Plant Evolution Review Answers Updated






Alternation of Generation






















Net Venation


Nonvascular Plants


Parallel Venation






Roots Germinates



__ C __1) Pine trees are a type of

a) nonvascular plant c) gymnosperm

b) angiosperm d) herbaceous plant

__ B __2) Bryophytes have

a) true roots, stems, and leaves c) vascular tissue b) an alternation of generation life cycle d) seeds


Seed Plants

Seedless Plants








Vascular Plants

Vascular Tissue

Woody Tissue



__ B __3) Peat bogs

a) decompose rapidly c) are composed mainly of algae and ferns b) decompose very slowly d) are found mainly in the southern hemisphere

__ C __4) The mobile sexual reproductive part of all seedless plants are called

a) rhizomes b) cones c) spores d) seeds

__ A __5) Naked seeds are produced by plants in the phylum a) Coniferophyta b) Lycophyta c) Anthophyta d) Pterophyta

__ C __6) Most monocots

a) bear their seeds in cones c) have parallel venation

b) do not produce flowers d) have vascular bundles that are arranged in a circle

__ C __7) The waxy covering on plants surfaces is called

a) xylem b) dicot c) cuticle d) ginkgo

__ A __8) The vascular tissue that transports organic compounds is called

a) phloem b) xylem c) cuticle d) stomata

__ A __9) Bryophytes include all of the following plants except a) ferns b) hornworts c) liverworts d) mosses

__ A __10) The type of angiosperm that has parallel leaf venation is a a) monocot b) dicot c) sporophyte d) gametophyte

__ C __11) The plant that produces fleshy seeds is the

a) gametophyte b) dicot c) ginkgo d) monocot

__ B __12) How many phases are there in the life cycle of plants?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5

__ A __13) One adaptation that helped land plants retain water was a) a cuticle b) lack of roots c) porous cell walls d) chloroplasts

__ D __14) All plants are photosynthetic, multicellular, and

a) asexual b) nonreproductive c) prokaryotic d) eukaryotic

__ A __15) All plants probably evolved from a) green algae b) a fungus c) animal cells d) a species of bacteria

__ C __16) One of the greatest problems encountered by the first land plants was the need for

a) sunlight b) nitrogen c) water d) fertilization

__ C_ _17) The nonphotosynthetic moss phase is called a

a) monocot b) dicot c) sporophyte d) gametophyte

__ A __18) How does water aid the fertilization of some organisms? a) provides a medium for sperm to move c) holds cells together

b) discourages predators d) slows meiosis

__ C __19) A protective structure that contains a plant embryo and stored food is a

a) root b) guard cell c) seed d) fruit

__ B_ _20) The vascular tissue that transports water is called

a) phloem b) xylem c) cuticle d) stomata

__ C __21) The earliest land plants probably had no

a) cell walls b) cell division c) leaves d) water

__ A __22) A monocot has a) three part flowers c) four part flowers

b) two seed leaves d) net leaf venation

__ A __23) The structures of a nonvascular plant that take in water and hold the plant in soil are

a) rhizoids b) roots c) spore d) xylem

__ D_ _24) Each of the following is a part of a seed Except the

a) embryo b) endosperm c) seed coat d) gametophyte

__ C __25) Which of the following phlya of plants produces seeds?

a) Lycophyta b) Sphenophyta c) Coniferophyta d) Pterophyta


__ B __26) True roots, stems, and leaves are characteristics of

a) all plants b) all vascular plants c) all seed plants d) all angiosperms

__ A __27) All vascular plants a) have conducting tissue and alternation of generations

b) are large, have conducting tissues, and produce spores

c) have conducting tissues and produce seeds

d) have conducting tissues and produces spores, seeds and flowers

__ B __28) Bryophytes are

a) nonvascular plants that produce roots but not stems and leaves

b) low growing plants that live in moist environments

c) completely terrestrial because they do not require water in order to reproduce sexually

d) All of the above

__ D __29) One of the most adaptive advantages of seeds is that seeds

a) do not remain inactive for long periods of time

b) can germinate without water

c) lack a tough outer coat d) contains a nutrient supply

__ B __30) One of the differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms is that

a) most gymnosperms can reach maturity in a single growing season b) angiosperms have a more efficient vascular system

c) gymnosperms are more likely to be associated with mycorrhizae

d) angiosperms are less diverse than gymnosperms

__ C __31) Mosses are called pioneer plants because they

a) are more closely related to algae than to plants

b) were the first plants to be cultivated by European settlers in North America c) are often the first species to inhabit a barren area

d) gradually remove organic and inorganic matter from the surface of rocks

_ B __32) The plant tissue that transports water from the roots to the leaves is the

a) phloem b) xylem c) endosperm d) woody tissue

__ A __33) The life cycle of a vascular plant is characterized by

a) a large gametophyte and a small sporophyte c) the absence of a sporophyte

b) a large sporophyte and a small gametophyte d) the absence of a gametophyte

__ D __34) The roots of vascular plants absorb water and

a) ward off bacteria b) aid in reproduction c) perform photosynthesis d) provide support

