Factoring by Using the Distributive Property and Grouping Notes

Ex. 1
To factor using the distributive property, you must find the __________ of each term.
Factoring by using the Distributive Property
a) 12a2 + 16a
b) 14gh – 18h
c) x3y2 + x
d) 18cd2 + 12c2d + 9cd
e) 12ax3 + 20bx2 + 32cx
f) a + a2b2 + a3b3
Some polynomials won’t have a common GCF. An alternative factoring method is called
____________________, because you are “grouping” pairs of terms together.
Ex. 2
Factoring by using the Grouping Method
a) 4ab + 8b + 3a + 6
b) x2 + 2x + 3x + 6
c) x2 + 5x + 7x + 35
d) 12y2 + 9y + 8y + 6