List of publications
1. El-Medany A, Badawy K. Brain amino acid
neurotransmitters, under clinical anaesthesia in
experimental animals. Tanta .M.J., 1985 ;13 (1) :5-12.
2. El-Medany A, Kotbia N. Lack of hypotensive of pidolol in
dogs under enflurane anaesthesia. Tanta m.,J.1985;13(1)
3. El-Medany A,Aziz A. Comparative study of the effects of
antiepileptic drugs ( Diphenyl hydantoin & Sodium
valproic acid ) on the thyroid function in rabbits.
Bull.Alex.Fac.Med. J.1986;22(1) : 20-26.
4. El-Medany A, Rajab F. Effect of combined administration
of two antibilharzial drugs ( Oxamniquine &
Praziquantel) on some liver & kidney functionsin rabbits.
5. El-Bahi n, El-Medany A. Effect of a calcium channel
blocker (Nifedipine ) 7 a beta blocker (Oxprenolol) and
their combination on the cardiovascular
system.Bull.Alex.Fac.Med.J.1986;22(1): 36-40.
6. El-Bana N , El-Medany A.Some side effects after the
individual and combined administration of converting
enzyme inhibitor( Captopril) and anti-inflammatory drug
( Proquazone ) on some kidney , liver functions and blood
picture in rabbits .Bull.Alex.Fac.Med. J.1986;22(1) : 41-47.
7. El-Medany A, Rajab F.The effect of oxamniquine and
praziquantelon gamma amino butyric acid and Lglutamic acid contentsin the brains of schistosoma
mansoni infected mice.Bull.Alex.Fac.Med.J.1987;22(1) :1017.
8. Skar H, El-Medany A. Mechanismof arachidonic acid –
induced vasodilatation in the intact rat intestine.
Egypt.Sc.End.Met. & Diabetes J. 1987;19(2): 1-6.
9. El-Bana N,EL-Medany A. Cimetidine and
infertility.Bull.Alex.Fac.Med.J.1987; 23 (4) : 1-7.
El-Bana N , El-Medany A. Can captopril or
propranolol reverse the unwanted metabolic effects of
thiazide therapy ? Bull.Alex.Fac.Med. J.1987;23 (4) : 17-22.
El-Medany A, Bedir K, Shallow Z.Antiepileptic
drugs and oral contraceptives.Egypt.Sc.End.Met.&
Diabetes.J.1987; 19 (2) : 10-16.
Aziz A,El-Medany A. Influence of cigarette smoke
exposure on serum phenytoin and some trace elements in
the rabbits. Med.Research Institute j.1988;19 (2) : 1-8.
Kotbia N, El-Medany A. Effect of halothane on liver
cirrhosis in rat. Bull.Alex.Fac.Med.J. 1989;25 (2) : 14-19.
El-Medany A, El-bana N.Effect of nitrofurantoin on
spermatogenic testicular function in dogs. Tanta Med. J.
1989;21 (4) : 1-7.
El-Medany A, Kotbia N. Comparative study
between the effects of propofol and althesin on histamine
release ,IGE,C3,and C4 in dogs. The New Egyptian J.of
Med. 1991;5 (11 ) ; 11-18.
Kotbia N, El-Medany A.Comparative study
between tramadol hydrochloride and pethidine
hydrochloride in rats , acute and chronic
effects.J.Egypt.Soc.Pharmacol,Exp.Ther., 1992;11 91) : 1218.
El-Medany A, Kotbia N. Influence of ketamine
alone or with fentanyl on some central neurotransmitters
in rats. J.Egypt.Soc.pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1992 ;11 (1) : 2529.
Kotbia N, El-Medany A. Hepatic effects of
halothane and isoflurane anaesthesia in rats and their
relation to enzyme induction Bull.Alex.Fac.Med.1992;25
(3) : 12-17.
El-Bana n , El-Medany A. The effect of
lormetazepam and midazolam on some monoamines and
amino acid levels in the brain of guinea pig .Alex.J.
Pharm. Sci.1992 :^ (2) : 1-7.
