Business Ethics Now, 4e Video Lecture Notes

Business Ethics Now, 4e
Video Lecture Notes
Chapter 4: Corporate Social Responsibility
Starbucks Makes Stores from Shipping Containers
Run Time: 4:19
With thousands of stores located all around the world, a new Starbucks location would
hardly seem to be newsworthy. However, many people are excited about one of the most
recent openings in Seattle. The company’s familiar green and white sign hangs outside the
new store, but that may be all that is recognizable. In fact, many consumers may wonder
whether they have seen the rest of the store somewhere else, perhaps while waiting a
railroad crossing or while driving down the highway because this store, unlike other
Starbucks locations, is made from recycled shipping containers.
The new building follows the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED)
protocol. Its design came to architect Anthony Perez while he was looking out of his
window at one of the busiest shipping ports in the country where unused shipping
containers were waiting to be taken to the scrapyard. Perez used the containers as the
building blocks for the new store and then continued the green design into the landscaping
as well. He notes that Starbucks has always been committed to sustainability inside its
stores. He simply applied the concept outside as well.
On the wall of the new store is sign indicating Starbucks’s dedication to sustainability. With
words like recycle, reuse, regenerate, and so on, the sign clearly illustrates Starbucks’ belief
that it can make a difference. The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, hopes that other
companies will follow its lead in corporate sustainability.
Discussion Questions
1. What is corporate social responsibility? How has Starbucks applied this philosophy to its
2. Do companies have an obligation to be environmentally friendly? How can buildings like
the one that Starbucks has built help the environment?
3. Does Starbucks, as a well-known company, have a special responsibility to lead the way
in being environmentally friendly? Has Starbucks assumed a leadership position in
environmental sustainability in the coffee industry?
Business Ethics Now, 4e
Video Lecture Notes
4. Consider the benefits from Starbucks’ new Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) compliant building. Which stakeholders stand to gain from this initiative?
Do any shareholders stand to lose?
5. How important is leadership from the top in creating a socially responsible organization?
How would you characterize Starbucks’ leadership?