RAMS/WILDCATS SKI CLUB - Central Dauphin School District

The Principal’s Page / October 2013 Edition
Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal
PTA Meeting Date: Note of next meeting –
October 21st at 7PM
The due date for all Reflections program entries
is quickly approaching. Please encourage your
student to have their artistic interpretation of
"Believe, Dream, Inspire" into the main office
before the morning announcements on October
11th. For more information about the
Reflections program, visit the PTA
organization page on the school website.
PTA Membership Raffle Winners!
Basket winner: #113 Morgan Johnson
Faculty Wreath winner: #72 Susan
MacDonald Counselor
We currently have 189 members at this time –
it is not too late. You can find the PTA
Membership form on the CDMS website under
Rams Make a Difference:
Caitlin’s Smiles event for 7th Grade is Friday,
October 11th during resource period. Students
will need to sign up Tuesday, October 8th
before school.
Fall Social:
November 2nd
A reminder to parents, please turn in any
outstanding physical (6th grade) or dental (7th
grade) paperwork. If these are not turned in,
your child will be scheduled to see the school
doctor and/or dentist in the spring.
Please do not send your child to school if they
are ill. Children with vomiting and/or
temperatures greater than 100.0 should be kept
home for 24 hours before returning to school.
Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to
prevent the spread of infection and illness.
What is the right way to wash your hands?
Wet your hands with clean running water
(warm or cold) and apply soap.
Rub your hands together to make a lather and
scrub them well; be sure to scrub the backs of
your hands, between your fingers, and under
your nails.
Continue rubbing your hands for at least 20
seconds. Need a timer? Hum the "Happy
Birthday" song from beginning to end twice.
Rinse your hands well under running water.
Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry.
Washing hands with soap and water is the best
way to reduce the number of germs on them. If
soap and water are not available, use an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at
least 60% alcohol. Alcohol-based hand
sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of
germs on hands in some situations, but
sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.
Hand sanitizers are not effective when hands
are visibly dirty.
Student Council homeroom representatives
have been selected; we’ve held several
meetings and are well underway with our
preparations for our Halloween Dance. The
dance will be held at CDMS on Saturday,
November 2, 2013 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Our
officers came up with the idea of holding the
dance in one of our courtyards (weather
permitting), which they are very excited about.
We will also have a free photo booth for the
students and the large gym will be open for
them to play basketball. Admission to the
dance will be free for students that dress in a
costume and 3 dollars for those that do not.
The PTA will be helping us out by selling
refreshments at the dance.
What is Red Ribbon Week: Tens of thousands
of schools and organizations across the United
States focus on educating young people about
the dangers of drugs. Red Ribbon Week
promotes positive choices, good character and
healthy lifestyles for students of every age.
Red Ribbon Week helps students become
aware that their future is brighter if they stay
Who is participating: Students, staff, and
faculty will work together to support Red
Ribbon Week.
Activities: Each day will have a theme that
encourages CDMS to support Red Ribbon
Week. The following themes have been set for
each day.
Wednesday, October 23 – “Drugs Stink,
Wear Pink” – Wear pink clothing to support
Breast Cancer Awareness Month and kick
off Red Ribbon Week.
Thursday, October 24 – “Team-up Against
Drugs” – Wear your favorite team jersey,
shirt or sweatshirt.
Friday, October 25 – “Be ‘Red-dy’ to Say No
to Drugs” – Wear red clothing to show your
The Principal’s Page / October 2013 Edition
Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal
support for a drug free Central Dauphin
Middle School.
Monday, October 28 – “Sock It To Drugs" Wear crazy, bright or mismatched socks.
Tuesday, October 29 – “Buddy-up Against
Drugs” – Find a friend and dress like twins.
Each day homeroom teachers give out a small
prize and pledge card to those who participate
in the daily theme. Students fill in a pledge
card and enter into daily drawings for
additional prizes. At the end of the week we do
grade level drawings for grand prize winners of
gift cards to RED themed businesses.
The CDMS National Junior Honor Society
recently held a contest for its 2013-2014 NHJS
T-shirt. Each member was able to submit an
original design that was voted upon by the
NJHS. We are pleased to announce that Collin
S. was the winner and he will receive a free Tshirt for his efforts. Congratulations Collin!
The NJHS is preparing for our annual Kids 4
Kids walk which will be held on Thursday,
October 24th. All donations will benefit Camp
Dragonfly, which is a bereavement camp for
CDMS student store is open for cash purchases
during homeroom every day and Days 2-4-6
during 3rd and 9th period resource times. The
store sells school supplies (mechanical pencils),
calculators, book covers, and magnetic locker
gear. We have knit caps, sweatpants and some
T-shirts. We now sell breakfast cereal bars
(50c) that may be consumed up to 7:40(end of
homeroom). Parents next time you are in the
building ask to check out the store.
It's not too early to start preparing for this
year's CDMS Spelling Bee. In early November,
students will be taking a written qualifying test
for the Bee. The top scorers on the test
will compete in the Bee in December. First,
second, and third place spellers will qualify
for the WITF Central PA Spelling Bee
beginning in January. To help your children get
ready, click on the "Spelling Bee" link on the
CDMS webpage.
