
Minutes of the NC-1004 Annual Meeting
U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE and Holiday Inn, Hastings, NE
May 30-31, 2003
Project/Activity Number: NC-1004
Project/Activity Title: Genetic and functional genomic approaches to improve production and quality of
Period Covered: October 1, 2002 to May 31, 2003
Date of This Report: June 5, 2003
Annual Meeting Dates: May 30-31, 2003
Participants: Thirty-three members and guests attended the annual meeting. Participating stations and
members present were as follows:
Administrative Advisors: B. Stromberg, Univ. of MN and P. Brayton, USDA-CSREES
Illinois: J. Beever
Indiana: D. Moody
Iowa: T. Baas, J. Dekkers, M. Rothschild and C. Tuggle
Michigan: R. Bates and C. Ernst
Minnesota: S. Fahrenkrug
Nebraska: R. Johnson and D. Pomp
Nevada: C. Beattie
North Carolina: J. Cassady and O.W. Robison
Ohio: S. Moeller
Oklahoma: U. DeSilva and G. Zhang
USDA-BARC: J. Lunney
USDA-MARC: B. Freking
Vermont: R. Hovey
Adopted Agenda: The May 30 session was held at the USMARC and the agenda included three invited
presentations, tours of the MARC animal and laboratory facilities, station reports and a business meeting.
Dinner was at Taylor’s Restaurant in Hastings, NE. The May 31 session was held in the Hastings
Holiday Inn and the agenda included a planning and strategy session.
Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting:
1. Meeting was called to order by Chair D. Pomp at 8:15 am on May 30.
2. D. Pomp thanked B. Freking and the local hosts for hosting the meeting.
3. B. Freking welcomed everyone and introduced the invited speakers.
4. Presentations were made by Dr. Steve Kappes (“Welcome to MARC and update on livestock genome
sequencing plans”), Dr. Dan Nonneman (“Development of an EST-derived SNP map for swine”) and
Dr. Jeff Vallet (“Implementation of proteomic tools for swine research”)
5. Tours of MARC animal and laboratory facilities.
6. Box lunch at MARC.
7. M. Rothschild presented an update on construction and distribution of a pig 13,000 oligonucleotide
8. Oral station reports presented by J. Lunney, J. Beever, M. Rothschild, C. Tuggle, J. Dekkers, C.
Ernst, D. Pomp, R. Johnson (J. Holl and D. Petry), S. Fahrenkrug, C. Beattie, S. Moeller and J.
9. Administrative advisor reports presented by B. Stromberg and P. Brayton. B. Stromberg reminded
the committee that there will be a mid-term review in year 3. Also, the committee should consider
how they can collaborate and attention should be paid to accomplishments, impacts and outreach
activities. P. Brayton indicated that web-based peer review and submission systems for the NRICGP
are being developed and tested. Also, the NRI Integrated Program RFA has been announced and the
submission deadline is July 30.
10. M. Rothschild gave the US Swine Genome Coordinator’s report. He indicated that microsatellite
primers have all been distributed but there is still interest in the primers. If anyone has primers they
are not using, they should return them so they can be distributed to someone else. A QTL database is
currently under development. Discussions should begin soon regarding the next generation of
oligonucleotide arrays. Committee members are encouraged to submit suggestions for things the
Coordinator can do.
11. M. Rothschild moved and R. Johnson seconded to have NC-1004 officers rotate from secretary to
vice-chair to chair. Therefore, B. Freking will become the new chair and C. Ernst will become the
new vice-chair. B. Freking nominated and S. Fahrenkrug seconded J. Cassady to fill the open
secretary position. M. Rothschild moved to accept J. Cassady by acclamation. The motion was
seconded and passed unanimously.
12. M. Rothschild reminded members of NRSP-8 to encourage their AES Directors to support the project
renewal. B. Stromberg indicated that the final decision will be made at the summer meeting.
13. J. Dekkers reminded the committee that industry representatives are to be invited to the NC-1004
meetings every other year. Strategies were discussed for including industry participation. S. Moeller
indicated that expectations of industry representatives should be clearly defined. J. Dekkers moved
and R. Johnson seconded to send invitations to the National Swine Improvement Federation and the
National Swine Registry. Concerns were expressed that all members of these organizations may not
be notified. J. Dekkers offered a friendly amendment to the motion to consider these issues when
drafting the invitation. Motion passed unanimously. J. Dekkers and B. Freking will work together on
the invitation.
14. Business meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm on May 30.
15. May 31 session held in the Hastings Holiday Inn included discussion of the resources available at
each station and potential collaborative projects. The group split into two smaller groups each
focusing on one of the objectives.
16. Previous discussions by the NC-1004 membership indicated a desire to alternate meeting locations
between San Diego, CA (in conjunction with NRSP-8 and PAG) in January and a campus location in
the spring. The drawback to this strategy is that the time between meetings would not be consistent.
J. Cassady suggested the committee consider meeting in conjunction with the NSIF meetings in
December in alternating years. This would ensure industry participation and would allow for a more
consistent time lapse between meetings. The issue of meeting locations was tabled and will be
resolved at the 2004 meeting in San Diego.
Key Discussions: Two major items of discussion included bioinformatics needs and achieving the
outreach component of NC-1004. The NC-1004 Bioinformatics Working Committee of C. Tuggle
(Chair), D. Moody, S. Fahrenkrug and C. Ernst was appointed. J. Keele (US-MARC) will be asked if he
is willing to join the committee. Also, M. Rothschild will serve as an ex officio member and P. Brayton
will be kept informed of committee progress. The committee’s first task will be to develop guidelines for
the shared oligonucleotide arrays that will be distributed soon. Later the committee will consider other
informatics sharing issues. The NC-1004 Outreach Committee of R. Johnson (Chair), R. Bates, T. Baas
and S. Moeller was appointed to consider outreach activities.
Assigned Responsibilities/Deadlines/Target Dates: The 2004 Annual Meeting for NC-1004 will be
held in San Diego, CA in conjunction with the NRSP-8 meeting and the Plant and Animal Genome XII
Conference in January, 2004. The NC-1004 Bioinformatics Working Committee will develop guidelines
for use of the shared oligonucleotide arrays before July 1, 2003. The NC-1004 Outreach Committee will
consider industry participation at the 2004 meeting and other outreach activities.
Signature: Catherine W. Ernst, NC-1004 Secretary