
K.M.B. Jansen
Associate professor Product Engineering
Room number:
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Section Product Engineering
Landbergstraat 15
The Netherlands
+31 (0)15-27 86905
Papers 1993-1999: Injection Molding of Thermoplastics
NB: Links are included only for the older papers which are more difficult to obtain in electronic format
1. Jansen KMB, vanDam J, “An analytical solution for temperature profiles during injection
molding, including dissipation effects”, Rheol Acta 31, pp. 592-602, 1992 RA94jan
temperature profiles.pdf
2. Jansen KMB, “Residual stresses in quenched and injection-molded products”, International
Polymer Processing 9, pp.82-89, 1994 IPP94jan residual stress.pdf
3. Jansen KMB, Flaman AAM, “Construction of fast-response heating elements for injection
molding applications”, Polym Eng Sci 34, pp.894-897, 1994 PES94jan heating elements.pdf
4. Jansen KMB, Flaman AAM, “The influence of surface heating on the birefringence distribution
in injection-molded parts”, Polym Eng Sci 34, pp.898-904, 1994 PES94jan birefringence.pdf
5. Jansen KMB, “Analytical approximation of degradation profiles in polymer products” , Polym
Eng Sci 34, pp.1619-1627, 1994 PES94jan degradation profiles.pdf
6. Jansen KMB, “Heat-transfer in injection molding systems with insulation layers and heating
elements”, Intern J Heat Mass Transfer 38, pp.309-316, 1995 IJHM95jan heating
7. Jansen KMB, Titomanlio G, “Effect of pressure history on shrinkage and residual stresses Injection molding with constrained shrinkage”, Polym Eng Sci 36, pp.2029-2040, 1996
PES96jan pressure history.pdf
8. Titomanlio G, Jansen KMB, “In-mold shrinkage and stress prediction in injection molding”,
Polym Eng Sci 36, pp.2041-2049, 1996 PES96tit in-mold shrinkage.pdf
9. Jansen KMB, “Effect of pressure on electrical resistance strain gages”, Experim Mechanics
37, pp245-249, 1997 EM96jan strain gages.pdf
10. Pantani R, Jansen KMB, Titomanlio G, “In-mould shrinkage measurements of PS samples
with strain gages”, International Polym Processing 12, pp.396-402, 1997
11. Jansen KMB, Pantani R, Titomanlio G, “As-molded shrinkage measurements on polystyrene
injection molded products”, Polym Eng Sci 38, pp.254-264, 1998 PES98jan as-molded
12. Jansen KMB, Van Dijk DJ, Husselman MH, “Effect of processing conditions on shrinkage in
injection molding”, Polym Eng Sci 38, pp.838-846, 1998 PES98jan shrinkage.pdf
13. Jansen KMB, van Dijk DJ, Burgers EV, “Experimental validation of shrinkage predictions for
injection molded products”, International Polym Processing 13, pp.99-104, 1998 IPP98jan
14. Jansen KMB, Van Dijk DJ, Freriksen MJA, “Shrinkage anisotropy in fiber reinforced injection
molded products”, Polym Composites 19, 325-334, 1998 PC98jan shrinkage + fibres.pdf
15. Jansen KMB, “Measurement and prediction of anisotropy in injection moulded PP products”,
International Polym Processing 13, pp.309-317, 1998 IPP98jan PP shrinkage.pdf
16. Jansen KMB, van Dijk DJ, Keizer KP, “Warpage of injection moulded plates and corner
products”, International Polym Processing 13, pp.417-424, 1998 IPP98jan warpage.pdf
17. Jansen KMB, Orij JJW, Meijer CZ, et al., “Comparison of residual stress predictions and
measurements using excimer laser layer removal”, Polym Eng Sci 39, pp.2030-2041, 1999
PES99Jan residual stress.pdf
Fast response heater
Papers 2000-2001: Emulsion Rheology
18. Jansen KMB, Agterof WGM, Mellema J, “Droplet breakup in concentrated emulsions”, J
Rheol 45, pp.227-236, 2001 JR01jan droplet breakup.pdf
19. Jansen KMB, Agterof WGM, Mellema J, “Viscosity of surfactant stabilized emulsions”, J
Rheol 45, pp.1359-1371, 2001 JR01jan emulsion viscosity.pdf
Papers 2002-2012: Cure Stresses in Thermosets
20. LJ Ernst, KMB Jansen, G.Q Zhang, R Bressers, “Time and Temperature Dependent ThermoMechanical Modeling of a Packaging Molding Compound and its Effect on Packaging
Process Stresses”, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of ASME 125, 2003,
pp. 539-548 JEP03ern TT modeling.pdf
21. DG Yang , KMB. Jansen, LG Wang, L. Ernst, GQ Zhang, HJL Bressers, "Micromechanical
Modeling of Stress Evolution Induced During Cure in a Particle-filled Electronic Packaging
Polymer", IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 27, p.676-683,
2004 ITCPT04yan micromech modeling.pdf
22. K.M.B. Jansen , V. Gonda, L.J. Ernst, H.J.L. Bressers, G.Q. Zhang, “The State-of-the-Art of
Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of thin Polymer Films ", J Electronic Packaging 127,
pp.530-536, 2005
23. K.M.B. Jansen, H.J.L. Bressers, L.J. Ernst, Effect of resin formulation on thermoset
viscoelasticity, “Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology” 128, 478-483, 2006