Central Dauphin and Linglestown Middle
Schools are proud to be presenting the musical ,
' WIZARD OF OZ' in March 2014. If you are
interested in auditioning for a part in the cast or
crew, you are asked to ' follow the yellow brick
road' to an Informational meeting along with
your parents/guardians. The date will be
Tuesday, Oct. 15th at 7 p.m. in the
auditorium of C. D. Middle School. Auditions
and Call Backs will be held at the end of
October and beginning of November. If you
are unable to attend or have further
questions, please see Mrs. Cather/Nelson for
further information. Hope to see you there!
WANTED!! We need a design for the yearbook
cover! The design must be hand drawn and not
computer generated. Designs should be on
standard 8 ½ by 11 format. It also includes the
theme: “Go for the Gold”. To learn more, go
to the school website and check out the link on
the Yearbook Club page. All entries must be
turned into Mr. Hilbish by November 1st.
Thurs. 10/3: Bow Hunting Whitetail Deer
with Mr. Troy Smith. Learn how to hunt deer
with a bow, what equipment is needed, etc.
Thurs. 10/31: Planning a Fishing or Hunting
Trip with Mr. Ernie Beinhaur. What do you
need to know in planning a hunting/fishing trip,
what pitfalls to avoid, etc.
It's that time of the year again! Do you love the
winter and lots of snow? Do you love to ski or
snowboard or would you love to learn? If your
answer to any of these questions is yes, then
the Wildcat/Ram Ski Club is for you. Our club
serves all of the CDSD elementary schools,
CDMS, and Linglestown Middle School and is
open to anyone: students, teachers, parents,
friends and relatives. The club was organized
to facilitate discounted groups rates to anyone,
regardless of age or experience. Anyone age 4
or older is eligible to purchase a Night Club
Card (NCC) for Roundtop, Liberty, and
Whitetail Resorts. This card is a picture ID that
entitles the cardholder to ski or snowboard
every night beginning January 2, 2014, through
the end of the season for one low rate, starting
at $179. Anyone 5 or younger receives a free
The Principal’s Page / October 2013 Edition
Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal
ticket with a paying adult if you choose not to
purchase a NCC for that child. This year the
Ski Club is again able to offer Season Passes,
Night Season Passes, Multi-Pass Visits and
online purchasing if you choose. If you are
interested or would like more information on
the cost of the different packages, please email
Mr. C. at lcorreale@cdschools.org or call 4437943 (after 5PM). All applications and
payments need to be to Mr. Correale before
November 1, 2013. While there is no cost to
join the Wildcat/Ram Ski Club, NCC's are only
sold through ski clubs and schools.
Gold Stars Field Trip
Teacher In-Serivce (No School
for Students)
Musical Information Meeting @
7:00 PM (CDMS Auditorium)
Red Raptors Field Trip
Fall Picture Re-Takes
PTA Meeting @ 7:00 PM (CDMS
NJHS Kids for Kids Walk
28-30 Musical Auditions
Gray Wolves – In Language Arts we are still
working on Theme 1, Courage. We will continue to
read stories about people who have courage. We
also are working on our personal narratives. Some
of us are even making digital stories on our personal
narrative. In English we are working on
conjunctions, compound, and simple sentences. In
math we are working on chapter two, "When is it
better to use a fraction, a decimal, or a percent?"
Students were given a username and password where
they can go on line to access the math program. The
website is: http://connected.mcgrawhill.com/connected/login.do There is tutoring,
vocabulary help, extra worksheets, and much more.
If students need extra help, they can also come to
math help, which is offered during third period. It is
their responsibility to come to room 101 for the
help. In Social Studies we are in Chapter 1 of our
textbook. We are learning about Earth's landforms,
bodies of water, climates, vegetation, latitude, and
longitude. We go through all of the vocabulary,
which I reinforce with pictures to help the students
grasp the concept. If your child wants practice with
the vocabulary, please look on my website under
"flashcards". Copy and paste the link from Chapter
1 Flashcards and your child can practice these words
in multiple ways on the computer! In Science class
we’re finishing up building self propelled go-carts.
The students learned how to calculate the distance a
cart can travel by using only the diameter of the
wheel and the total rotations of the axle. They are
currently learning about a man by the name of Rube
Goldberg and his crazy inventions. The students are
finishing up their Rube Goldberg Projects, as well
as, a writing component.
Red Phoenix – SOTM - Congratulations to our
Students of the Month – Devon T. (205) and Andrew
A. (106). These two students have shown
outstanding leadership for the Red Phoenix Team.
