MST South Young People leaflet


Information for the

Young Person


Multisystemic Therapy

(MST) can help


What is MST and how can it help me?

MST stands for Multisystemic Therapy, a new way of helping young people like you make the kind of changes which will improve your life.

How does it work?

MST works by involving your whole family or carers and together with a worker; you’ll plan ways of improving the things that matter to you. Things like how you get on with your family, your friends, schoolwork, and keeping on the right side of the law. MST looks at the areas of your life which could do with changing for the better and setting achievable goals. It will help you to feel better about yourself and give you the skills you need to make changes and stick to them.

How long will it take?

Your MST programme will last from 3-5 months and during this time you and your family or carers will meet your worker at your home or at another place in the community for an hour or so 2-3 times a week. For you to get the most out of it, it would be beneficial for the worker to meet with you at least once each week.

The worker may be in telephone contact with your family between visits. This may seem like a lot of time but once you start the programme and things begin to improve, you will see the benefit of regular support.

What will happen?

Your MST worker will work with you and your parents to find out all the areas of your life that need improving. Each of you will be able to say what you would like to achieve and how you want things to be different.

You will agree on a set of rules which will help you to avoid problems and achieve your goals.

The rules are there to make sure you all know what is expected of you and how everyone wants you to try and behave.

That way everyone is clear about what they are aiming for and knows where they stand – most of all you. It means you’ll all be able to see when things are going well and when you may require a bit of extra help. There may well be rewards to encourage you to keep going.

You’ll know you won’t be tackling problems on your own and that the whole family is right behind you.

Who else will be involved?

Your parents or carers will keep in touch with other people in your life, like your teachers, social worker or YOS worker if you have one, youth club leader and possibly the police.

Some of these people may continue to support you once your MST programme has ended.

What MST can do for you?

Improve your relationships with family, friends and the local community

Help you do better at school or college

Keep you out of trouble

Help you to stay safe

Make you feel better about yourself

Help you to enjoy your life

For further information please contact:

Sharon Wright

Business Support Officer

MST Northamptonshire South Team

Ground Floor, John Dryden House

8 – 10 The Lakes



MST Office: 01604 364011(Mon – Thur )
