Hospitality Set-Up Instructions


Hospitality Set-Up Instructions

It usually takes around 30 minutes to prepare. If you arrive by 9:30am you will have time to prepare and not miss any of the service! There is a blue cart where you can transfer the supplies from the Hospitality cupboard and kitchen to the table in the foyer.

Please put the cups, silverware, etc. in the mini dishwasher. Handwash and dry the bigger items that do not fit. Don’t forget to wash your hands and cover all of the food with plastic wrap while the service is going on. You will need to leave the service 15 min before the end to set-up. This is usually around 11:00am.

Please make the following:



Make 1 (36 cups) pot of Regular coffee. Use 1-½ cups of coffee grounds.

When finished, put into a carafe.


Make 1 small pot of Decaf coffee in the Bunn coffee maker.

-Put a coffee filter in the top and use 1/3 cup of coffee grounds.

-Put an empty pot on the burner

**When you leave the service, turn the bottom switch of the Bunn on. Pour the water into the coffee maker. When finished, but into a carafe (coffee server).


Set out 3-4 sleeves of coffee cups.



Make 3 (4 quart) pitchers. Use 7-8 scoops/pitcher. *Check refrigerator to see if there has been any lemonade make earlier.


Put the lemonade in glass pitchers and keep in refrigerator until after the service.

*Please choose 2 of the following to serve-cookies, veggies, Nachos, pretzels, snacks, etc.



Use ½ box of cookies from the refrigerator. If there are no cookies, check the tall freezer outside. *Key is in the hospitality cupboard.

Veggie Tray


Use ½ bag of broccoli and ½ bag of carrots.


Use a ½ quart jar and mix a little milk into it.


Use tongs and a spoon to serve.

Pretzels, Chex Mix, Nachos, Snacks, Etc.


Use a ½ bag or 1 large bowl


If you use pretzels, mix ½ large bag of Gardettos with 1 bag of pretzels.

Cheese for Nacho Chips


Fill the small white crock pot about ¾ full


Heat in Foyer. Un-plug when ½ of the cheese is used.

**Use Styrofoam cups for coffee and plastic cups for juice. If there are no plastic cups for juice, please use the Styrofoam ones until there are replacements.

If you have any questions, please call Brooke Nelson at 715-307-3037 (cell-which is best) or 715-273-5054. A copy of this is in the Hospitality cupboard.
