals. The Bonferroni method is simple and applicable in
essentially any multiple test situation. However, the price
for this simplicity and universality is low power. In fact, the
Bonferroni method is frequently not appropriate, especially
if the number of tests is large. Bonferroni corrections should
only be used in cases where the number of tests is quite
small (say, less than 5) and the correlations among the test
statistics are quite low.
Fortunately, there are a number of improvements of the
Bonferroni method [2,16,18], such as the well-known Holm
procedure [19,20]. Some of these modified Bonferroni
methods represent stepwise procedures based upon the
closed testing procedure introduced by Marcus et al. [21],
which is a general principle leading to multiple tests controlling the multiple level [10]. A general algorithm for obtaining adjusted P values for any closed test procedure is
outlined by Wright [16]. While some of these methods are
quite complex, the Holm method is just as simple and generally applicable as the Bonferroni method, but much more
powerful [16,18].
4.2. Resampling-based procedures
Despite being more powerful than the simple Bonferroni
method, the modified Bonferroni methods still tend to be
conservative. They make use of the mathematical properties
of the hypotheses structure, but they do not take the correlation structure of the test statistics into account. One approach that uses the information of dependencies and distributional characteristics of the test statistics to obtain
adjusted P values is given by resampling procedures [22].
For highly correlated tests, this approach is considerably
more powerful than the procedures discussed above. However, the price for the gain of power is that the resamplingbased procedures are computer intensive. PROC MULTTEST of SAS offers resampling-based adjusted P values for
some frequently used significance tests [22,23].
5. Special procedures for multiple test adjustments
One main advantage of the general multiple test procedures based upon P values is that they are universally applicable to different types of data (continuous, categorical,
censored) and different test statistics (e.g., t, ␹2, Fisher,
logrank). Naturally, these procedures are unspecific and
special adjustment procedures have been developed for certain questions in specific multiplicity situations.
5.1. More than two groups
One area in which multiplicity adjustment has a long history is the comparison of the means of several groups in
analysis of variance (ANOVA) [24]. For this application a
number of procedures exist. The most well-known methods,
which are frequently implemented in ANOVA procedures
of statistical software packages, are the following. The simultaneous test procedures of Scheffé and Tukey can also be
used to calculate simultaneous confidence intervals for all
pairwise differences between means. The method of Dunnett can be used to compare several groups with a single
control. In contrast to these single-step procedures, multiple
stage tests are in general more powerful but give only homogenous sets of treatment means but no simultaneous confidence intervals. The most well-known multiple stage tests
are the procedures of Duncan, Student–Newman–Keuls
(SNK), and Ryan–Einot–Gabriel–Welsch (REGW). These
procedures, with the exception of Duncan, preserve the
MEER, at least in balanced designs. Which of these tests are
appropriate depends on the investigator’s needs and the
study design. In short, if the MEER should be under control,
with no confidence intervals needed and a balanced design,
then the REGW procedure can be recommended. If confidence intervals are desirable or the design is unbalanced,
then the Tukey procedure is appropriate. In case of ordered
groups (e.g., dose finding studies), procedures for specific
ordered alternatives can be used with a substantial gain in
power [10]. More detailed overviews of multiple test procedures for the comparison of several groups are given elsewhere [16,25–27]. Multiple comparison procedures for
some nonparametric tests are also available [28].
In the frequent case of three groups the principle of
closed testing leads to the following simple procedure that
keeps the multiple level ␣ [10]. At first, test the global null
hypothesis that all three groups are equal by a suitable level
␣ test (e.g., and F test or the Kruskal–Wallis test). If the global null hypothesis is rejected proceed with level ␣ tests for
the three pairwise comparisons (e.g., t tests or Wilcoxon
rank sum tests).
5.2. More than one endpoint
The case of multiple endpoints is one of the most common multiplicity problems in clinical trials [29,30]. There
are several possible strategies to deal with multiple endpoints. The simplest approach, which should always be considered first, is to specify a single primary endpoint. This
approach makes adjustments for multiple endpoints unnecessary. However, all other endpoints are then subsidiary and
results concerning secondary endpoints can only have an
exploratory rather than a confirmatory interpretation. The
second possibility is to combine the outcomes in one aggregated endpoint (e.g., a summary score for quality of life
data or the time to the first event in the case of survival
data). The approach is adequate only if one is not interested
in the results of the individual endpoints. Thirdly, for significance testing multivariate methods [e.g., multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) or Hotelling’s T2 test] and
global test statistics developed by O’Brien [31] and ex-
R. Bender, S. Lange / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54 (2001) 343–349
tended by Pocock et al. [32] can be used. Exact tests suitable for a large number of endpoints and small sample size
have been developed by Läuter [33]. All these methods provide an overall assessment of effects in terms of statistical
significance but offer no estimate of the magnitude of the
effects. Again, information about the effects concerning the
individual endpoints is lacking. In addition, Hotelling’s T2
test lacks power since it tests for unstructured alternative
hypotheses, when in fact one is really interested in evidence
from several outcomes pointing in the same direction [34].
