thema tic plan of lectures for 5 cours med

The Manager of department of physical
training and sport medicine
__________ prof.AnatolyV.Maglovanyy
Thema tic plan of lectures for
Student of the V-th course of medical faculty
Content module 9. Development of applied physical and mental qualities.
"Physical culture as an important part of social and vocational
Basic terms and concepts (physical education, physical culture,
motor skills (skill), physical training and preparedness). History of
Physical Education. Values of physical culture and their application
in terms of personal development. Physical education in higher
vocational education, basic principles of physical education in high
school. Physical education as educational discipline of higher
professional education and development of the whole person. Main
provisions of physical education in higher school.
"Medical and biological basis of physical culture."
Basic terms and concepts (body, adaptation, reflex, hypokinesia,
hypodinamiclack, etc.). The human body as a complex biological
system. Physiological mechanisms and patterns of improvement of
individual organs and systems under the influence of exercise. The
human body as a single biological system that self-developing and
self-regulatory. Effects of natural and socio-environmental factors
on the body and human activity. Means of Physical Culture and
Sport in improving management functionality of the organism in
order to provide mental and physical activity. Motor function and
increase the stability of the human body to different environmental
"Principles of a healthy lifestyle. Motor activity. Preparation of
individual program development exercise. Hygienic basis of
physical culture. "
Metods of physical education. Hygienic bases of physical education.
Dosage of physical activity in health and training classes. General
and Motor density of classes. Physiological curve of classes. The
concept of the intensity and amount of load .
"Professionally applied physical training of the students."
Terms of professionally-applied physical training. Personal and
socio-economic need of special psychophysical training people to
work.. Definition of Professionally applied physical training of the
students , its goals, objectives and metods. Place of Professionally
applied physical training of the students in the system ofphysical
education students. Factors determining the specific content PAPT.
Method of selection of PAPT. The organization, forms and metods
PAPT of students at the university. The control of efficiency of
Professionally applied physical training of the students.
"Physical education in professional activity."
Physical Education on the work.. Production exercises. Features
choice of forms, methods and means of physical culture and sports
in work and leisure professionals. Prevention of occupational
diseases and injuries by means of physical culture. Additional
features and improve overall employability. Influence of individual
characteristics, geographical and climatic conditions and other
factors on the content of physical education professionals working
in manufacturing. The role of future specialists in the
implementation of physical culture in the job team.