France Assignment 2

France Assignment 2
Exploring Our World: Other People, Other Lands
(Today’s Readings: Page 296)
Name: ( ) Type your name within the blue brackets.
The regions into which France is divided are varied not only from a
physical standpoint, but also from the standpoint of the types of people
who settled in them. In this assignment, you will look a little more closely
at some of the different groups of people who have settled in various areas
of France.
You have already learned that the ancient settlers to this area came from
the same people who settled ancient Britain. Many people of this region
still call themselves Bretons. The Bretons are similar to the Welsh people
in many ways, and share many of the Welsh customs and legends. These
include stories of King Arthur and Merlin, for example - stories we
associate with the people of ancient Britain. Many of the older people still
only speak Breton. It is a language that closely resembles Welsh. Of
course, many of the younger people today speak nothing but French. You
can view traditional Breton costumes on pages 329 of the textbook.
It was a Viking chief from Scandinavia who brought the Norsemen
(Normans) to France. The Normans were famous builders, and you will find
many beautiful cathedrals and castles here. One very famous abbey in
Normandy is built on a steep, granite island in the sea. Visitors have to
climb a very steep cobbled road to get to the abbey church at the top. At
high tide the tiny island is completely cut off from the mainland. The
Norman people are larger and stronger than most other French people.
They are very proud of their part of France and take great pride in helping
one another out.
In the southeast corner of France is a region known as Provence. This is
the region first occupied by the Romans. They built strong temples,
houses, theatres, arches, aqueducts (to carry water), and bridges, many of
which are still standing today. It is still known as “Roman France”.
A distinctive group of people called Basques inhabit the western Pyrenees
and nearby coasts of France and Spain. No one is certain where they
originated. They are people that cling firmly to their ancient ways. Their
language is very different from any other language and also very difficult to
learn. They are a people who love to dance and sing. Many of their dances
require the men to take fantastic leaps in the air, with much twirling added
to make the steps more difficult. Their traditional costumes are very
From today’s readings, type a word or phrase within the blue brackets that
will make the following sentences true. (15 marks)
The people in ( ) (France), and the people in ( ) (Great Britain),
share many of the same customs and legends. Their ( ) are also very
much alike.
The area around the mouth of the Seine River is called ( ). The
Normans built many beautiful ( ) and ( ).
The area first occupied by Romans is called ( ).
They built many theatres, temples, arches, bridges, and ( ) (to
carry water).
A group of people called ( ) inhabit the western Pyrenees and the
nearby coast of France and Spain. They love to ( ) and ( ).
( ) came to live on the Mediterranean coast of France. They
planted France’s first ( ) and first ( ). They also built France’s first (