FORUM NCG Nantes 22-25 October 2014 CALL FOR APPLICATION What is

22-25 October 2014
What is Nantes Creative Generations?
Nantes Creative Generations is a programme set up by Nantes Métropole and the City of Nantes,
in partnership with local NGOs, toward young adults between 18 to 30 years old from Nantes and
all over Europe.
It aims at encouraging and gathering young people involved in original initiatives, innovative
projects that help strengthen the notion of citizenship, of «living together». In this way, several
actions are proposed throughout the year: Forum, Cooperation award, Network, NCG on Tour.
 More information about NCG (Website)
The Forum
This is the most important part of Nantes Creative Generations. Each year, the Forum brings
together young adults from all Europe in Nantes to debate and share experiences.
During 3 days, participants are invited to :
- present a project
- share good practices
- improve skills on developing project methods
- meet potential partners in order to the develop new projects between different countries,
that can be awarded by a Cooperation grant.
- debate with young people from Europe,
- take part to cultural events
Program: plenary sessions, thematic workshops, debates, visits, cultural events.
 See the 2013 Forum program (website)
The 2014 Forum will take place in Nantes from October 22 to 25th
After the meeting, all the participants join the NCG Network. They can apply for the Cooperation
Award and participate to the NCG on Tour programme.
Practical information
The Forum starts on Wednesday 22 October evening and ends on Saturday 25 October during the
Transport, accommodation and food costs of European participants are covered by Nantes
Métropole (Maximum 2 participants per project).
Please note that participants are asked to book their transport tickets themselves. The
organization will then refund travel expenses up to 400 Euros per person, according to the original
receipts and tickets sent by the participants. Refunds are approximatively provided 2 months after
the Forum.
How to participate?
are the conditions to participate to the Forum:
To be aged between 18 and 30 years old
To live in Nantes Métropole or in Europe (Countries members of the Council of Europe)
To present a project
To fill in the following application form and send it back to before
31 May 2014.
Projects to participate to the Forum will be selected by a jury in June.
Additional information
During the Forum, participants allow the organizers to take photos or videos that might be
published on the website or other communication tools.
Deadline : 31 May 2014
1. Project leader
Title ... FIRST NAME ............................. NAME .............................. Age ...
Organisation .............................................................................................
Job title ...................................................................................................
Adress .....................................................................................................
City ..................................................... Country ......................................
Phone .................................................. Fax ............................................
Email .......................................................................................................
Website ..................................................................................................
2. Participants to the Forum
Title ... FIRST NAME ............................. NAME .............................. Age ...
Job title
City ..................................................... Country ......................................
Title ... FIRST NAME ............................. NAME .............................. Age ...
Job title
City ..................................................... Country ......................................
3. Short presentation of the project
These contents will be published on the NCG website:
3.1. Project name
3.2. Description of the project (100 to 150 words)
3.3. Website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
4. The project
Who is the project holder?
- Max. 80 words-
Who initiated the project? Who is the project holder?
Are young people actively involved in the project?
Description of the project
- Max. 300 words-
Goals of the project
Why do you think this project is innovative?
What is the budget of the project? - Max. 100 words -
How far into the project are you? How should it last?
Who are your partners?
- Max. 100 words -
- Max. 150 words -
Are you supported by an organisation and if yes, in which way? What is the role of your
Are you a member of any network(s), if yes which one(s)?
Which particular skills did you develop in this project?
- Max. 150 words -
5. Your experience
Have you already set up any projects before? - Max. 80 words If yes, were partners from different countries involved?
6. The Forum
Why are you motivated to participate in the Forum?
- Max. 150 words -
How did you hear about NCG?
- Max. 80 words -
Please return this application form before 31 May 2014 to