Chapter 1 algebraic expression Associative Property Commutative

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (p. 24)
Grade 6 Flashcards
An expression that contains at least one
algebraic expression
4(m  b)
Chapter 1 (p. 20)
The property that states that for three or
more real numbers, the sum or product
is always the same, regardless of their
Associative Property
2  3  8  (2  3)  8  2  (3  8)
2 • 3 • 8  (2 • 3) • 8  2 • (3 • 8)
Chapter 1 (p. 20)
The property that states that two
or more numbers can be added or
multiplied in any order without changing
the sum or product.
Commutative Property
8  20  20  8
6 • 12  12 • 6
Chapter 1 (p. 21)
The property that states if you multiply a
sum by a number, you will get the same
result if you multiply each addend by
that number and then add the products.
Distributive Property
5(20  1)  5 • 20  5 • 1
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (p. 20)
Identity Property
Grade 6 Flashcards
The property that states that the product
of 1 and any number is that number.
The property that states that the sum of
zero and any number is that number.
Chapter 1 (p. 40)
Operations that undo each other:
addition and subtraction, or
multiplication and division.
inverse operations
5  3  8; 8  3  5
2 • 3  6; 6  3  2
Chapter 1 (p. 14)
An expression that contains only
numbers and operations.
numerical expression
(2 • 3)  1
Chapter 1 (p. 14)
order of operations
A rule for evaluating expressions: first
perform the operations in parentheses,
then compute powers, then perform all
multiplication and division from left to
right, and then perform all addition and
subtraction from left to right.
32  12  4
9  12  4 Evaluate powers.
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