El-Medany A, Kotbia N. comparative study
between the effects of prolonged intravenous infusion of
sodium nitroprusside and labetalol in hypertensive dogs.
J.Egypt.Soc.Phramacol. Exp. Therp. 1992 ;11 (2) : 30-35.
El-Bana N , El-Medany A. Comparative study of
hepatic , renal ,and hematological toxicity of psychotic
drugs ( lormetazepam and midazolam) with clonazepam
in rabbits.( An experimental pharmacological
,histological, histochemical and electron microscopic
study ) . J. Egypt. Soc.Pharmacol.Exp. Ther.1992 ;12 (2) :
El-Medany A, Kotbia N, Bedir k. The effects of
clonidine on plasma epinephrine level in ischemic dogs.
J.Egypt.Soc.Pharmacol.Exp. Ther.1992; 12 (2) : 25-29.
El-Medany A, Arab A. Inhibition of gastric acid
secretion in rats by imipramine and guanfacine.
J.Egypt.Soc.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther.1993 ;12(1) : 1-6.
Kotbia N, El-Medany A . The effect of repeated
exposure to halothane and isoflurane on the
spermatogenesis in dogs . J. Egypt.Soc. Phramacol Exp
Ther.1993; 12 (2) : 17-23.
El-Medany A, Kotbia N. Blood histamine, cardiac
and blood gases changes during induction of anaesthesia
with propofol or etomidate . J.Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol.Exp.
Ther.1993; 12 (2) : 30- 35.
El-Medany A, Arab A. Interaction between
maprotiline and contraceptive pills on brain amines and
some hormonal parameters in rats. J Egypt. Soc.
Pharmacol Exp. Ther.1993; 12 (1) : 40-45.
Rajb F, El-Medany A. Estimation of cholylglycine as
a sensitive liver function test before and after
praziquantel treatment in active bilharzial patients.
J.Egypt.Soc.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther.1993;12 (1) : 40-45.
El-Medany A , Kotbia N. Comparative study on the
effects of propofol and thiopentone on the adrenal
steroidogenesis in patients. J.Egypt. Soc.
Pharmacol.Exp.Ther.1993;12 (1) : 46-50.
El-Bana N, El-Medany A . Effects of cimetidine or
ranitidine on local anaesthetic toxicity induced on the
central nervous system in rats. Bull.Alex.Fac.of Med.
1993; 9(1) : 1-7.
El-Medany A, Aziz A.A comparative study between
the effectof two calcium entry blockers and
diphenylhydantoin on some brain amines and related
macro and trace elements in the rat. J.Egypt. Soc.
Phrmacol. Exp. Ther. 1993; !2 (2) : &-12.
Kotbia N, El-Medany A. Effect of added analgesic
clonidine or vaso constrictor epinephrine to bupivacaine
spina anaesthesia. ( Experimental study on dogs ).Bull.
Alex.Fac. of Med.1993; 21 (5) : 4-9.
El-Medany A, El-Bana N, Kotbia N . Effect of
nifedipine ,verapamil ,and diltiazem on some
cardiovascular parameters ,electrolytes , and acid –base
balance in halothane anaesthesized dogs . Bull. Alex.
Fac.of Med. 1993;21 (4) : 10-16.
El-Medany A, El Bana N , Rajab F , Zohdi N. Oral
cotraceptive pills in experimental schistosomiasis
mansoni ( parasitological, biochemical, histopathological
and ultrastructural studies ) . j.Egypt.Soc.
Parasitology.1993;23 (3) : 5-12.
El-Medany A, Arab A. Helicobacter pylori
hypergastrinaemia and duodenal ulcer : a causal
relationship .Bull.Alex.Fac. of Med.1994 ; 30 (1) : 6-12.
El-Medany A, Aziz A. Synthesis and uterotrophic
activity of 2- substituted estradiol and ring –A fused
pyranone and furanone derivatives.
Alex.J.Pharm.Sci.1994;!2 : 4-9.
