00 Homework Manager - Grading Details

Applied Math: Class Web Site and Online Connect
Home page: shortclass.com
[All Applied Math] – applies to every section, whether Classroom or Online Blended course. This web
page contains tips and tricks, explanations of various concepts listed by chapter number, test
study guides, etc. These resources will help every student taking Applied Math.
Any exceptions are identified as such; they apply to Classroom Only sections (those sections that
meet on campus three hours weekly in a class room).
[Blended Applied Math] – applies to Online Blended sections, which meet on campus only for exams.
Online Connect™ (OC)
Online Connect™ (OC) is an online quiz & solution resource and is required for all sections.
To receive credit for OC quizzes, you must purchase an OC access code in one of two ways:
1) You may purchase a new textbook, which includes an access code, from the NPC bookstore.
2) You may purchase a code online, using a credit or debit card (see syllabus for options).
Once you purchase your access code, you must register for the correct section.
Go to http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com/class/mesko11; click Register Now.
Enter your NP email address and click Submit.
Enter your 20-character code, click Submit, and fill out the required information.
Grades in Online Connect™ (OC)
When you purchase an access code and register as a student, your quiz grades in OC can raise your
overall course grade significantly. You may take each quiz as many times as you wish during
the semester, prior to the date of the last regular written test. Only the highest score on each
quiz counts in your quiz average.
Classroom sections:
Your OC quiz average will count 15% of your semester grade, your attendance 10%,
and your written test average 75%.
Online Blended sections:
Your OC quiz average will count 25% of your semester grade and your written test average 75%.
Extra Credit (all sections):
You will earn 1 point extra credit, added to your test score, for each OC quiz score over 70%. The
extra credit can be earned only prior to each test, while the OC quiz average can be raised any
time before the last regular written test.
Extra credit maximum of 3 points per OC quiz = 3 points extra credit per written test
3 points is about a third of a letter grade (!) and is very easy to do
(This one’s a no-brainer, folks :->)
Printed for Allan Mesko, 2/15/2016