24. M.H.H. Meuwissen, H.A. de Boer, H.L.A.H. Steijvers, K.M.B. Jansen, P.J.G. Schreurs, M.G.D.
Geers, “Prediction of mechanical stresses induced by microelectronic packaging materials
during cure”, J. of Adhesion and Adhesives 26, 212-225, 2006
25. L.J. Ernst, K.M.B. Jansen, D.G. Yang, C. van ’t Hof, H.J.L. Bressers, G.Q. Zhang, Polymer
Materials Characterization, Modeling and Application, in "Micro- and Opto-Electronic
Materials and Structures: Physics, Mechanics, Design, Reliability, Packaging", edited by E.
Suhir, C.P. Wong, Y.C. Lee, 2007
26. van Soestbergen M, Ernst LJ, Jansen KMB, et al., Measuring the through-plane elastic
modulus of thin polymer films in situ , Microelectronics Reliability 47 (12): 1983-1988, 2007
27. Yang DG, Jansen KMB, Ernst LJ, et al., Effect of filler concentration of rubbery shear and
bulk modulus of molding compounds , Microelectronics Reliability 47 (2-3): 233-239, 2007
28. van't Hof C, Jansen KMB, Wisse G, et al., Novel shear tools for viscoelastic characterization
of packaging polymers, Microelectronics Reliability 47 (2-3): 240-247 FEB-MAR 2007
29. Gonda V, Jansen KMB, Ernst LJ, den Toonder J, Zhang GQ, Micro-mechanical testing of
SiLK by nanoindentation and substrate curvature techniques, Microelectronics Reliability 47
(2-3): 248-251, 2007
30. Bressers HJL, van Driel WD, Jansen KMB, Ernst LJ, Zhang GQ, Correlation between
chemistry of polymer building blocks and Microelectronics Reliability, Microelectronics
Reliability 47 (2-3): 290-294, 2007
31. Yang DG, Jansen KMB, Ernst LJ, et al., Numerical modeling of warpage induced in QFN
array molding process, Microelectronics Reliability 47 (2-3): 310-318, 2007 MR07Yang
32. X. Ma, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, W.D. van Driel, O. van der Sluis, G.Q.Zhang,
Characterization of moisture properties of polymers for IC packaging, Microelectronics
Reliability 47, p.1685-1689, 2007
33. Falat T, Wymyslowski A, Kolbe J, Jansen KMB and Ernst LJ, Influence of matrix viscoelastic
properties on thermal conductivity of TCA - Numerical approach , Microelectronics Reliability
47 (12): 1989-1996, 2007
34. Wang, L; Xiao, A; Jansen, KMB, et al., Mechanical reliability of a segmented silicon layer on
ultra-thin polyimide substrates, Progress in Fracture and Strength of Materials and Structures
1-4, Vol353-358, pp.2529-2532, 2007
35. JS Nakka, K.M.B Jansen, L.J. Ernst, W.F.Jager, Effect of the epoxy resin chemistry on the
viscoelasticity of its cured product, J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 108, 1414-1420, 2008
36. Gui, DY; Ernst, LJ; Jansen, KMB, Yang DG, Goumans L, Bressers HJL, Janssen JHJ, Effects
of molding pressure on the warpage and the viscoelasticities of HVQFN packages, J. Appl.