Kotbia N, El-Medany A. HEPATIC AND RENAL
RATS >( Biochemicaland histological study)
.J.Egypt.Soc.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther.1994; 22 (2) : 9-12.
El-Medany A, Arab A. Effect of quinapril on some
metabolic parameters in gliclazide treated diabetic rats .(
in vivo and in vitro study ) . j.Egypt.Soc.Pharmacol .Exp.
Ther.1994; 23 (3) : 16-20.
El-Medany A, El-Bana N. A study on the effect of
some anti-oxidants and angiotensin- converting enzyme
inhibitors on some renal functions and peroxidative
changes in glycerol induced acute renal failure in the rat.
The New Egyptian Journal of Medicine 1996; 14 (5) : 1-7.
El-Medany A, Kotbia N. Inadvertent hypothermia
under general anaesthesia in geriatric patients : a study
on haemodynamic , stress ,and metabolic responses. The
New Egyptian Journal of Medicine 1998; 12 ( 3) : 6-12.
Mahgoub A, El-Medany A. Evaluation of chronic
exposure of the male rat,s reproductive system to the
insecticide methomyl .Pharmacol .Res. 2001;44 : 73-80.
Mahgoub A, El-Medany A ,Abdulatif A. A
comparison between the effects of diltiazem and
isosorbide dinitrate on digoxin pharmacodynamics and
kinetics in the treatment of patients with chronic ischemic
heart failure. Saudi Med J 2002; 23 : 725-731.
El-Medany A, Hagar H. Effect of fluconazole on the
fertility of male rabbit. Arzneim –Forsch ./Drug Res.2002;
52(8) : 636-640.
Hagar h, El-Medany A. A biochemical
,histochemical , and ultrastructural evaluation of the
effect of dimethoate intoxication on rat pancreas.
Toxicology Letters 2002; 133 : 161-170.
A.A. Mahgoub, A.H. El-Medany , H.H. Hagar,
D.M.Sabah. Protective effect of natural honey against
acetic acid induced colitis in rats . Tropical
Gastroenterology 2002; 23 : 82-87.
Afaf A. Mahgoub ,Azza A.El-Medany , Hanan H.
Hagar, Ali A. Mustafa, Doryia m.El-Sabah. Evaluating the
prophylactic potential of zafirlukast against the toxic
effects of acetic acid on the rat colon . Toxicology Letters
2003 ,145 : 79-87.
A.M. El-Medany ,H.H. Hagar, F.A.Zakaria.
Comparative study for the cardioprotective effects of
nicorandil and krn 4884 (Atp –sensitive potassium
channel openers ) in ischemic perfused isolated rabbit,s
heart. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 2003; 11 (3) : 12-17.
Afaf Mahgoub, Azza El-Medany , Ali Mustafa,
Maha Arafa, Mahmoud Morsi. Azithromycin and
erythromycin ameliorate the extent of colonic damage
induced by acetic acid in rats . Toxicology And Applied
Pharmacology 2005; 205 : 43-52.
Azza El-Medany , Afaf Mahgoub, Ali Mustafa ,
maha Arafa , Mahmoud Morsi . The effects of selective
cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors ,celecoxib and rofecoxib ,on
experimental colitis induced by acetic acid in rats.
European Journal of Pharmacology 2005; 507 : 291-299.
azza El-Medany , hanan h. Hagar , Mahmoud Morsi
,Raeesa A. Muhammed , Fatma I El-Rakhawy, Gamila El-
Medany . Attenuation of bleomycin- induced lung
fibrosis in rats by mesna. European Journal of
Pharmacology 2005 ; 509 : 61-70.
Ali Mustafa , Azza El-Medany , Hanan H Hagar ,
Gamila El-Medany . Ginkgo biloba attenuates mucosal
damage in a rat model of ulcerative colitis. Pharmacol
Res. 2006 ;53 : 324-330.
Hanan H Hagar , Azza El-Medany ,Eman El-Eter,
Maha Arafa. Ameliorative effect of
pyrrolidinedithocarbamate on acetic acid – induced colitis
in rats . European Journal of Pharmacology 2007; 554 : 6977.