Delegated report 15.0063 - Ribble Valley Borough Council

This report needs to be read in conjunction with the
Decision Notice.
Ribble Valley Borough Council
Ref: CS/EL
Application No:
Development Proposed:
3/2012/0219/P. Removal of curtain walling to north east
elevation to be replaced with cladding and brickwork; removal
of curtain walling and high level windows to south west
elevation to be replaced with cladding and brickwork; and the
introduction of a row of windows to the south east (front)
elevation at Altham Pumping Station, Burnley Road,
CONSULTATIONS: Parish/Town Council
Parish Council – N/A
CONSULTATIONS: Highway/Water Authority/Other Bodies
CONSULTATIONS: Additional Representations.
The application relates to the former Altham Pumping Station on the west side of Burnley
Road, Simonstone, close to the bridge over the River Calder.
Under reference 3/2012/0219/P full planning permission was granted subject to a number of
conditions for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a replacement water
extraction, bottling and storage facility including ancillary offices, welfare facilities and the
construction of a new access, the provision of vehicle parking and all associated engineering
The approved building has its main front (south-east) elevation facing the road. Its rear
(north-west) elevation faces a yard area at the rear, beyond which is another industrial
building in separate ownership and open fields. The approved development includes the
provision of an access road along the south-western side of the building giving access to the
service yard at the rear.
As approved, the north eastern elevation of the building was predominantly facing brickwork
to the lower walls with cladding to the upper walls, but with a glazed ‘curtain walling’ section
at the front end (ie closest to the road) of that side elevation. As a non-material amendment,
this application seeks permission for the ‘curtain walling’ section of this elevation to be
replaced with facing brick and cladding to match the rest of the elevation.
As approved, the central section of the south western side elevation of the building was
facing brickwork to the lower walls, cladding to the upper walls, and a row of glazing just
below the eaves. At both ends of this side elevation, as approved, there was a section of
glazed ‘curtain walling’. As a non-material amendment, this application seeks permission for
one of the sections of ‘curtain walling’ and the high level windows of this elevation to be
replaced with facing brick and cladding to match the rest of the elevation. The section of
curtain walling at the front end of the side elevation would be retained.
As approved, the front elevation of the building contains a front facing gable with a finish
predominantly of facing brickwork, but with some solid panels to the upper part of the
elevation. . As a non-material amendment, this application seeks permission for the addition
of a row of clear glazed windows in a central position between the facing brickwork and the
solid panels
These amendments are requested in order to reduce costs whilst also making the building
more secure and more sustainable. needs. All of the proposed amendments, in my opinion,
respect the overall design concept of the building such that there would be no material
effects upon the appearance of the building or the locality. The proposed amendments
would also not have any implications in respect of effects upon highway safety, an existing
adjoining business or any nearby residents.
I therefore consider all three proposed amendments to be “non material” and consider,
accordingly, that permission should be granted.
RECOMMENDATION: That conditional planning permission be granted.