Roads - PublicHousing

The site exists as a superblock, with two main roads (Luxford and Bougainville Roads)
bordering two sides, and a quiet residential (Marquesa Crescent) on the opposing side. A
network of laneways and underpasses link the various buildings and Department of Housing
sites together. These are the major influences in contributing to the aura of disrepair within
the area.
There is minimal street frontage of the buildings located in this site, with long walks to reach
basic support services such as carparks, letterboxes and garbage bins.
There is no designated function for the grassed areas between the buildings which have
since become wide expanses of no-man’s land – people rip down mesh fencing, walk across
‘private’ building property, and as the disrepair resulting is not fixed, it becomes engrained
in the locals minds that this is the way of life, and they live with it.
No opportunities for passive surveillance exist – people are able to walk through
Department of Housing property relatively unnoticed and not prevented.
Road widths and designs need to adhere to the regulations stipulated in Blacktown City
Council documents.
Encourage passive surveillance through constant traffic movement
Most people walk – whilst car parking is necessary, preference should be given to
pedestrians within this area
On street parking is now possible within the precinct and this can alleviate the cul-de-sac
parking spaces hidden behind buildings
Roads are to address buildings, be planned to avoid speeding, and be positioned such as to
encourage breezes through these avenues.
Any parking spaces eliminated have to be relocated to benefit the planning of the area, and
definitely to no detriment of vital movement patterns.
Break up the superblock into four manageable lots
One-way streets ensure that both roads are frequented evenly, enabling constant
movement and surveillance within the site.
Roads provide shortcuts to Luxford Road for local and adjacent residents
Provide wide footpaths to facilitate the predominant pedestrian movement that occurs
within the site
Roads are orientated such as to facilitate natural wind movement through the site and
encourage breezes
Close Apia Place Road – Relocate parking in bays adjacent to shops and community centre as
well as overflow on-street parking on new streets.