Re-accreditation Research Master by NVAO: "the learning outcomes

Excellent accreditation review of Research Master Brain and Cognitive
Re-accreditation Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences by
NVAO: "the learning outcomes of the students are excellent, they are
very ambitious; the research theses are of a very high level; lecturers
and management ooze excellence"
The accreditation of the Research Master Programme Brain and Cognitive Sciences
has been reaffirmed by the NVAO (Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands
and Flanders) with a highly positive report until May 2017.
Excellent learning outcomes
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) awarded the
programme with an excellent qualification on the achieved learning outcomes. The
four aspects, discipline specific requirement, requirements for an academic
orientation, the quality of academic staff and the coherence between structure and
content in the programme was granted with the label good. This accreditation is a
significant proof of quality available in the Netherlands, based on analysis of the
programme, quality control, teaching staff and results.
Good research environment
The review committee of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences states
that “the programme is embedded in a very good research environment [...] with
good interaction between teaching and research” They hold a high appreciation for
the “learning outcomes of the students, who are very ambitious; the research theses
are of a very high level; lecturers and management ooze excellence”.
The committee feels that “the programme stimulates integration between the
different perspectives of the three tracks” and finds it positive to see that “the
programme is a learning organisation” throughout the years.
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
The Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences is an initiative of the Cognitive
Science Center Amsterdam, an interdisciplinary research platform of the UvA. The
organisation of the programme is coordinated by the Institute for Interdisciplinary
Studies since 2004. Currently 104 students from all over the world are enrolled in the