Concept Check 14.2

Chapter Fourteen Concept Checks
Concept Check 14.1
Check your understanding of civil commitment by filling in the blanks.
Several conditions must be met before the state is permitted to commit a person
involuntarily: The person has a(n) (1) ____________ and is in need of treatment; the
person is considered (2) ____________ to herself or himself or others, and the person is
unable to care for himself or herself, otherwise known as (3) ____________.
Mental illness is a(n) (4) _______ concept, typically meaning severe emotional or
thought disturbances that negatively affect an individual’s health and safety although this
definition differs from state to state. When the laws about civil commitment emerged, (5)
____________ (movement of disabled individuals out of mental institutions) and (6)
____________ (movement of disabled individuals to a lesser facility) also occurred.
Concept Check 14.2
Check your understanding of criminal commitment by identifying the following
concepts: (a) competence to stand trial, (b) diminished capacity, (c) American Law
Institute rule, (d) the Durham rule, (e) the M’Naughton rule, (f) malingering, (g) expert
witness, and (h) duty to warn.
1. The person could not distinguish between right and wrong at the time of the crime.
2. The person is not criminally responsible if the crime was due to “mental disease or
mental defect.” ____________
3. The person is not responsible for the crime if he or she is not able to appreciate the
wrongfulness of behavior due to mental disease or defect. ____________
4. A mental disorder could lessen a person’s ability to understand criminal behavior and
to form criminal intent. ____________
5. The defendant does not go to trial because he or she is unable to understand the
proceedings and assist in the defense. ____________
6. One of my clients threatened his mother’s life during his session today. Now I must
decide whether I have a(n) ____________.
7. Dr. X testified in court that the defendant was faking and exaggerating symptoms to
evade responsibility. Dr. X is acting as a(n) ____________ and the defendant is
Concept Check 14.3
Identify the following situation using one of these terms: (a) informed consent, (b) refuse
treatment, (c) clinical utility, (d) clinical efficacy, and (e) reduce costs.
The clinical researcher knows the potential for harm of the participants is very slight,
but is nevertheless careful to tell them about it and asks them whether they agree to
give their ____________.
Recently, clinical practice guidelines were established on two axes. The
____________ axis is a consideration of the scientific evidence to determine whether
the intervention in question is effective.
The Supreme Court ruling in Riggins v Nevada (1992) helped support a patient’s right
to ____________.
The ____________ axis is concerned with an intervention’s effectiveness in the
clinical setting where it will be applied, not in the research setting.
Clinical practice guidelines are designed to safeguard clients and ______________.
Answers to Concept Checks
1. mental disorder
2. dangerous 3. grave disability
5. deinstitutionalization
6. transinstitutionalization
2. d
3. c
4. b
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. a
5. e
6. h
7. g, f
4. legal