Hence, in the case of several equally important endpoints
for which individual results are of interest, multiple test adjustments are required, either alone or in combination with
previously mentioned approaches. Possible methods to adjust for multiple testing in the case of multiple endpoints are
given by the general adjustment methods based upon P values [35] and the resampling methods [22] introduced above.
It is also possible to allocate different type 1 error rates to
several not equally important endpoints [36,37].
5.3. Repeated measurements
Methods to adjust for multiple testing in studies collecting repeated measurements are rare. Despite much recent
work on mixed models [38,39] with random subject effects
to allow for correlation of data, there are only few multiple
comparison procedures for special situations. It is difficult
to develop a general adjustment method for multiple comparisons in the case of repeated measurements since these
comparisons occur for between-subject factors (e.g.,
groups), within-subject factors (e.g., time), or both. The
specific correlation structure has to be taken into account,
involving many difficulties. If only comparisons for between-subject factors are of interest, one possibility is to
consider the repeated measurements as multiple endpoints
and use one of the methods mentioned in the previous section. However, if the repeated measurements are ordered,
this information is lost by using such an approach.
If repeated measurements are collected serially over
time, the use of summary measures (e.g., area under the
curve) to describe the response curves should be considered [40,41]. The analysis takes the form of a two-stage
method where, in the first step, suitable summary measures
for each response curve are calculated , and in the second
step, these summary measures are analyzed by using the
approaches discussed above. The choice of an adequate approach in the second stage depends on the number of
groups to be compared and the number of summary measures to be analyzed. Only in the case of two groups and
one summary measure as single primary endpoint does no
multiplicity problem arise. To compare response curves between groups, Zerbe and Murphy have developed an extension of the Scheffé method and a stepwise procedure to adjust for multiple testing [42]. There are also multiple
comparison procedures for some nonparametric tests suitable for related samples [28].
5.4. Subgroup analyses
The extent to which subgroup analyses should be undertaken and reported is highly controversial [43,44]. We will
not discuss the full range of problems and issues related to
subgroup analyses but focus on the multiplicity problem. If
one is interested in demonstrating a difference in the magnitude of the effect size between subgroups, a statistical test of
interaction is appropriate, although such tests generally
have low power [45]. If it is the aim to show an effect in all
(or in some) of a priori defined subgroups on the basis of
existing hypotheses, an adjustment for multiple testing
should be performed by using one of the general procedures
based upon P values. If there are few nonoverlapping subgroups, a test within one subgroup is independent of a test
within another subgroup. In this case, the use of the simple
Bonferroni method is possible. Frequently, however, subgroup analyses are performed concerning subgroups that are
defined a posteriori after data examination. In this case, the
results have an exploratory character regardless of whether
multiplicity adjustments are performed or not. For interpretation of such analyses one should keep in mind that the
overall trial result is usually a better guide to the effect in
subgroups than the estimated effect in the subgroups [46].
5.5. Interim analyses
Interim analyses of accumulating data are used in longterm clinical trials with the objective to terminate the trial
when one treatment is significantly superior to the other(s).
Since repeated analyses of the data increase the type 1 error,
multiplicity adjustments are required for the development of
adequate stopping rules. A simple rule that may be sufficient in many trials is: if no more than 10 interim analyses
are planned and there is one primary endpoint, then P ⬍ .01
can be used as criterion for stopping the trial, because the
global level will not exceed .05 [47]. The disadvantage of
this approach is that the final analysis has to be undertaken
at a significance level considerably smaller than .05 (also
.01). Another simple possibility is to be extremely cautious
for stopping the trial early by using P ⬍ .001 for the interim
analyses [48]. This approach covers any number of interim
analyses and is so conservative that the final analysis can be
conducted at the usual .05 level. A compromise between
these approaches is to use the procedure developed by
O’Brien and Fleming [49] with varying nominal significance levels for stopping the trial. Early interim analyses
have more stringent significance levels while the final analysis is undertaken as close to the .05 level as possible. Overviews about recent developments in the field of interim
monitoring of clinical trials are given elsewhere [50–56].
6. Discussion
The problem of multiple hypotheses testing in biomedical research is quite complex and involves several difficulties. Firstly, it is required to define which significance tests
R. Bender, S. Lange / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54 (2001) 343–349
belong to one experiment; that means which tests should be
used to make one final conclusion. Secondly, the particular
error rate to be under control must be chosen. Thirdly, an
appropriate method for multiple test adjustment has to be
found that is applicable and feasible in the considered situation. Many multiple test procedures for standard situations
have been developed, but in the practice of clinical and epidemiological trials, there are a lot of situations in which an
adequate control of type 1 error is quite complex, especially
if there are several levels of multiplicity (e.g., more than
two groups and more than one endpoint and repeated measurements of each endpoint). Unfortunately, the level of
complexity can be so high that it is impossible to make an
adequate adjustment for multiple testing. For example, the
UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) [57] contains an
enormous complexity regarding multiplicity. Considering
only the four main UKPDS publications in the year 1998
(UKPDS 33,34,38,39) [58–61] (i.e., neglecting the interim
analyses and multiple significance tests published in earlier
and future articles) there are 2, 4 or 5 main treatment groups
(dependent on the question), additional comparisons between specific medications (e.g., captopril vs. atenolol), approximately 50 endpoints (7 aggregated, 21 single, 8 surrogate, and 12 compliance endpoints), and subgroup analyses
(e.g., regarding overweight patients).
