
I Regional Development National Exhibition
The Ministry of National Integration will promote in Salvador – Bahia from March
24th through March 27th2009, the I Regional Development National Exhibition,
which intends to be one of the largest gatherings of actions regarding regional
development in Brazil. The event will be coordinated by the Secretariat of
Regional Programs (SPR), with special support from the Secretariat of Regional
Development Policies (SDR) as well as other entities of the Brazilian federal
government, state governments, municipalities, national and regional civil
society organizations, international organizations, foundations, universities and
forums throughout the country.
The Ministry aims with this exhibit to: produce, promote and stimulate debate
about the Brazilian National Policy for Regional Development - PNDR,
propagating information on the actions being implemented and the products of
marketing programs supported by the Ministry of National Integration, and
associated partners.
The Brazilian National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR), which was
formalized in February 2007, has as main objectives the reduction of regional
inequalities and the encouragement of usage of the endogen potential to boost
the development of regions.
In order to achieve these objectives, the Ministry seeks to promote the link
between several federal institutional actions, state and local stakeholders, in
order to identify and promote initiatives that can provide dynamism to regional
economies, in multiple scales of action achieved by the policy.
The event will consist of lectures, thematic panels, presentations, discussions
on practical experience and courses. Particular focus lay on the exhibition and
marketing of sustainable products, innovative projects, cultural activities and
cognitive environments. Therefore, we intend to bring together a diverse
audience composed of public administrators, beneficiaries of regional
development programs, small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs,
researchers, students, press and others. Issues such as governance,
management of regional, cultural diversity, productive inclusion and
environment management compose the background of the event.
For the exhibition the Ministry of National Integration is receiving support from
other entities such as: Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade
(MDIC), Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS),
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), Ministry of Tourism
(MTUR), United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture(FAO), European
Union, Bank of Brazil (BB), Bank of Amazonia (BASA), Northeastern
Bank(BNB), the Brazilian Agency for Post and Telegraphs (EBCT), Odebrecht
Foundation, the State Government of Bahia, Ceará State Government and the
Municipality of Salvador.