__ B __35) Plants that produce seeds protected by a fruit are called

a) gymnosperms b) angiosperms c) liverworts d) Pterophyta

__ C __36) A dicot is an angiosperm whose embryo has two

a) pollen grains b) leaves c) cotyledons d) parallel veins

__ A __37) The fiddlehead of a fern is

a) a maturing fern frond b) rhizomes c) gametophyte d) All of the above are true.


__ B __38) Pines, spruces, and firs are

a) angiosperms b) gymnosperms c) flowering plants d) sometimes nonvascular

__ B __39) Plants that produce seeds enclosed in fruits

a) are gymnosperms c) produce male and female cones

b) have flowers d) also produce spores

__ B __40) Flowering plants are in the phylum

a) Psilotophyta b) Anthophyta c) Gnetophyta d) Sphenophyta

__ D __41) The great success of angiosperms is due in part to

a) a highly efficient vascular system c) animal dispersion of pollen, fruits, and seeds

b) seeds protected by fruits d) All of the above .

_ D __42) In order to reproduce, a nonvascular plant must have

a) rhizoids b) a lot of sunlight c) liquid water d) cold temperatures

__ A __43) Rhizoids are long, thin strands of cells that resemble a) roots b) leaves c) spores d) guard cells

__ C ___44) Sphagnum is often used

a) for medicinal purposes c) to enrich soil and help it retain water

b) as a food d) as a combustible fuel

__ A __45) Nonvascular plants are distinguished by the a) absence of xylem and phloem c) absence of cuticle

b) presence of rhizomes d) presence of spores

__ B __46) A seed is

a) a modified spore c) produced on the gametophyte

b) a plant embryo inside a protective coat d) All of the above.

__ B __47) The type of angiosperm that has net leaf venation is

a) monocot b) dicot c) sporophyte d) gametophyte

__ D __48) The photosynthetic and dominant phase of a moss is called a

a) monocot b) dicot c) sporophyte d) gametophyte


1. Plants share Four Characteristics:


All plants are photosynthetic ___________________________________


All plants are multicellular ____________________________________


All plants are eukaryotic organisms _____________________________


All plants reproduce sexually ___________________________________

2. Plants and Green Algae have these characteristics in common:


Both have chlorophyll a & b in similar chloroplasts _____________



Both have cell walls that contain cellulose _____________________


Both develop a cell plate during cell division __________________


Both store energy as starch _____________________________________

3. What are the Four Phyla of Seedless Vascular Plants? ____ Psilotophyta ________,

____ Lycophyta ___________, ____ Sphenophyta _____, ______ Pterophyta ________.

4. What are the Five Phyla of Seed Vascular Plants? ____ Cycadophyta ________,

___ Ginkgophyta ___________, ____ Coniferophyta ________,

___ Gnetophyta __________, and _____ Anthophyta _______________.

5. What is the difference between vascular and non-vascular plants?

Presence of vascular tissue. Size.

6. What are the primary functions of spores and seeds?

Reproduction and dispersal of the species

7. In what ways do green algae differ from plants?


Plants have specialized cells, algae have very few _____________


Plants have specialized structures (roots, stems & leaves) algae do not _________


Most plants do not require water for fertilization __________


Plants have adapted to life on land, algae to water ____________

8. Why do nonvascular plants have to live in moist environments?

They don’t have tissues specialized for water transfer far up the plant.

So sperm can swim to the egg for fertilization

9. Which plant phylum contains the tallest and most massive plants? Is this a phylum of nonvascular, seedless vascular, or seed-bearing plants?

Coniferophyta – Seed-bearing

Additional Questions from previous reviews

3. In their characteristics plants are most similar to the ___ green algae ________


7. A __ fruit _____________ is a ripen ovary that surrounds the seeds of angiosperms.

8. All plants probably evolved from ___ green _____________ ____ algae _________.

9. One of the greatest problems that encountered by the first land plants was the need for

____ water __________________.


10. How does water aid the fertilization of some organisms? ___ So that the ________

____ sperm have a medium in which to swim to the egg _______________

11. __ Alternation ____________ of ____ Generation _________ means that there are TWO phases in the life cycle of plants:

A. The first phase: ____ haploid ________ _____ gametophyte ______ phase that produces

____ eggs ________________ and ______ sperm ____________.

B. The second phase: ____ diploid ________ ______ sporophyte _____ phase that produces

_____ spores _____________.

12. Sexual reproduction ensures there will be _______ genetic ____________ ____ recombination _____ in plants.

13. The type of vascular tissue that transports organic compounds is ____ phloem ____________.

14. The ___ cuticle ___________ is a waxy, waterproof layer that coats the parts of a plant exposed to air.

15. The earliest plants were probably __ short ___________, and had NO true __ roots ____,

____ stems ___________, or ____ leaves ____________.

16. __ Lignin __________ is a hard compound that strengthens cell walls, enabling cells to support additional weight.

