Rancho Santiago Community College District

Santa Ana College
Office of Student Life
Santiago Canyon College
Student Life and Leadership
Position Description
Duties and responsibilities of the RSCCD Student Trustee shall include, but are not limited to the
 Attend one ASGSAC Executive Cabinet and one SCCASG Executive Board meeting per
 Attend one ASGSAC Senate and SCCASG Council per month to brief them on current
RSCCD student issues.
 Act as the primary liaison between the RSCCD Board of Trustees and the Associated
Students of Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College.
 Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of a Student Trustee as stated in the California
Education Code and the RSCCD Board of Trustees Policies.
Minimum Qualifications
Current RSCCD student (SAC and/or SCC student)
Must meet applicable district employee requirements (Valid Social Security Number)
Currently enrolled in 6 or more units.
Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.2 and above at time of application
Verifiable RSCCD student government/organization experience: defined as the completion
of 14 weeks in ASG Senate, Executive Cabinet, ICC Executive Board, a Shared
Governance Council, or as an officer in a college club/organization.
Completion of at least 12 units at either Santiago Canyon College and/or Santa Ana
College prior to the time of application.
Not served any part of Student Trustee term at RSCCD or any other CA Comm. College
March 4th: Applications Available at SAC (U-121A) and SCC (A-206)
March 22nd : Application deadline by 5:00 pm
Exact Day & Time TBD: Student Committee interviews all applicants at SAC
April 30th: Final Interviews at the District Office, 2-4pm, Exec Conf. Room 114
Completed Application & Résumé
Due: March 22,2013; 5:00 p.m.
RSCCD Student Trustee:
Deadline: March 22, 2013 @ 5:00 p.m.
Completed applications and résumés must be turned into the
SCC Student Life and Leadership office, A-206, or the SAC Office of Student Life, U-121A.
Please Print Clearly:
Last Name
First Name
Mobile Phone w/ Area Code
Home Phone w/ Area Code
Student ID #
Mailing Address: House Number & Street Name
Zip Code
Please list all your student organization and/or student government experience:
I understand the duties and responsibilities of the position for which I am applying. If appointed, I am committed to the one-year
term of office and I agree to uphold the RSCCD Student Trustee Resolution, abide by the RSCCD administrative policies and
procedures, and execute all obligations (fiscal & judiciary) in an objective and ethical manner. I understand that my academic
eligibility can be reviewed at any time during my term of office and will be verified each semester. I agree to abide by the RSCCD
Student Code of Conduct and maintain a minimum of 6 units & a 2.2 cumulative GPA throughout my term of office. Failure to meet
and maintain these requirements will result in me being deemed ineligible for office. I understand that my signature below
authorizes the review of my academic record in order to verify my eligibility to run for office. I also understand that I must pay the
student activities fee during my term of office. My signature verifies that I have read, understand and agree to the requirements to
run for the position of RSCCD Student Trustee.
Applicant’s Signature
For Office Use Only
Total # of Units Completed: _______
Cumulative GPA: _______
Date: ________________________________________
Student Activities Fee: _________
Completed by: _____________________________