Setting the context

Setting the context:
planning M&E in crisis and unstable contexts
Participants can identify key characteristics of crisis and unstable contexts that influence
M&E planning and design .
35 minutes
Introduce the session.
Alternative A: Plenary brainstorming and discussion with VIPP cards
Characteristics of crisis and unstable contexts
Objective: Participants can identify key characteristics of crisis and unstable contexts
that influence M&E planning and design.
Ask participants to name the unstable/ crisis situations in which they have worked. Draw out
examples of complex emergencies and natural disaster. Ask participants to keep these
examples in mind throughout this and subsequent sessions.
(If participants have no experience with complex emergencies or natural disaster, highlight
some regionally relevant examples and hand out Situation Reports (Sitreps) from different
phases of the crisis for participants to quickly read.)
Invite participants, from experience or deduction, to identify some of the characteristics of such
contexts that would influence and/or create challenges while planning and managing M&E
activities as a whole. Have participants write their ideas on VIPP cards, asking each for at
least five cards.
Read all of the cards and pin them up on the board. Invite participants to identify any
groupings that could be made of the cards as you go. Ask participants if they wish to add any
Discuss how each of the groupings will affect M&E planning.
Alternative B: Key informant interview
Characteristics of crisis and unstable contexts
Objective: Participants can identify key characteristics of crisis and unstable contexts
that influence M&E planning and design
Use this alternative only when a couple of participants have some experience in
crisis/unstable contexts, as they are needed to volunteer as “key informants”.
UNICEF M&E Training Resource Module 2.1.1
Setting the context 1/2
Explain to participants that they will meet with a panel of experts with experience in M&E
planning in crisis and unstable contexts. Task them with finding out from these experts the
answer to the following: “What features of the emergency context presented the greatest
challenges for or influenced the job of M&E planning?” Have the participants ask the Key
Informants questions and write key ideas on VIPP cards.
After the interviewing is over, collect VIPP cards and proceed as indicated in the last few
sentences in 2a above.
Timelines in crisis and unstable contexts
Objective: Participants can identify two of the greatest risks for M&E planning in crisis
and unstable contexts: expecting the status quo and short-term perspective.
Start by drawing participants’ attention to any of the issues identified in the activity above that
can serve as a lead-in. If not already discussed in the activity above, highlight that a few
important considerations are missing.
Project the overhead “Timelines in crisis and unstable contexts”. Introduce the four phases of
a crisis, stressing that their duration and order can change in different contexts.
Ask participants to provide examples based on their knowledge or experience with the phasing
and timeline of emergencies. Draw out variations in:
Duration: length of the phases in different crisis situations;
Order: possibilities of recurring crisis;
Local variation: co-existence of different stages within the same local boundaries.
(Have examples ready for each of the above.)
Invite participants to consider the implications of M&E planning in different contexts.
Draw out the issue of short-term perspective and the need for longer-term perspective.
Highlight the important role M&E plays in fighting the narrow short-term perspective.
Refer participants to the handouts “Timelines in crisis and unstable contexts” and “The need
for a wider perspective”.
Flipchart and markers
VIPP board, VIPP cards, markers
Overhead projector
 Timelines in crisis and unstable contexts
 The need for a wider perspective
 Timelines in crisis and unstable contexts
UNICEF M&E Training Resource Module 2.1.1
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