Section 11.3 Examples Example 1: Recall that a rational number is a

Summer II 2014
Section 11.3 Examples
Example 1: Recall that a rational number
is a number that can be expressed in the form
a , where a, b are integers and b 6= 0. Every
number with a terminating or repeating decimal expansion is a rational number.
1. Use knowledge of geometric series to express
the number 0.512 as the ratio of two integers.
2. Do the same for 0.113 (This one is trickier).
Example 2: Drug Therapy
For most medications, the rate at which a person’s body eliminates an applied medication is
proportional to how much of the drug is in the
person’s system.
Suppose a patient receives 2 mg of a certain
drug each day and that the body will eliminate
25% of the amount present in the system each
day. Estimate the total amount of the drug
that will be present after extended treatment,
immediately after a dose is given.