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Articles on bibliography but not in PDF’s
Wahlgren, K., & Lester, D. (2003). The big four: personality in
dogs. Psychological Reports, 92, 828.
Walsh, R. N., & Cummins, R. A. (1976). The open-field test: A
critical review. Psychological Bulletin, 83, 482-504.
Waters, R. H., Rethlungshafer, D. A., & Caldwell, W. E. (1960).
Principles of comparative psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Weiss, A., King, J. E., & Enns, R. M. (2000). Subjective wellbeing is heritable and genetically correlated with dominance in
chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 83, 1141-1149.
Weiss, E., & Greenberg, G. (1997). Service dog selection tests:
effectiveness for dogs from animal shelters. Applied Animal
Behavour Science, 53, 297-308.
Welker, C., Schafer-Witt, C., & Voigt, K. (1992). Social position
and personality in macaca fascicularis. Folia Primatologica, 58,
Werner, F. (1939). The mode of life of giant snakes in a terrarium.
Ueber die Lebensweise von Riesenschlangen im Terrarium.
Zoologische Gaerten, 11, 165-182.
Wetzel, A. B., Conner, R. L., & Levine, S. (1967). Shock-Induced
Fighting in Septal-Lesioned Rats. Psychonomic Science, 9, 133134.
Whitney, G. D. (1967). The Genetics and Interrelationships of
Alcohol Preference and Various Indicants of Emotionality in Mus
Musculus. Dissertation Abstracts International, 28, (n1-B):371.
Wielebnowski, N. C. (1999). Behavioral differences as predictors
of breeding status in captive cheetahs. Zoo Biology, 18, 335-349.
Wilcock, J., & Broadhurst, P. L. (1967). Strain differences in
emotionality: open-field and conditioned avoidance behavior in the
rat. Journal Of Comparative & Physiological Psychology, 63, 335338.
Wilsson, E., & Sundgren, P. (1997). The use of a behavior test for
the selection of dogs for service and breeding, I: Method of testing
and evaluating test results in the adult dog, demands on different
kinds of service dogs, sex and breed differences. Applied Animal
Behaviour Science, 53, 279-295.
Wilsson, E., & Sundgren, P. (1998). Behaviour test for eight-week
old puppies-heritabilities of tested behaviour traits and its
correspondence to later behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour
Science, 58, 151-162.
Wilsson, E., & Sundgren, P. (1998). Effects of weight, litter size
and parity of mother on the behaviour of the puppy and the adult
dog. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 56, 245-254.
Winslow, C. N. (1941). The comparative approach to typology.
Journal Of General Psychology, 24, 39-48.
Wolf, G. (1985). Zur psychobiologie der emotionen. (Concerning
the psychobiology of emotions.). Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie, 193,
Articles in PDF’s but not on bibliography
Wakayama et al, 1998 article. Dolly is a clone – and no longer
Wakayama, Perry, Zuccotti, Johnson, & Yanagimachi, 1998. Fullterm development of mice from enucleated oocytes injected with
cumulus cell nuclei.
Waters, no date (because in a chapter book). The historical
background of comparitive psychology.
Wemelsfelder, 1997. The scientific validity of subjective concepts
in models of animal welfare.
Wilmut, Schnieke, McWhir, Kind, & Campbell, 1997. Viable
offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells.
Wilmut et al, 1998 article. DNA microsatellite analysis of Dolly.
Wilson & Barrett, 1996 abstract. The shy and the bold.
Wilson et al, 1996 outline of: “shy-bold continuum in
pumpkinseed sunfish: and ecological study of a psychological
Woolpy & Ginsburg, 1967. Wolf socialization: a study of
temperment in a wild social species.
Wrangham, 1996 abstract. Cemonic males: Apes and the origins of
human violence.
Wrangham, 1997. Subtle, secret femal chimpanzees.