Nebraska State Historical Society

Nebraska State Historical Society
Exhibition Idea Form (One idea or suggestion per form; please, no attachments)
Name(s) of Person(s) Submitting:
Your Contact Information (phone/e-mail, etc.)
Date of Submittal: ______________________
My/our idea for an exhibition to be done by the NSHS is as follows:
I/We see this as an exhibition that is (check as many as apply)
Changing at the Nebraska History Museum
For a historic site
Virtual / web-version
Other: Explain
What else should the Exhibitions Selection Committee know at this time?
Submit via e-mail to Tina Koeppe, Exhibits Services Coordinator:
Submit via US Mail to Tina Koeppe,
Nebraska State Historical Society
PO BOX 82554, Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone: 402.471.0321