17. The 12 Phyla of plants can be divided into two groups based on the presence of

____ vascular ______________ ______ tissue _______________.

18. One adaptation that helped land plants to slow the evaporation of water was a

___ cuticle/stomata _________.

19. The type of vascular tissue that transports water is ___ xylem _________________.

20. This type of angiosperm has parallel leaf venation __ monocot _________________.

21. The waxy covering on plant surfaces is called ____ cuticle __________________.

22. The plant material in peat bogs decomposes very _____ slowly _____________ because the bogs are

_____ anaerobic ______________.

23. How many plant phyla produce seeds? ____ five _____________

24. What type of gymnosperm produces fleshy seeds? ______ ginkgos _______________

25. What is the photosynthetic phase of a moss called? ______ gametophyte _____________

26. Bryophytes, instead of roots, they have long, thin strands of cells called __ rhizoids __________ that attach the plant to the soil.

27. Vascular plants absorb water from the soil through underground structures called

___ roots _____________. They also provide a plant with ___ support _________.


28. Nonwoody plants are usually called ___ herbaceous ______________.

29. ___ Phloem ___________ carries organic compounds in any direction depending on the plant's needs.

30. In order to reproduce, a nonvascular plant must have ___ water _____________.

31. Rhizoids are long, thin strands of cells that resemble ___ roots ________________.

32. The roots of vascular plants absorb water and _____ support the ________

_____ plant or store food _.

33. What is the non-photosynthetic phase of a moss called _____ sporophyte _____________.

34. Gymnosperms produce "__ naked ______________" seeds, while angiosperms produce

___ seeds _______________ protected inside a ____ fruit ____________________.

35. This type of angiosperm has net leaf venation ____ dicot _________________.

36. The ____ stomata ______________ allow for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

37. Sphagnum is often used to ____ enhance ___________ soil and help it _____ retain _________

______ water _______________.

38. A ___ seed ____________ is a protective structure that contains a plant

____ embryo ________, and ____ food ________ _____ supply _______.

39. A ___ fruit __________ is a structure that develops in plants with flowers and contains the

____ seed ___________.

40. Nonvascular plants are distinguished by the absence of ____ xylem _____________ and

______ phloem ________________.

41. All nonvascular plants are collectively called _____ bryophytes ________________.

42. Vascular plants are classified into one of Two Types: ___ seed ________________ or

_______ seedless _________________ plants.

45. Vascular seed plants are subdivided into TWO general categories according to the type of seeds they produce: _____ Gymnosperms _________________ and

_____ Angiosperms ___________________.

46. A ___ cone _____________________ is a special reproductive structure composed of hard scales, that produces seeds without a fruit.

47. ____ Gymnosperms _____ are vascular plants that produce seeds lacking a protective

___ covering ____________. They are often called ___ cone ________ __ bearing ______

48. A seed is a ___ developing ____________ embryo inside a _____ protective ___________

_____ covering ________.


49. The ___ angiosperms _______ are vascular plants that produce seeds enclosed and

___ protected ____ by a ____ fruit _________.

50. All angiosperms produce ___ flowers _______ and __ seeds __________.

51. The protective structure that contains the seed or seeds of an angiosperm is the

___ fruit ______________.

52. One way of distinguishing among the many types of angiosperms is by counting the number of seed leaves or ____ cotyledons __________.

53. Angiosperms with only ONE cotyledon are called ____ monocotyledon ______________ or simply

___ monocot ___________.

54. An angiosperm whose embryo has TWO cotyledons is called ___ dicotyledon __________________ or simply ____ dicot ______________.

56. Plants that produce seed protected by a fruit are called ____ angiosperms _____________.

57. A dicot is an angiosperm whose embryo has two ___ cotyledons __________.

58. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the air by the process of ___ photosynthesis ____.

59. Bryophytes are __ low __________-growing plants that live in ___ moist _____________

____ environments ________________.

60. All vascular plants have __ vascular ________________ tissues and _____ alternation _____________ of

_____ generations _________________.

61. True roots, stems, and leaves are characteristics of all ___ vascular __________

_____ plants ______________.