Polymer Sci. 109, pp.2016-2022, 2008
37. K.M.B. Jansen, C. Qian, L.J. Ernst, C. Bohm, A. Kessler, H. Preu, M. Stecher, Modeling and
characterization of molding compound properties during cure, Microelectronis Reliability 49,
pp.872-876, Aug 2009
38. Regard C, Gautier C, Fremont H, Poirier P, Ma X, Jansen KMB, Fast reliability qualification of
SiP products, Microelectronis Reliability 49, pp.958-962, Sep-Nov 2009
39. G. Perfetti , K.M.B. Jansen , H. Wildeboer,G. Meesters, P van Hee, Characterization of
physical and viscoelastic properties of polymer films for coating applications under different
temperature of drying and storage, Intern J Pharmaceutics 384, pp.109-119, 2010 Perfetti
40. X.S. Ma, K.M.B. Jansen, G.Q. Zhang, A fast moisture sensitivity level qualification method,
Microelectronics Reliability 50, pp.1654-1660 (2010)
41. M. van Soestbergen, A. Mavinkrurve, R.T.H. Rongen, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst and G.Q.
Zhang, Theory of aluminum metallization corrosion in microelectronics, Electrochimica Acta
55 (2010) 5459-5469
42. J. de Vreugd, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, C. Bohm, Prediction of cure induced warpage of
micro-electronic products, Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 50, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages
43. van Soestbergen M, Mavinkurve A, Rongen RTH, Jansen KMB, Ernst LJ and Zhang GQ,
Theory of aluminum metallization corrosion in microelectronics, Electrochimica Acta 55,
pp.5459-5469 (2010)
44. M. Akram, K.M.B.Jansen, L.J.Ernst and S. Bhowmik, Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Surface
Modification of Titanium for High Temperature Adhesive Bonding, Int J Adhesion and
Adhesives 31, pp.598-604, 2011
45. J.S. Nakka, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, Effect of Chain Flexibility in the Network Structure on
the Viscoelasticity of Epoxy Thermosets, J Polym Res 18, pp.1879-1888 (2011)
46. I.B. Vendik, O.G. Vendik, V.P. Afanasjev, I.M. Sokolova, D.A. Chigirev, R.A. Castro, K.M.B.
Jansen, L.G. Ernst, and P. H.M. Timmermans, The unified relaxation model of dynamical
electrical and mechanical properties of a polymer composite, submitted to IEEE Trans.
Advanced Packaging
47. K.M.B. Jansen, J. de Vreugd and L.J. Ernst, Analytical estimate for cure induced stress and
warpage in coating layers, J Appl Polym Sci 126, p.1623-1630 (2012) JAPS12jansen
48. M. Sadeghinia, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, Characterization and modeling the thermomechanical cure dependent properties of epoxy molding compound, International Journal of
Adhesion and Adhesives 32, pp. 82-88 (2012)
49. M. Sadeghinia, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, Characterization of the viscoelastic properties of
an epoxy molding compound during cure, Microelectronic Reliability 52, pp.1711-1718 (2012)
50. C.K.Y. Wong, S.Y.Y. Leung, R.H. Poelma, K.M.B. Jansen, C.C.A. Yuan, W.D. van Driel and
G.Q. Zhang, Establishment of the Coarse Grained parameters for epoxy-copper Interfacial
Separation, J. Applied Physics 111, p.094906 (2012)
51. J.S. Nakka, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, Tailoring the viscoelasticity of epoxy thermosets, J
Appl Polymer Science, accepted
52. K.M.B. Jansen, B. Öztürk and L.J. Ernst, Warpage estimation of a multilayer package
including cure shrinkage effects, submitted to IEEE Trans Advan Packaging
53. M. Akram, K.M.B. Jansen, S. Bhowmik, L.J. Ernst, Durability of polyimid to titanium bonds, in
54. M. Sadeghinia, K.M.B. Jansen, L.J. Ernst, Mechanical characterization of epoxy molding
compound in pressurized steam, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 40, pp.
103-107 (2013)
55. M. Yazdan Mehr, W.D. van Driel, K.M.B. Jansen, P. Deeben, M. Boutelje, G.Q. Zhang,
Photodegradation of bisphenol A polycarbonate under blue light radiation and its effect on
optical properties, accepted for publication in Optical Materials
56. K.M.B. Jansen, B. Öztürk and L.J. Ernst, Warpage estimation of a multilayer package
including cure shrinkage effects, IEEE Trans Advan Packaging vol.3, no.3, pp.459-466