History Assignments - Sept

History of the World, Vol. I: The Ancient World
This year we will be studying history of the Ancient World, looking at the different cultures and
the factors that shaped them. We will also explore how they relate to the Bible and God’s people
at the time. We will have a weekly Bible memory passage, 10 vocabulary words related to the
culture, frequent readings from Streams of Civilization, activities and reports on the history,
literature and art of the cultures. We will be creating maps of the regions studied and timelines
comparing the different people and cultures. Timelines will be in notebooks – same format as
Sonlight’s timeline – you may use one of those if you have it. If you don’t have one we will
make one. Memory verses and short activities will be written in the bound journal. Reports can
be written or typed and kept in the 3 ring binder. Notes on history readings – mostly Streams of
Civilization, are on notebook paper and kept in 3 ring binder. Vocabulary words are written on
white halves of 3x5 cards and biographies are written on colored halves of 3x5 cards. There will
be short quizzes on the vocabulary words and Steams of Civilization readings. The majority of
the grade will be based on completion of the activities and reports assigned.
Assignments will be given for the week and the next class period. Generally each week in the
KONOS volume will be covered in one week with 2 exceptions so we can complete the KONOS
book this year. The exceptions are 1-The first week we will cover Weeks 1 and 2 and 2- when
we are studying the Hebrews we will combine 2 weeks. Initially, our weeks will start on
Tuesday and I’ll give the assignments due for Thursday and the following Tuesday.
When I have taught this class before, the families have subscribed to Biblical Archeology
Review for the year for a look at the current issues in archeology. I just received an offer of 7
issues (it’s every other month) for $7. I will be subscribing to it and discussing it in class. If
you would like your own subscription, let me know and I’ll see if we can all get the same offer.
One of our students cannot be at the first 2 weeks of class so I have attatched the assignments for
those weeks. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the class. You are
always welcome to come to class.
Mary Leenheer
mjleenheer@yahoo.com or Deibler@verizon.net
Here’s the assignments I handed you at the beginning of class and I added the third week as well.
I have highlighted with yellow for items in your journal, blue for computer typed reports and
pink for vocabulary and biography cards. There may be more colors in the future.
Sept. 8 Classtime – Introduction – Week 1 How to study History
Trace and assemble maps
Assignment for Sept. 10 – do 3 activities – 1-choose from #5,6 or 7 p. 25 – write answers
in journal
2- #8 – make a list of 10 questions to ask. You
don’t need to tape it but I need you to turn in your questions and a report on their answers. You
can write it in newspaper article form as the activity suggests. If you need a week to complete
this that’s fine. A picture would also be nice.
3-#12 – write in journal
Assignment for Sept 15 – memorize 2 Tim. 3:12-17 p.22 – write version you are
memorizing in your journal
- vocabulary words – write on white halves of 3x5 cards – word
on one side/ definition on back to learn
p. 24 all except “omit” and add “colloquial” - work on
words for a week, quiz on 9/15
Sept. 10 Classtime – Week 2 How to study History - Introduction
work on memory work, vocab. and discuss activities
Assignment for Sept 15 – do 3 activities, write answers in journal -1-#1 p 32 write in
journal and do analysis at end.
2-#3 you may do home and library if you go
there frequently or home and computer
3- choose one from #8,9,11,12,and 15 – you will
be writing a paragraph (#19) on either Bible translations or different encyclopedias – due Sept.
Sept. 15 Classtime – Week 3 How to study History – Introduction
Quiz on mem. verse and vocab.
Discuss activities
Assignment for Sept. 17 – Read “Streams of Civilization”(SOC) pp.1-27, 61-63 take
notes on notebook paper
Timeline – put figures p.48 on timeline and write colored
cards for Herodotus, Thucydides and Flavius Josephus
Find dates for each and at least 2 significant facts about
Do Activity #4 or #5 p. 50
Assignment of Sept 22 – memorize Ps 78:1-7 p 30
-vocabulary words – pick 10 words from list on p.49 to study for
this week.
Sept 17 Classtime – Week 3 2nd time
Discuss SOC, Biographies, and activities; work on mem work and vocab.
Assignment for Sept 22 – do 3 activities 1- choose one from #9,10,11,15,17,18
2- #20
do Map study on p. 48 #1 and 2
Sept. 22 Classtime – Week 4 How to study history – Introduction
Quiz on mem verse, vocab and SOC reading
Discuss activities
Assignment for Sept. 24 – Timeline activity p. 58 – with timeline
Biography cards
Activities – Map activity #3 p 59
Choose one from #1, #2, or #3 pp. 61-62
Assignment for Sept. 29 1-10 vocab words p. 60,
2-memorize Gal. 6:7-8 p. 58
3-#4 p 62 – write 1-2 page report
4-Bib. Arch. Summary – 1 paragraph
Assignment for Oct. 1 1- Read SOC pp.28-39 and take notes on notebook paper
2- p. 72 put timeline figures on timeline and make green biography
cards for Sargon I and Hammurabi, also look up one lesser known Biblical name
3-choose one from 5,6,7,or 8 pp. 74 and 75
4- quiz on mem. Verse, vocab and SOC reading