Housing and Interior Design Syllabus - Winston

Interior Design II Syllabus
Teacher: Ms. Robin Myers
R. J. Reynolds High School
301N. Hawthorne Road, Winston Salem, NC 27104
Phone: 336.703.4145
School Year: 2014-2015
1 Credit
Available to: Grades 10-12
Standard: Career and Technical Education
Course Description:
This course prepares students for entry-level and technical work opportunities in the
residential and non-residential interior design fields. Students deepen their
understanding of design fundamentals and theory by designing interior plans to meet
living space needs of specific individuals or families. Topics include application of
design theory to interior plans and production, selection of materials, and examination of
business procedures. Art, and mathematics are reinforced. Work-based learning
strategies appropriate for this course include cooperative education, entrepreneurship,
internship, mentorship, school-based enterprise, service learning and job shadowing.
Apprenticeship is not available for this course. Family, Career and Community Leaders
of America (FCCLA) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities
provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills
through authentic experiences.
Analyze career development techniques appropriate for entry-level and technical
employment in the residential and non-residential design field.
o Students will describe employment opportunities, educational requirements, and job
o Students will demonstrate job seeking skills.
Relate workplace readiness standards and behaviors.
Interpret career development techniques appropriate for professional and entrepreneurial
positions in the residential and non-residential design field.
o Students will explain employment opportunities, educational requirements, and job
o Students will relate workplace readiness standards and behaviors to a professional
Evaluate business skills needed by an entrepreneur or a professional in the residential and
non-residential design field.
o Students will define the factors influencing entrepreneurship.
o Students will be able to determine managerial skills needed to operate a business.
o Students will demonstrate ways to compute a client’s cost of goods and services.
o Students will explain simple presentation projects techniques appropriate for interior
Apply the elements and principles of design in residential and non-residential design field.
o Students will illustrate the elements and principles of design and document how the
elements and principles of design are used in interior design.
Critique residential and non-residential space in respect to space planning guidelines.
o Students will explain the use of residential and non-residential space and organize
furniture layout using floor plans.
Produce simple residential and non-residential architectural drawings.
o Students will interpret architectural styles as well as terms and symbols.
Course Outline:
Employment opportunities and entrepreneurial skills.
Business skills needed in the Interior Design Field.
Elements and Principles of design demonstrated throughout curriculum.
Residential spaces and Non-residential spaces.
Space planning.
Furniture design.
Architectural Styles and applications.
Building codes and requirements.
Landscape design.
Components of house plans.
Produce a CAD floor plan.
Course Requirements:
Be on time.
Come to class prepared. Have all required materials and assignments.
Hand in projects, papers, and daily assignments in on time. Late assignments will receive a
5% reduction for each day that they are late.
Use classroom time appropriately and productively.
Respect classroom, equipment, classmates, and instructor.
Grading Procedures:
Participation Grade 10% :
based on the following items:
o In class
o Being on time for class
o Having proper materials: daily (notebook, pencil or pen, folder) project supplies
(poster board, graph paper, colored pencils, and markers).
o Respectful behavior: no swearing, no food or pop, good listening skills
o Appropriate use of time: staying on task at all times and during project time, using
your own work and research
Tests and Individual Projects 30%
Group Projects 15%
Daily Assignments/Homework Assignments 20%
Final Exam 25%
Reading assignments and Essay assignments 5%
(In the event of cheating you will receive a zero for the assignment)
Text and Other Resource Material:
Housing Decisions: Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1997
Related AV materials, periodicals, and reference materials.
Decorating Samples, teacher developed activities and guest speakers.
Contact Information:
Mrs. Robin Myers
School telephone number: 336.703.4145
School e-mail address: rcmyers@wsfcs.k12.nc.us
Room #106