Events Leading up to the Texas Revolution

Events Leading up to the Texas Revolution- Cheat Sheet
1. Decree of April 6
a. 1830
b. Lucas Alaman Y Escalada/Mexican gov’t
c. Mexico was worried that they were losing control of the Texas
territory and that it was overrun by Anglo settlers from the United
d. Parts of the law included: no more immigration from U.S., cancelled all
empresarial contracts, invited European settlers, taxed goods from
U.S., stopped slaves being brought from U.S.
e. Texans became angry because they had no workers for plantations,
their families could not come live with them, there was an increase in
Mexican soldiers, and the government was becoming too powerful.
2. Battle of Velasco
a. June 26, 1832
b. Ugartechea (Mexico), Henry Smith and John Austin (Texas)
c. Mexican forces tried to prevent Texas forces from transporting a
d. Texans outnumbered Mexicans and Mexicans ran out of ammunition.
Mexico surrendered.
e. First instance of bloodshed and battle between Mexico and Texas
BEFORE the war.
3. Mier Y Teran Report
a. 1829
b. Mier Y Teran
c. Mexico was worried about growing Anglo independence in Texas
d. Mier Y Teran observed that Anglos outnumbered Mexican 10 to 1 and
that Texans were illegally trading with United States. He reported
that Mexico had lost control over Texas and encouraged the Mexican
government to take action.
e. Mexico made the “Law of April 6”
4. Convention of 1832 and 1833
a. 1832, 1833
b. Stephen F. Austin elected president of convention
c. Texas settlers wanted a change in government and leadership
d. Delegates asked for: Texas to be a separate state but still part of
Mexico, better schools, exemption from import taxes, better
protection, and right to land titles.
e. SFA went to Mexico in 1833 to present the proposal to the
government, because the government would not send delegates to the
1832 convention.
f. Austin eventually met with Santa Ana, but had already sent a letter
telling Texas settlers to develop their own state government. Santa
Ana said no to the statehood but yes to everything else.
5. Fredonia Rebellion/Revolt
a. 1826
b. Hayden Edwards
Events Leading up to the Texas Revolution- Cheat Sheet
c. Hayden Edwards (empresario) tried to charge people for land that
were in his area, but Mexican gov’t said he couldn’t. He claimed a fort
for himself and declared his colony independent from Mexico. He
raised a flag that said “Independence, Liberty, and Justice”. When
Mexican troops arrived, the colonists ran away across the Sabine
d. Mexico became worried about Anglo independence.
6. Stephen F. Austin’s Arrest
a. 1833
b. SFA
c. SFA sent a letter to Texas telling them to start their own government,
because he believed the conventions proposals would be approved
d. SFA was arrested for treason
e. Texas settlers protested and SFA became a supporter for Texas
independence because Mexico was unreasonable.
7. Turtle Bayou Resolution
a. June 18, 1832
b. Anahuac settlers
c. Settlers led an uprising and captured Mexican soldiers because they
did not agree with the unfair collection of tariffs (taxes). When they
learned that Mexico would retaliate, they withdrew to Turtle Bayou
and released the prisoners.
d. The Resolutions included: colonists want Santa Ana to be president
because he was “for the people” and that they would fight against
current Mexican government to help Santa Ana come in to power.
e. Colonists were not punished, Santa Ana eventually became president.
a. 1834
b. settlers of Gonzales vs Castaneda (Mexico)
c. Settlers refused to surrender a cannon and raised a flag that said
“Come and Take It”
d. Texas soldiers outnumbered Mexican and forced them to withdraw
e. The Texas Revolution had begun