Worksheet for adolescence chapter 14

Name: _________________________________________
N331 Worksheet #5
Ch. 14: Adolescent Nutrition
Fill in the blank/provide a short answer as appropriate.
A. List two common supplements used by adolescents (e.g. anabolic steroids) and a potential
side effect of each supplement. (See chapter 15.)
B. List two nutritional recommendations specifically for adolescent athletes.
C. The DRI recommendations, which categorize nutrient needs according to age, split into separate
recommendations for males and females at age ________________________.
D. Use the charts on the inside front cover of your textbook to answer the following:
1. The recommended intake of iron (RDA) for a 17-year-old female is ________ mg/day.
2. The recommended intake of zinc (RDA) for a 17-year-old male is ________ mg/day.
E. Adolescent males need even more nutrients than adolescent females (for most nutrients), yet
males usually meet their needs and females are more likely to be deficient. Why?
F. Fast food meals are typically high in fat and kcals and low in fiber and vitamins.
Give two suggestions for improving fast food choices.
G. List two specific actions you could take as a high school administrator to improve the
nutritional environment for the students while at school.
Circle your choices below.
H. You are developing a set of nutrition education messages targeting teens about the risks of
smoking. Knowing the characteristics of adolescents, which of the following blurbs is likely to
be most effective?
A. Smoking is a risk factor for premature wrinkles.
B. Smoking is a risk factor for heart disease.
I. Adolescent athletes in America are typically at risk for deficiency of all of the following nutrients
A. calcium
B. iron
C. kcals
D. protein
Circle A if the statement is true; circle B (false) if the statement is false.
J. In general, adolescence is the time of highest absolute kcalorie and nutrient needs of any life
cycle stage. (Please read this question carefully!)
A. True
B. False
K. Vegan diets are generally high in DHA.
A. True
B. False
L. Adolescents who skip breakfast are more likely to have inadequate intakes of fiber and folate.
A. True
B. False
M. Most adolescents meet dietary recommendations for fruits and vegetables.
A. True
B. False
N. Adolescence is an important time for building peak bone mass because calcium absorption rates are
highest during the adolescent years.
A. True
B. False
Consider the characteristics of each of the following stages of adolescence and list one
potential nutritional implication. (See Table 14.2. One example is given.)
Early adolescence
Peer influence is strong
Nutrition implication
Teen will follow peers rather than stick to
healthful choices
(give another
example here)
Middle adolescence
Late adolescence
Define the following term:
Bonus questions for classroom fun: (i.e. no points involved)
Who was President of the United States when you were an adolescent?
Name one of your favorite foods: ____________________________