Of course, for such a specific and complex design no adequate and powerful multiple test procedure exists. Although Bonferroni adjustments would be principally possible, they would allow only comparisons with P values
below .00017 (.05/298) to be significant, as we counted 298
different P values in the four articles. Naturally, with nearly
300 tests the Bonferroni procedure has not enough power to
detect any true effect and cannot be recommended here. The
UKPDS group tried to account for multiplicity by calculating 99% confidence intervals for single endpoints [60]. This
approach slightly reduces the risk of type 1 error, but for a
confirmatory study this procedure is not an adequate solution since the main goal of a significance test, namely the
control of the type 1 error to a given level, is not achieved.
Moreover, although 99% confidence intervals were calculated, unadjusted P values were presented with the effect
that they are interpreted with the usual 5% level of significance [62]. Hence, in the UKPDS no firm conclusions can
be drawn from the significance tests as the actual global significance level exceeds 5% by a large and unknown amount.
To avoid such difficulties a careful planning of the study
design is required, taking multiplicity into account. The easiest and best interpretable approach is to avoid multiplicity
as far as possible. A good predefined statistical analysis
plan and a prespecification of the hypotheses and their priorities will in general reduce the multiplicity problem. If
multiplicity can not be avoided at all (e.g., because there are
several equally important endpoints), the investigators
should clearly define which hypotheses belong to one experiment and then adjust for multiple testing to achieve a
valid conclusion with control of the type 1 error. In the UK-
PDS one could have defined the intensive versus the conventional treatment as the primary comparison, with the
consequence that confirmatory statements concerning the
different intensive treatments are impossible. Furthermore,
one could have defined the aggregated endpoint “any diabetes-related endpoint” as the primary outcome, with the consequence that all other aggregated endpoints are subsidiary.
By means of a closed testing procedure it would have been
possible to perform tests concerning the single endpoints
forming the primary aggregated outcome (e.g., blindness,
death from hypoglycemia, myocardial infarction, etc.) by
preserving the MEER. The number of confirmatory analyses would be drastically reduced, but the results would be
A further problem we did not mention in detail concerns
the type of research in which estimates of association can be
obtained for a broad range of possible predictor variables. In
such studies, authors may focus on the most significant of
several analyses—a selection process that may bias the
magnitude of observed associations (both point estimates
and confidence intervals). One way to deal with this type of
multiplicity problem is to demand reproduction of the observed associations and their magnitude in further independent trials. However, this ‘solution’ does not address the adjustment of significance levels. A data-driven analysis and
presentation, also called ‘data dredging’ or ‘data fishing,’
can only produce exploratory results. It can be used to generate hypotheses but not to test and confirm them, regardless of whether multiplicity corrections are performed or
not. Hence, the use of multiple test procedures cannot protect against the bias caused by data fishing.
In principal, there is an alternative approach to significance testing for analysis of data. Bayes methods differ
from all the methods discussed above in minimizing the
Bayes risk under additive loss rather than controlling type 1
error rates. From a Bayesian perspective control of type 1
error is not necessary to make valid inferences. Thus, the
use of Bayes methods avoids some of the conceptual and
practical difficulties involved with the control of type 1 error, especially in the case of multiplicity. Hence, Bayes
methods are useful for some of the multiplicity situations
discussed above. Examples are the monitoring of clinical
trials [63] and the use of empirical Bayes methods for the
analysis of a large number of related endpoints [64,65].
However, in this article we concentrate on classical statistical methods based upon significance tests. We started from
the assumption that an investigator had decided to use significance tests for data analysis. For this case we tried to
summarize the available corresponding procedures to adjust
for multiple testing. Bayes methods—which do not provide
adjustments of P values as they do not give P values at all—
are not further discussed here.
In summary, methods to adjust for multiple testing are
valuable tools to ensure valid statistical inference. They
should be used in all confirmatory studies where on the basis of a clearly defined family of tests one final conclusion
R. Bender, S. Lange / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 54 (2001) 343–349
and decision will be drawn. In such cases the maximum experimentwise error rate under any complete or partial null
hypothesis should be under control. While the simple Bonferroni method is frequently not appropriate due to low
power, there are a number of more powerful approaches applicable in various multiplicity situations. These methods
deserve wider knowledge and application in biomedical and
epidemiological research.
We thank Dr. Gernot Wassmer (Cologne, Germany) for
his careful reading of the manuscript and his valuable comments.
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