LA/RD: We are currently in the middle of our first
theme, “Courage.” The team has just finished
reading the story, Hatchet. Students are busy
reading about different stories that demonstrate
courage. The students will begin reading a second
novel this marking period. They are also writing
personal narratives. Science: We have learned about
Models and Designs. Students have also been
working on their Rube Goldberg Projects, which
they have invented using the design method that was
taught in class. This month we will study Simple
Machines and begin to learn more about levers and
pulleys. Social Studies: We are continuing our unit
on " A view of the world", focusing on landforms
and how they are shaped and reshaped, bodies of
water and their role in supporting life on Earth,
climate and plant life in regions, natural resources,
regions where people settle and why they settle
there, and physical, political economic and cultural
regions. Math: We are developing on our ratio and
proportional skills in Chapter 2. Converting fractions
into decimals, decimals into percents and then back
into fractions. Like last chapter, this chapter requires
the students to pay attention to the operations that
they will use, and also what they are reading. Our
lessons are having the students interpret what their
responses mean. We are currently in the middle of
the First Marking Period. Please continue to monitor
your child’s progress in HAC.
Blue Dolphins – Congratulations to Jaxon E. and
Danielle P., the Blue Dolphin team's September
students of the month! Way to go! In Language
Arts, students are reading story selections based on
the theme courage. They are also writing personal
narratives about their own lives. In English we have
focused on sentences and will be studying nouns
soon. In Social Studies, students are continuing
Chapter 1, exploring patterns on our earth's surface.
Soon we will apply the five strands of social studies
to our learning about the United States in Chapter 3.
In Science, we are now getting into simple machines
and motion. Students are currently designing their
own Rube Goldberg machine and will be looking at
how levers, pulleys, and other simple
The Principal’s Page / October 2013 Edition
Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal
machines make our lives easier! In math we are
working with decimals, percents, and fractions. We
are converting between them, comparing them to
each other, and analyzing to decide which is most
appropriate for the given situation. We are also
calculating percents of a given value.
Red Raptors – In World History, we are wrapping
up our unit on Mesopotamia. Our next few lessons
will be about the Persians and then we will wrap up
the first marking period with a unit on Egypt. We
are preparing for our upcoming trip to the
Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire on October 17th. In
English, we are working on paragraphs and
paragraph development. We will be starting a short
stories unit toward the end of this month. In Math,
students are encouraged to always show their work
and use their notes to help with their math
homework. Math Help is available every ninth
period for students who may need some extra help or
clarification. We just finished our first unit in
Science on measurement, the Scientific method, and
lab safety. We are beginning a unit of study on
living things.
Gold Stars – Congratulations for the September
Students of the Month for the Gold Stars team,
Maggie Z. and Diante L-V. Keep up the great work!
In English class, the Gold Stars have been working
on the fundamentals of writing paragraphs. Next,
we will turn our focus to literature with a unit on
short stories. In Mr. Dougherty's World History
class, the Gold Stars are learning about
Mesopotamia. The students have improved greatly
on their essays and note taking. Period 1 and 5 had
the highest overall test scores. Period 8 won the
continent competition. Next, we will learn about
Egypt. In Pre-Algebra, the Gold Stars have just
completed Unit 2 on operations on integers. This is
an important prerequisite skill for solving equations
in Unit 3. We will slow it down a bit as we head
into the core of Pre-Algebra during the second
marking period. In Algebra, Unit 2 was also just
completed on solving equations. Most of the topics
were review; however, some more fractions and
decimals were mixed in this school year. Next, we
turn to solving inequalities. Finally, in science,
the Gold Stars will delve into the world of cells,
making connections to organ regeneration and
Green Clovers – The Green Team's students of the
month are Lance T. and Taylor S.
In Geometry class, the students are beginning to
write proofs. In Algebra, the students are currently
solving equations, and will move on to inequalities
in the next few weeks. In Intro to Algebra class, the
students are studying algebraic expressions.
In English class, students are diligently working on
writing an original narrative with attention to the
writing process. Additionally, grammar, mechanics,
and usage problems are discussed each day in our
Daily Oral Language exercises. Coming soon--short
In science the students are going through phases and
are dealing with what really matters. Phase changes
from solids through gasses and the study of kinetic
energy and matter.
In history class the students are celebrating
American Independence with the end of the
Revolutionary War. Now the hard work begins as
we try to form a new nation and create a working
Silver Lions – In Geometry class, students are
investigating parallel lines and properties of
triangles. Algebra students are continuing to solve
equations and will soon begin to solve
inequalities. The Intro to Algebra classes will also
be exploring how to solve inequalities. In Earth
Science class, students are learning the components
of atoms and using the periodic table. We will soon
be starting Families of the Periodic Table poster
contest. Social studies students are studying how the
colonies won their independence from Britain. We
will later explore the country's first Constitution and
our current one. In Mrs. Gensimore's English class,
Miss Mayberry, our student teacher from Messiah
College, has quickly become a part of our classroom
community. Students continue to work on
improving their writing and will be drafting their
first formal essay soon. The students will complete a
narrative essay before beginning a short story unit
where they will learn to analyze literature. Both
Mrs. Gensimore and Miss Mayberry have been
impressed with the students' work ethic during the
writing unit.
Creative Arts - Several CDMS students will
participate in an art show held at the Zembo
Shrine Auditorium on October 20th from 1:005:00. Please come out to celebrate the arts and
show your support of our students!