June 1st, 2015 How exciting that summer is here and it`s Cyclone

Cyclone-a-thon 2015
June 1st, 2015
How exciting that summer is here and it’s Cyclone-a-thon time again! This event helps to cover the many
financial commitments that the team must pay in order to function at the level that it does. The registration that
families pay at the beginning of the season only covers a fraction of the team’s costs. The team must pay for a
lifeguard to be on duty at every practice, equipment, entry fees for swim meets, registering and training coaches
and officials, and basic supplies. The board chooses to keep swimmer registrations low so that more families
can participate on this great team.
There are 2 options for the fundraiser:
1. Cyclone Swimmers can seek out sponsors by contacting people they know and asking for their support
of the team. The swimmers’ contacts are asked to become a Cyclone-a-thon sponsor, and then on
Tuesday, June 30th, swimmers swim to honor those who have agreed to support this effort. It’s
suggested that you consider family, friends, neighbors, church friends, clients, co-workers, and former
2. With the second option, Cyclone Swimmers have the option of paying the $100 ($50 for Tadpoles)
without soliciting pledges or donations.
As agreed to in each swimmer’s registration forms, this fundraiser is not optional, and ALL monies must be
collected and turned in to the Team Treasurer (Alicia Baroni) by Wednesday, July 8th. If you need to
make other arrangements to submit funds, please call Alicia. If funds are not turned in by July 8th, you will be
responsible for paying your own splash fees at each meet you attend until funds are submitted.
 Each swimmer will receive a pledge form and envelope to be filled out as he or she gains
donations/pledges. Donations can be taken at the initial sponsor contact, but pledges per lap will need to
be collected after the Cyclone-a-thon.
 The Cyclone-a-thon will take place during regular practice hours at the Salida Hot Springs Pool on
Tuesday, June 30th.
 Specific start times will be assigned to each level of swimmer. The swimmers will have one hour to
swim as many laps as possible. Each swimmer must bring someone to count his or her laps.
 If a swimmer’s sponsor has agreed to pledge an amount per lap, swimmers will be responsible for
following up with his/her sponsor in a timely manner. Again, ALL monies must be collected and turned
in to the Team Treasurer by Wednesday, July 8th.
If you have any questions about Cyclone-a-thon 2015, please contact Alicia Baroni at 539-5201 or 221-1687.
Thank you and go Cyclones!!
Salida Cyclones Swim Team Coaches and Board
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
This is a required fundraiser for all swimmers.
Tadpoles must raise a minimum of $50, and older swimmers must raise $100.
A prize will be awarded to the most successful fund raiser.
Swimmer’s Name: _____________________________________
Total Laps Completed: __________
Sponsor’s Name
Phone #
Pledge per
Example: Jane Doe
1234 Anyway Lane, Salida
$ 0.25
Example: John Doe
4321 Anyway Lane, Buena Vista
Lump Sum
Total Due:
(for 85 laps)