Presentation Associates

Presentation Associates - Angela Sexton
Angela said that the Easter gifts and cards were delivered to the housebound of the
community. The Easter cards had been made by the Guides and children of St.
Anne’s. These were very well received.
Angela said that the Associates were very pleased to welcome a new member,
Rosemary Bibby. New members were always very welcome.
Rosary group and the Polish Community - Kazia Skrobot
Kazia and friends went to Luton on Sunday 15th april. They attended a celebration of
the Divine Mercy. It was requested by Pope John Paul11 that a celebration of the
Divine Mercy take place on the Sunday after Easter. There was a very big gathering at
Luton. There were similar gatherings other parts of the country.
The Rosary group still meet regularly in house groups and to say the Rosary before
weekend Eucharists. The Polish Community still meet for Mass on Saturday
Visiting the sick and administration of Communion Marie Lewis
There have been no new volunteers to visit the sick. Each visitor has a specific person
to visit. They do not visit a number of people. This enables them to build a
relationship with the person they are visiting. It also gives a feeling of security to the
housebound person, they know their visitor well.
Welcoming Group - Kath Cassidy
Nothing to report
Eucharistic Ministers - Margaret robinson
There is still a desperate shortage of Ministers. This has been compounded by
Margaret herself being ill with shingles and not being available. One suggestion was,
that at the end of Mass a Eucharistic Minister could speak to the congregation and
explain exactly what was required to become a Minister. This may make people’s
understanding of what is required clearer. People who work could adminster the
Eucharist on a Saturday or Sunday Mass only. Those who do not work could bring the
Eucharist to the housebound.
Margaret will speak with Father regarding the Eucharistic services being taken by the
Ministers, if it becomes necessary.
Churches Together John and Jacki Pocock
Night Stop is just about managing. More contributions are urgently needed. These can
be left in the box at the back of the church or may be dropped at 13 Darwin avenue or
at the United Reformed Church.
Churches Together have organised an Organ Bursary open to a suitable candidate to
address the shortage of organists in Buxton and surrounding areas. Copy given to
Father and a copy enclosed.
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides Aileen Warneford
These groups continue to thrive. At present there are twelve Rainbows, twenty eight
Brownies and over forty Guides and Rangers meeting each week in the Centre. The
leaders aim to foster a caring and responsible spirit.
Guides have raised funds for the Mayoral Charities and for the East Cheshire Hospice.
They have been to Paris and to the Big Gig in Birmingham. They also took part in a
sponsored swim for charity and a bag pack for charity. Guides completed the
“Together we Can” project culminating in a service in the church which was featured
in the local paper, They raised 190 pounds with a coffee morning and sent two Thai
Guides to High School for a year and are hoping to start a pen pal scheme with the
Thai girls. They helped at the Senior Citizens party all day, also making cakes in their
meeting that week
Brownies have been on a trip to Shropshire in March, a yearly adventure to spend a
weekend learning new and exciting skills such as abseiling and kayaking. They
featured in the local paper with their Olympic inspired mascots and were challenged
to achieve a personal best for the coming year. They carry on with their usual crafts
and games and badges. We always end with prayers and are producing our own
Prayer and Poem Book.
The Rainbows are a very delightful group of small girls learning to have fun together
and develop friendship and co operation. They spent a lovely evening in “Father’s
Garden” making their own Easter gardens in trays with earth, leaves, plasticene shells
Discussion overheard
“Why have you got Jesus lying down in your garden?”
“Well, he’s dead isn’t He?”
“Yes but then he came alive again”
“Oh yes. Better stand Him up then”
Would we all had such an uncomplicated faith in the Resurrection