
haiga contest
Ray on jux (from Street Scenes):
Just as contemporary English-language haiku and haibun are still emerging as a specific
genre related to but different than their Japanese origins, so is contemporary Englishlanguage haiga. Some practitioners feel that the haiku should offer a juxtaposition, and
not simply mirror or repeat elements in the image. In this case, the viewer if affected by
how the haiku and image work together rather than by either alone. Others feel that the
haiku can mirror the image, but when it does it should add a deepening of the feeling or
mood found in the image. In this case, the haiku offers an interpretation of the image, a
view of how the photographer-writer experienced the scene. And, yet others believe that
the image can simply be an illustration of the haiku, that the haiku is enhanced by the
association with an image. In this series, you'll find a mix of the three.
MDW , Objective and Subjective Assessments of Modern
Haiga, WHR,
What Is Haiga, rpt. from Berries and Cream
Definition and criteria of haiga
Aurora Antonovic, Editor’s Introduction, Simply Haiku:
Modern haiga:
Traditional haiga
Kigo pertaining to Water in all its forms, drawn from
the Yuki Teikei Haiku Season Word List
Sky and Elements: haze or thin mist, first spring
storm, melting snow, lingering snow, spring cloud,
spring frost, spring rain, spring rainbow, spring snow,
Landscape: flooded river/stream/brook, muddy/miry
fields, muddy road, spring river, spring sea, spring
Sky and Elements: cumulus/billowing cloud, cloud peaks,
ocean fog, rainbow, sea of clouds, sudden shower,
summer dew, summer fog, summer rain, summer sky
Landscape: clear water, summer lake, summer sea, summer
river, waterfall
Human Affairs: fountain, ice house, ice water, prayers
for rain, swimming, swimming pool
Sky and Elements: autumn rain, autumn sky, autumn
storm, sardine cloud.
Landscape: autumn sea
Sky and Elements: frost/hoarfrost, freeze, hail, ice,
icicle, sleet, snow/first snow, winter cloud, winter
rain/first winter rain
Landscape: winter creek or stream, sea or ocean, winter